
Ice and snow road safety travel tips for you!

Ice and snow pavement, safe travel tips!

Don't be nervous about skidding, and don't slam on the brakes

Ice and snow road safety travel tips for you!

When driving on snowy roads, you should slowly lift the clutch and start as slowly as possible to keep the wheels adhesive. The throttle should be slowly stepped deep and gently accelerated. Pay attention to avoid sudden refueling, oil collection, slamming direction, slamming on the brakes and other fierce driving behaviors, and the control of speed is the key to driving on the ice. When driving on snow and ice roads, the braking distance will be significantly longer than the braking distance on dry roads. It is necessary to slam on the brakes in advance, because emergency braking is likely to cause greater danger from tail flicking.

Control the distance and keep the vehicle in a straight line

Ice and snow road safety travel tips for you!

When driving a vehicle on an icy road, it is easy to stop the car or the vehicle is skidding. Therefore, when driving a vehicle, you should pay attention to gentle driving, the speed should not be too fast and maintain a sufficient distance from the car in front, and the distance from the front car should be twice as long as usual, so that you can detect the situation early and react in time. At the same time, try to keep driving in a straight line.

What to watch out for uphill and turning

Ice and snow road safety travel tips for you!

When driving on the road, it is inevitable to encounter ramps and curves, and if the road surface is frozen, it will be more likely to have accidents than other sections. When cornering, it is necessary to slow down in advance, keep the car at a low speed to turn, and prohibit overtaking or changing lanes in curves. When going uphill, you should try to keep the gear low and avoid shifting gears, and when going downhill, you should avoid sliding in neutral gear, you can use the method of point braking to reduce the speed, and you can use the lower gear to assist in reducing the speed.

Make good use of the headlights and maintain a good line of sight

Ice and snow road safety travel tips for you!

If the visibility is not good, or when the snow is falling, the front and rear fog lights should be turned on to facilitate the safety of surrounding vehicles. Due to the large temperature difference between the inside and outside of the car, the front windshield is easy to fog, and the fog removal switch is opened in time to maintain a good line of sight.

Be aware of pedestrians and non-motorized vehicles

Ice and snow road safety travel tips for you!

Pay close attention to pedestrians around you when crossing intersections and turning, especially cyclists and electric vehicles, who have worse balance and control on icy roads than four-wheeled cars. So try to let pedestrians, people riding electric cars and motorcycles go first.

Travel safety

Rain, snow and freezing bad weather, travel should be careful and cautious, strictly abide by traffic laws and regulations, and remember the common sense of safe travel. Driving a motor vehicle should slow down, control the speed, maintain a sufficient safe distance, avoid frequent lane changes, emergency braking or sudden steering, and prevent the danger of vehicle skidding. When driving an electric vehicle, pay attention to reducing the speed, pay attention to observation when passing through the intersection, and do not squeeze the brakes or turn sharply.

Source: Gansu Fire Protection

Jiuquan Fire All Media Center released

Ice and snow road safety travel tips for you!

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