
93.75 points! Gu Ailing final first jump god, posture so beautiful + than heart to celebrate, CCTV: no controversy

On the morning of February 8, Beijing time, beijing winter olympic freestyle skiing ushered in the women's big jump final, China's Gu Ailing played, the total score of the qualifier 161.25 points ranked fifth to advance, today will impact the first personal winter Olympic gold medal.

93.75 points! Gu Ailing final first jump god, posture so beautiful + than heart to celebrate, CCTV: no controversy

Born in the United States, Gu Ailing joined the Chinese nationality in 2019, and with her outstanding performance and super high appearance, she became the popular king of the Chinese team at the Winter Olympics, and will participate in the freestyle skiing women's slope obstacle course, the freestyle skiing women's big jump, and the freestyle ski women's U-shaped track skills, three events.

In this regard, Gu Ailing smiled and said: "It will make me a lot less stressed than three projects, because I have three opportunities to get my goals!" ”

93.75 points! Gu Ailing final first jump god, posture so beautiful + than heart to celebrate, CCTV: no controversy

Today, the final of the freestyle ski women's big jump will be held on the Shougang ski jump, and China's Gu Ailing will appear in the 8th place, after the competition, Gu Ailing became the first female player in the world to make a two-week deflection 1440 degree action.

In the first jump, Gu Ailing withstood the pressure in the case of many competitors jumping out of the high score, and finally scored 93.75 points, temporarily ranking first, surpassing the British player Costi Muir 90.25 points, the Swiss Matilde Greymored 89.25 points, and the Norwegian Player Keeli 87.75 points.

93.75 points! Gu Ailing final first jump god, posture so beautiful + than heart to celebrate, CCTV: no controversy

The first jump got such a high score, Gu Ailing was also the first to grab people, CCTV commentary believes that this is an undisputed high score. Compared with other players, Gu Ailing immediately took off the snow mirror after completing the action, took the initiative to wave to the camera, very beautiful, after seeing his score, Gu Ailing was also very happy and made a heart-to-heart celebration action.

93.75 points! Gu Ailing final first jump god, posture so beautiful + than heart to celebrate, CCTV: no controversy

France's Tess-Ludd, who came out in the penultimate lineup, jumped a high score of 94.50 points, surpassing Gu Ailing to rise to the first place. Now, Gu Ailing's biggest rival for the gold medal is Tess-Lodder.

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