
Yusheng knotted the "debut" of the Beijing Winter Olympics

Beijing, February 8 (China News Network) (Reporter Zhang Su Liu Xuanting) The Beijing Winter Olympics figure skating men's single skating short program competition was held on the 8th, and the 21st appearance was the Japanese famous YuSheng Yushin. 95.15 points, which is his "debut" result at the Beijing Winter Olympics.

Yusheng knotted the "debut" of the Beijing Winter Olympics

Feather knot string in the game. Photo by Cui Nan

Yu Yu's short program soundtrack is selected from "Introduction and Whirlwind Caprice". Passion and sadness coexist, lyricism and sigh coexist, in the wild and lush music, the Winter Olympic figure skating men's singles defending champion began to attack his "triple crown". Despite his first jump after the opening, he quickly adjusted to his form and performed well afterwards. After finishing all the movements, he bowed to the surroundings and said "thank you."

Yusheng knotted the "debut" of the Beijing Winter Olympics

At 7:50 on the same day, the reporter witnessed Yusheng knotting on the ice training at the scene. Whether it's training or warming up before the game, he tends to get more cheers. The live broadcast said he was considered one of the greatest figure skaters in history.

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