
Shandong's innovative operational map

author:Light News

Nowadays, party members and cadres in Shandong are talking about innovation.

Why is Shandong talking about innovation at this point in time? How should Shandong innovate? Who will pick up the beams of Innovation in Shandong? From the 2022 work mobilization conference in Shandong Province held on February 7, we read out these...

Shandong's innovative operational map

01 "First answer" in "optimal solution"

"Imbalance is essentially the quality of development is not high. In the economic system, some areas of our economy are close to modernization, some are still semi-modern, and some are inefficient and obsolete. ”

On November 24, 2021, the sixth page of the People's Daily published an article titled "High-quality Development Must Be Achieved." As the author of this article, Liu He, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and vice premier of the State Council, clearly pointed out in the article that at this stage, the production function of the mainland is changing, the factor conditions, combination methods and allocation efficiency of economic development have changed, the hard constraints faced have increased significantly, the constraints on resources and the environment are getting closer and closer to the upper limit, and carbon peaking and carbon neutrality have become an important framework for the medium- and long-term development of the mainland.

In this context, high-quality development and technological innovation are "the process of seeking optimal solutions under multiple constraints".

The provincial economy is an important component of the national economy, and the weight of large economic provinces is even heavier. In the process of China's economy striving for the "optimal solution", Shandong, which was given the heavy responsibility of "three walking in the front" by General Secretary Xi Jinping, and Shandong, which took the lead in the conversion of new and old kinetic energy after the "Nineteenth National Congress", should be the "first to answer".

It is a mission, arduous and glorious.

2022 is the year of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and the year of the decisive battle of "five years to make a breakthrough" in the conversion of new and old kinetic energy in Shandong Province. On the first working day after the Spring Festival of this year, Shandong clearly showed its methodology at the "Provincial 2022 Work Mobilization Conference", the highest standard mobilization and deployment conference of the province's various work in the new year- putting innovation at the core of the overall development situation and continuously enhancing the innovation of economic and social development.

Today, unlike in the past, the word "innovation" has a richer connotation for Shandong at this moment.

A phase has a phase of tasks. After more than 40 years of reform and opening up, China's total economic output has leapt to the second place in the world. Solve the problem of quantity and build a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way After embarking on a new journey of comprehensively building a modern socialist country, we must face the challenge of the middle-income trap, and in the stage of economic evolution to a more advanced form, a more optimized division of labor, and a more reasonable structure, we must realize the leap from factor input to technological innovation, and achieve sustained "quantitative increase" with successful "qualitative change".

How to achieve it is the category of "practical theory". However, the conditions of the world and the country are different, no one has come to give China a standard demonstration; the national conditions and provincial conditions are different, and no one will make a standard demonstration for Shandong, and everything depends on the party members and cadres in Shandong to open up their own "innovation road" with their eyes wide open, use their brains to think, have the courage to break through, and go forward to try to open up a "road of innovation" of their own.

Shandong has this confidence. In recent years, after the changes in its own development factors, Shandong has used the determination of a hero to bid farewell to the development model that once brought glory to itself, and on this basis, it has been greatly upgraded, and a quite prominent comparative advantage has been formed. In this regard, the party members and cadres in Shandong must have a good understanding, consolidate, and expand well, and know where they have grown, why they have grown, and how they have been longer, so that they can turn their comparative advantages into a winning trend in development.

Shandong has this sharpness. While summarizing its advantages, Shandong clearly sees and clearly points out its many shortcomings and weaknesses. If you want to turn the short board into a long board, you must learn, compare, and chase, through innovation, make up for the short board, make the weak points stronger, and promote the realization of higher quality development.

Shandong has this hard gas. Shandong is the only province in the country with a permanent population and household registration population of "double over 100 million", with more than 13 million market entities. Many people are powerful, and this is the truth at all times. If everyone innovates and enterprises innovate, what a strong endogenous power will be generated. As long as the innovation vitality of society and the market is released as much as possible and as quickly as possible, it will certainly form a magnificent force for innovation and development.

The land of Qilu is a fertile land for thousands of horses to gallop. With an entry point and a breakthrough, the rest depends on who will do it first, who will come up with more practical innovative measures, who can compete to be an innovation pilot, and who will form their first-mover advantage as soon as possible.


Explorer, organizer, leader

Once the route is determined, people are the key factor.

At this mobilization and deployment conference related to the future of Shandong, entrepreneurs have become the absolute protagonists, which must have surprised many people. The meeting read out the "Decision of the CPC Shandong Provincial Party Committee and the Shandong Provincial People's Government on Commending Outstanding Entrepreneurs in Shandong Province", and awarded Zhang Ruimin, Tan Xuguang, and Chen Xueli the title of "Outstanding Entrepreneurs of Shandong Province" and the title of "Outstanding Entrepreneurs of Shandong Province", with the title of "Outstanding Entrepreneurs of Shandong Province"; 20 comrades such as Zhou Houjian were awarded the title of "Leading Entrepreneurs in Shandong Province" and recorded first-class merit; and 49 comrades, including Li Guangqing, were awarded the title of "Excellent Entrepreneurs of Shandong Province".

Shandong's innovative operational map

A super large province, with the highest standards and the highest courtesy, expressed the highest respect to the entrepreneur group. This is not only a high recognition and encouragement of entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial spirit, but also a clear indication to the majority of party members and cadres - to innovate, we must learn from entrepreneurs; to innovate, entrepreneurs are explorers, organizers, and leaders.

Saying that there are big storms in the big changes, entrepreneurs feel more deeply. Saying that there are big opportunities in the big changes, entrepreneurs are definitely more sensitive. From the birth to the development of an enterprise to the glory, it must have gone through a new road of innovation, must have found the development entry point and breakthrough, consolidated and expanded the advantages, made up for and overcome the shortcomings of the weak point, and effectively stimulated the vitality of the momentum. A city, a province or even a country is the same, if you want to achieve high-quality development, to reach a height that no one has reached before, you must break into a "no man's land" with no experience to follow, and innovation can be said to be the only solution.

"There are no successful enterprises, only the enterprises of the times." This is a famous quote that Zhang Ruimin often hangs on his lips. From 1984, when Linwei was appointed as the director of Qingdao Refrigerator General Factory, to now develop into Haier's "tropical rainforest" ecology, Zhang Ruimin, who insists on innovation, has pushed Haier from one highland to another.

"How many people have studied in depth what risks the Fourth Industrial Revolution poses to us? Who thinks every day? Who is studying every day? In early January, Tan Xuguang's speech at the debriefing meeting of Weichai Group's leading cadres exploded on the Internet. Weichai can become a "noodle" made in China, and if it is impossible to achieve without the innovation of "breaking the mindset, breaking the path dependence, breaking the rules and regulations, doing what others dare not do, and taking the road that others have not walked".

In 1988, when Weigao was still a township workshop, Chen Xueli wrote down eight big characters "pioneering and innovating, realistic and consolidating", as a factory construction policy. For more than 30 years, Chen Xueli has promoted Weigao to march into high-end industries, built innovative enterprises, developed industry-leading products, implemented domestic technological breakthroughs, expanded the industrial chain, and led Weigao from a town-run enterprise with a turnover of 25,000 yuan to a leading enterprise in China's medical device industry.

Shandong's innovative operational map

The above three people are representatives only.

What does it stand for? It is the pattern, path, method and measure formed in the process of slowly climbing from the bottom of the smile curve to the top of the enterprise driven by innovation, and it is an innovation theory that is done in the practice of innovation.

Those who can win a victorious battle will certainly have the confidence and wisdom to win another battle. If we can innovate and move forward in the previous economic development model, we will certainly be able to continue to open up in a new historical stage, and the spirit of innovation will shine in the cycle of "practice - theory - practice - re-theory" and illuminate more people.

03 Infect people, influence people, inspire people

Big fish come out of the water, and whales are infested in the ocean.

If enterprises and entrepreneurs are the micro subjects of innovation, what Shandong wants to create is a macro environment that is more suitable for innovation and more stimulating innovation. After clarifying Shandong's "nine comparative advantages", at the mobilization conference, Shandong once again clarified the "ten major innovations" of scientific and technological research and development, talent introduction, business environment, digital transformation, industrial ecology, factor guarantee, improvement of people's livelihood, risk prevention and control, cultural publicity, and promotion and implementation. At present and for some time to come, Shandong's party members and cadres should focus on grasping the "ten major innovations" and consolidating the foundation of the "innovation avenue."

First, it is necessary to strengthen scientific and technological research and development and innovation.

Scientific and technological innovation is the core of comprehensive innovation. If scientific and technological innovation cannot be carried out, it will be impossible to realize the transformation of the development momentum and it will be difficult to win new advantages in competition. It is necessary to focus on the major needs of economic and social development, continue to carry out key links to tackle key problems, and break through innovation problems. R & D investment should be continuously improved, scientific and technological carriers should be concentrated and strong, the main body of enterprises should be cultivated, and the transformation of achievements should be smooth and effective.

Second, it is necessary to strengthen the introduction and innovation of talents.

In the past two years, the province's attraction to talents has become increasingly strong, and all kinds of talents are more optimistic about the development of Shandong. Focusing on the future, we must gather the world's talents and use them with greater efforts. It is necessary to make new moves in recruiting talents and attracting wisdom, highlight leading talents, "living water at the source," and open exchanges; make new moves in independent training, make good use of the two fronts of colleges and universities and vocational education; and make new moves to give full play to their talents, so as to give trust, opportunity, encouragement, and a stage for all kinds of talents.

Third, we must strengthen the innovation of the business environment.

The business environment is productivity, competitiveness and innovation. It is necessary to carry out innovative and improving actions for the business environment, and strive to create an efficient and convenient government environment, a fair and competitive market environment, a strong factor environment, a harmonious and stable humanistic environment, an open and transparent rule of law environment, and a high-quality and warm service environment, and continue to compete for the leading position in the first square of the country. It is necessary to make it more convenient for enterprises to do things, give more support to enterprises, and let the majority of enterprises compete fairly and develop with peace of mind.

Fourth, we must strengthen digital reform and innovation.

Accelerating digital transformation is the key to generating new momentum and increasing new advantages. It is necessary to accelerate the construction of digital government, digital society, and digital economy, accelerate the construction of digital institutions, accelerate the breakthrough of the industrial Internet, accelerate the promotion of digital governance, increase the layout of digital infrastructure, and drive the transformation of production methods, lifestyles and governance methods as a whole with digital transformation.

Fifth, we must strengthen industrial ecological innovation.

It is necessary to rely on the "goose formation" industrial cluster to strengthen coordination, enhance energy levels, and create an industrial ecology with complete systems, interconnection and symbiosis, active innovation, safety and stability. It is necessary to improve the integrity of the industrial chain and the stability of the supply chain, and accelerate the shaping of a number of strategic overall industrial chains. It is necessary to improve the synergy of industrial clusters, focus on the "leader" to lead, grasp the aggregation of parks, and grasp the interconnection of platforms.

Sixth, it is necessary to strengthen the guarantee of innovation of elements.

Land, energy, environment, capital and other elements of the regulation mechanism is different, the focus is different, we must strengthen policy synergy, with new ideas and new measures to break the "ceiling" of elements. It is necessary to exert efforts on market-oriented transactions and break down market segmentation and regional barriers. It is necessary to exert efforts on differentiated allocation, strengthen the connection between supply and demand, promote accurate supply, and smooth the financing channels of enterprises. It is necessary to exert efforts on endogenous potential mining, speed up the clearance, revitalization, and efficiency improvement, and reverse the situation of shortage of elements and idle resources as soon as possible.

Seventh, it is necessary to strengthen the improvement and innovation of people's livelihood.

It is necessary to keep an eye on key groups such as "one old and one small" and difficult groups, and do a good job in the construction of inclusive, basic, and bottom-up people's livelihood. It is necessary to do a good job in the people's livelihood with new ideas and new tricks, so that the masses can increase their income through new channels, have new experiences in seeking medical treatment, and have new improvements in their residences. It is necessary to take the construction of the "seven networks" as the traction, promote the equalization of public products and services, solidly promote the action of rural construction, accelerate urban renewal, and improve the quality of life.

Eighth, we must strengthen innovation in risk prevention and control.

It is necessary to change the concept of prevention and control, make overall plans for development and security, run safe development through the entire process of economic and social development in all fields of economic and social development, and earnestly enhance vigilance and initiative. It is necessary to pay close attention to the key points of prevention and control, and resolutely guard the "bottom line" of grain, energy, finance, industrial chain supply chain, safe production, ecological environment, food and drugs, social stability, ideology, and epidemic prevention and control. It is necessary to consolidate prevention and control guarantees, strengthen education and training, daily supervision, and emergency response.

Ninth, we must strengthen cultural propaganda and innovation.

It is necessary to make greater efforts to promote cultural "two innovations", create a new highland for civilization exchanges and mutual learning, explore a new path for the integration and development of culture and tourism, and polish the brand of "Hospitality Shandong Good Product Shandong". It is necessary to strengthen propaganda and guidance and innovation, and the vast number of cadres must be good commanders and combatants, as well as propagandists and guides, and gather the strength of all aspects to form a powerful positive energy to promote high-quality development.

Tenth, we must strengthen the implementation of innovation.

It is necessary to improve the "four advances" mechanism, integrate and optimize the existing types of task forces, and strengthen the normalized fixed work force stationed at the grass-roots level. It is necessary to improve the supervision mechanism, highlight the key points, strengthen coordination, supervise and help at the same time, and promote the implementation of various work. It is necessary to improve the assessment mechanism, comprehensively consider the differences between various regions and units, optimize the assessment system, and truly test the spirit, competitiveness, and execution.

These ten aspects are not only The shortcomings of Shandong, but also the high standards for work, and more importantly, the new requirements in the complete, accurate and comprehensive implementation of the new development concept. This requires the vast number of party members and cadres in Shandong to bravely shoulder heavy burdens, dare to take responsibility, target efforts, and innovate and open up. As mentioned in Xin Jiaxuan, who is also a Shandong native, it is necessary to have the initiative of "swallowing the air like a tiger" and the professional rational thinking of "the bow is like a thunderbolt".

The power of innovation can infect, influence and inspire people. Shandong in the opening of the annual conference of the spirit of entrepreneurship vigorously promoted, is to break through the barriers of communication and exchanges, so that innovation in various groups of transmission, when the innovative spirit of 10 people collide with the innovative spirit of 10 people, it is 100 waves of innovative spirit surge, to encourage more innovative subjects to stand out, this multiplier effect can drive the spirit of innovation to accelerate the gathering, drive the whole society to form a strong atmosphere of innovation and development, let each individual in the innovation breakthrough in the hammer, so that Shandong's high-quality development flourishes.

Source: Fengkou Finance

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