
Women's qi and blood are insufficient, these three abnormalities can not be hidden, how should they be regulated?

author:Dr. Zhang

It is well known that in today's society, there is an emphasis on equality between men and women everywhere. But from a physical point of view, women's bodies tend to be more fragile than men's bodies under the same circumstances. Therefore, as a woman, you need to pay extra attention to your own physical health. Only by having a healthy body can we better realize our own value in a society where men and women coexist.

For women who want to have a healthy body, their own qi and blood content is very important. When the content of qi and blood in a woman's body is not sufficient, it will seriously threaten the health of her body. Only women who have sufficient qi and blood in their bodies can better prevent the diseases caused by insufficient qi and blood, and bring about a series of troubles.

Women's qi and blood are insufficient, these three abnormalities can not be hidden, how should they be regulated?
Therefore, how to correctly judge whether a woman's own qi and blood are sufficient is a very important knowledge point. In addition, for some women with insufficient qi and blood, how to better increase the content of qi and blood is also a health knowledge that needs to be mastered. Next, three common changes in qi and blood deficiency, as well as four treatments for insufficient qi and blood, are popularized one by one.

First, the lack of qi and blood is pale

Experts in Traditional Chinese Medicine often diagnose patients who come to the doctor through the four ways of "looking, smelling, asking, and cutting". When faced with a patient who needs to judge whether there is insufficient qi and blood, TCM experts will observe the facial color of the patient. According to the degree of rosiness of the patient's face color, it is judged whether the patient is in a state of insufficient qi and blood.

Women's qi and blood are insufficient, these three abnormalities can not be hidden, how should they be regulated?

In other words, women with insufficient qi and blood will look pale. This happens because women with insufficient qi and blood have lower blood levels. When the blood level is too low, the blood vessels will tighten. At this time, people's faces will show a pale color due to the scarcity of blood.

In addition to the low blood content, insufficient qi and blood also cause people to appear pale. When the semen content inside the female body is not sufficient, it will lead to a situation of blood weakness. Simply put, the blood flow is not smooth. In this case, there are also clinical manifestations of pallor.

Women's qi and blood are insufficient, these three abnormalities can not be hidden, how should they be regulated?

Second, insufficient qi and blood to lose hair

In addition to pale face, a large amount of hair loss is also a common clinical manifestation of insufficient qi and blood in women. When people have a large amount of hair loss, it means that the health of people's hair root cells is very poor. Or rather, people's scalp cell activity is very low. The levels of hormones that can affect these two cells are affected by people's metabolism.

When the internal qi and blood value of the female body is insufficient, it will affect people's normal digestion and absorption functions. This is because the main function of the blood inside the human body is to deliver nutrients to various organs and transport waste waste. What supports the function of blood is the content of essence inside people's bodies.

Women's qi and blood are insufficient, these three abnormalities can not be hidden, how should they be regulated?

Simply put, the content of qi and blood in people's bodies is not sufficient, resulting in slow metabolism, which further affects the hormone levels inside people's bodies, and eventually leads to a large number of clinical manifestations of hair loss.

Third, insufficient qi and blood are easy to faint

In addition to pale face and a lot of hair loss, easy fainting is also a manifestation of insufficient qi and blood in women. It is well known that people faint, usually because the blood sugar and blood pressure values contained in the body and the blood lipid value are relatively low, and insufficient qi and blood is the main reason for these low values.

Women's qi and blood are insufficient, these three abnormalities can not be hidden, how should they be regulated?

When women have insufficient qi and blood, it is easy to have dizziness and nausea. People with a large shortage of qi and blood will have adverse manifestations that seriously endanger human health such as syncope. In order to avoid the situation of insufficient qi and blood, how to improve the problem of insufficient qi and blood has become the focus of more and more people.

Fourth, eat more red dates to replenish qi and blood

Many nutrition experts believe that red dates can alleviate the lack of qi and blood very well. Nutrition experts have conducted scientific experiments and studies on the composition of red dates, and found that dates contain special substances that promote people's qi and blood. Eating red dates can be a good way for women to get rid of the unhealthy situation of insufficient qi and blood.

Women's qi and blood are insufficient, these three abnormalities can not be hidden, how should they be regulated?

There are many ways to replenish qi and blood by eating red dates. Usually, dates can be dried and dehydrated before soaking in water to drink. In addition, people can also eat the pulp part of the red date directly, which is relatively simple and convenient. Choosing foods that add dates to cooking, such as date cakes, red date porridge, etc., is also a common way to eat red dates to replenish qi and blood.

Fifth, eat more spinach to replenish qi and blood

In addition to eating red dates, eating spinach can also improve the undesirable situation of insufficient qi and blood. Scientific research has confirmed that spinach is a food that contains a large amount of trace element iron. Iron, the element, is a common supplement used in medicine to treat anemia. Eating spinach to bring iron to people's bodies can be a good supplement to the lack of qi and blood.

Women's qi and blood are insufficient, these three abnormalities can not be hidden, how should they be regulated?

Spinach contains a lot of zinc in addition to iron. Zinc, an element, is also a special element that can bring people a blood tonic effect. After zinc enters people's bodies in large quantities, it will play a role in tonifying people's blood and qi.

6. Traditional Chinese medicine massage to replenish qi and blood

In addition to replenishing qi and blood through diet, massage therapy in traditional Chinese medicine can also achieve the effect of replenishing qi and blood very well. Through professional TCM therapists, massage for special acupuncture points can make the meridians inside the human body unblocked, thereby promoting blood circulation and enhancing the content of qi and blood.

Women's qi and blood are insufficient, these three abnormalities can not be hidden, how should they be regulated?

Especially for those women who are prone to cold body conditions, TCM massage is a very good way to treat insufficient qi and blood. Women's own temperature is too low, easy to be cold, largely due to poor qi and blood. TCM massage has a very good therapeutic effect on this situation.

7. Medical agents tonify qi and blood

For some women with serious deficiencies of qi and blood, it is necessary to seek medical treatment in time. When the qi and blood inside the female body are seriously insufficient, the effect that can be played through dietary therapy or massage is not enough to alleviate the disease well. At this time, it is necessary to go to a professional medical institution in time.

Women's qi and blood are insufficient, these three abnormalities can not be hidden, how should they be regulated?

The doctor will prescribe some medical agents to replenish qi and blood according to the patient's own situation. Patients with severe deficiency of qi and blood can treat the disease of insufficient qi and blood well by taking medical agents. It should be noted that for people who supplement qi and blood by taking medical agents, it is necessary to strictly follow the doctor's instructions and take it regularly and quantitatively.


Once a woman's qi and blood are insufficient, it is easy to appear pale, a lot of hair loss and easy to faint. In order to avoid this situation, it is necessary to replenish qi and blood in time. Eating red dates, spinach, traditional Chinese medicine massage and supplementing medical medicine are four good ways to replenish qi and blood.

Women's qi and blood are insufficient, these three abnormalities can not be hidden, how should they be regulated?

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