
200 overseas Chinese youth paintings "Meet for the Winter Olympics"

Source: China News Network

Fuzhou, February 8 (Xinhua) -- For Chen Shiling, a Chinese teenager living in Indonesia who "has no winter", the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics is a "fascinating event".

"Skating, ice hockey, curling, I'm playing with kids from all over the world!" Chen Shiling uses childlike brushstrokes and bright colors to outline the imaginary ice and snow sports scenes in her paintings.

"It would be better if the Beijing Winter Olympics had a snowman and snowball fights." I hope that one day, the dream in the painting can be realized, and I can go to China with children from all over the world and move towards the future together! Chen Shiling said.

200 overseas Chinese youth paintings "Meet for the Winter Olympics"

Chen Quanhuan's works are full of Chinese elements such as Sun Wukong, the Great Wall, the Temple of Heaven, and the Dragon and Phoenix. Photo courtesy of overseas Chinese affairs office of Fujian Province

Guided by the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the People's Government of Fujian Province and the Overseas Friendship Association of Fujian Province, the "Passionate Ice and Snow, Meet the Winter Olympics" - the theme painting competition of overseas Chinese teenagers in Beijing winter olympics has recently ended. On the 8th, 200 winning works began to be displayed randomly in batches during the Beijing Winter Olympic Games.

The painting competition was launched on December 10 last year, collecting paintings from Chinese teenagers around the world, regardless of form and subject matter, and encouraging young people to give full play to their imagination and create. Huang Jinfa, director of the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the Fujian Provincial People's Government and executive vice president of the Fujian Overseas Friendship Association, said that this activity has built a platform for exchanges and friendships at home and abroad, hoping to plant a "ice and snow seed" in the hearts of overseas Chinese teenagers who love sports and pay attention to the Winter Olympics.

The reporter learned that since the launch of the competition, Chinese teenagers from 35 countries and regions have enthusiastically submitted articles and received hundreds of excellent works; through expert voting and online voting, the first, second, and third prizes, Internet popularity awards, excellence awards, and finalists of the 6-11-year-old group and the 12-18-year-old group were selected, with a total of 200 paintings.

The works of Chen Quanhuan, a Chinese teenager from Indonesia, are full of Chinese elements such as Sun Wukong, the Great Wall, the Temple of Heaven, and the Dragon and Phoenix, "Let us carry forward the Olympic spirit of 'higher, faster, stronger and more united', and work together to fight for the future together!" ”

As the new "top stream" of the Beijing Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games mascots "Ice Pier" and "Snow Rongrong", it also frequently appears in the paintings of overseas Chinese teenagers. In the works of Huang Xinshan, a Chinese-Hispanic teenager, the "ice pier" and "snow rongrong" are skating and skiing, and there are Chinese and Spanish flags and several peace pigeons. Huang Xinshan said that he looked forward to seeing the excellent performance of athletes from China and Spain.

200 overseas Chinese youth paintings "Meet for the Winter Olympics"

Through his works, Huang Xinshan cheered on athletes from China and Spain. Photo courtesy of overseas Chinese affairs office of Fujian Province

The works of Yan Sofia, a young Chinese teenager in Argentina, also have "ice piers" and "snow melting" that are skiing. Sofia believes that the "ice pier" and "snow melting" can pass on the spirit of the Winter Olympics, promote friendly cooperation between China and foreign countries, and let the world know more about China.

Judging experts said that these Chinese teenagers used creative paintings to depict the colorful, rich and imaginative Winter Olympic scene in their eyes, expressing their expectations for the Beijing Winter Olympics, and condensing their spirit of pursuing their dreams and striving forward. (End)

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