
Nvidia announced that the termination of its acquisition of Arm SoftBank will push Arm public

Per reporter: Li Shaoting Per editor: Liang Xiao

On February 8, Beijing time, NVIDIA announced through its official website that it terminated the acquisition of Arm, the world's leading semiconductor intellectual property (IP) provider.

"Despite good faith efforts by both parties, the parties agreed to terminate the agreement due to significant regulatory challenges that hampered the completion of the transaction. Arm will now begin preparing for a public offering. Nvidia said.

Nvidia announced that the termination of its acquisition of Arm SoftBank will push Arm public

Image source: Screenshot of the website of NVIDIA's official website

Jen-Hsun Huang, founder and CEO of Nvidia, said arm is at the center of important dynamics in computing and while the acquisition cannot be achieved to become a company, Nvidia will work closely with Arm. Son's significant investment has enabled Arm to expand the range of Arm CPUs from client-side computing to supercomputing, cloud, artificial intelligence and robotics, and "I expect Arm to become the most important CPU architecture of the next decade."

Nvidia disclosed information that SoftBank Group will promote the listing of Arm. "Arm has become an innovation hub not only in the mobile phone revolution, but also in cloud computing, automotive, IoT and virtual worlds, and has entered a second phase of growth," said Masayoshi Son, Chairman and CEO of SoftBank Group. ”

In September 2020, Nvidia and SoftBank reached an agreement to acquire Arm, which, if completed, would be the largest M&A deal ever made by the semiconductor industry. Under the terms of the previous acquisition, even if the acquisition fails, SoftBank will retain Nvidia's previous advance of $1.25 billion, which will be included in profits in the fourth quarter of the fiscal year, and Nvidia will retain its 20-year Arm license.

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