
What is the truth that you understood too late in your life?

author:Psychology I
What is the truth that you understood too late in your life?

1. If you are on average terms, get married early.

Many people tell you that you must get married later, but no one tells you that if you have average conditions, there is no chance of making a lot of money in this life, and like ordinary office workers, then you should get married early, otherwise the older you get, the money will not be earned, the family will not be successful, and then your choice will be less and less.

2. All your anxieties and worries are due to ability not worthy of ambition.

What is the truth that you understood too late in your life?

3. There are no two identical leaves in this world, you are doomed to find a person who can fully know you and understand you in this life, and it is not others who can really help you solve problems when you encounter problems, but yourself, and others can only assist you in solving problems.

4. Some people use childhood to heal a lifetime, and some people use their whole life to heal childhood.

5. The opportunity to really change your destiny is often just a few times, missed is a lifetime, seize it can soar, and such opportunities often appear in your most difficult moments.

6. All losses, will be gained in another way.

It's like someone you like has left you, but it also means you're out of a wrong relationship. Sometimes gain and loss coexist, and loss is actually another kind of gain, and gaining will also mean another kind of loss.

7. Without execution, good ideas equal zero.

Unilateral input alone does not help us produce results, and what can really produce results is action. Just like if you make more money today, then you are one step closer to buying a car and buying a house.

8. Find the focus of life and simplify the complex

In life, the final result of grasping is often nothing, so find your focus, that is, what you want most. For example, if your goal in work is to improve yourself, then you should not give up every opportunity to learn. If you want to make money, then you concentrate on money, and don't consume too much energy for other things. -

9. Accept your imperfections.

Many things are not only hard work, there will be results, which are mixed with many complex factors, almost not at all, so look a little, do not have to force yourself to do everything, because not all things can be achieved, not all things can be done by themselves.

What is the truth that you understood too late in your life?

10. The all-out effort of youth will often lead to fewer sins in the future, and the sooner you think about this, the fewer detours you will be able to take. For example, in your 20s, learn more things, read more books, save more money, and make reserves for your future life in advance, otherwise there will be a crisis everywhere at the age of thirty.

11. Configure insurance for yourself earlier. In the past two years, I have really had too many examples of this around me, and it is not just your wallet that is hollowed out by a disease, but the wallet of the whole family. Other than that, exercise well, no health, everything else is zero.

Never stop getting better for anyone. No matter how bad a relationship you have encountered, or a bad relationship, don't stop getting better, they are just a passer-by in your life, and you are the protagonist.

12. What can make a person feel pain is often not a sentence, but an experience. What can help you solve the problem is not that you listen to a certain truth, but that you have experienced and solved it yourself, in order to truly become your own thing, otherwise it is useless for others to say more.

13. You are less important in the eyes of others. People who really care about you, aren't afraid of you making mistakes, people who don't care about you, you make mistakes, they don't care either. Don't be afraid to be ugly, no one really cares about this, and if you're an attractive person, they'll also praise you.

14. True maturity is to be strong with oneself, soft to outsiders, and more reconciliation with the world. No matter when, you can rely on yourself, don't rely on others, don't have too high expectations for others, plain is very good, sometimes too many choices, but also easy to lose.

15. In fact, most things in life are problems of ability, without ability to make money, without money many things can not be done, so the first problem to be solved, is how to improve their ability, so that they can be really strong.

What is the truth that you understood too late in your life?

16. Not to read more books you can change your life against the sky, many people have misunderstandings about reading, thinking that as long as I read more books, I will definitely be able to make money and become rich, but in fact, reading is only to be able to make us more wise, in dealing with problems can think of one more layer, you can take it as a habit, not as a way to get rich overnight.

17. After trying, subtract life. When you don't know what to ask for, try more and give yourself a trial-and-error time, the sooner the better. When you try it, if you don't know what to do, do subtraction, such as what things are not important to your life, and reduce your energy investment. What can be done, invest more energy.

What is the truth that you understood too late in your life?

18. Final point:

In this life, we always have the best choice, but only by being content and happy can we be truly happy. Just like when we were young, we chased wealth and made 100,000, we wanted to make 1 million, and we wanted more with 1 million. In fact, in the end, you will find that the desire thing is a bottomless pit, there is no bottom, and happiness has, that is, those bits and pieces of the moment that we can grasp.

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