
Artist Gabriardze: A magician who opens up life with fairy tales

author:Nine Factions Entertainment

June 15 reports Russian satellite news agency website June 6 published an article "Gabriazze - His Magic Will Forever Zee be Georgian", written by Anastasia Schreiber. The full text is excerpted below:

Georgia lost its legend. The most insightful and talented national treasure director, painter and writer Rezzo Gabriazze passed away on the 6th at the age of 85.

He is an artist who uses brushes and puppets to write history, the world's beings and the stars of the universe. He was also the magician and mind catcher of our time. It was he who portrayed Georgia as a magical, fairytale-like, incredibly warm and fascinating country. Only those who were born, grew up in, and created in Sri Lanka can do it.

Movie Master

His name was Levaz, but in Georgia and even in the Soviet Union, everyone boldly and enthusiastically called him Rezo. He was born in 1936 in the western Georgian city of Kutaisi, a famous Georgian director, screenwriter, playwright, painter, sculptor and director of the puppet theatre named after him.

His academic performance was mediocre, but his childhood was always lived in tenderness and care. His mother taught him to recite classic Georgian poetry. He once recalled that time in his book The Theatre of Gabriadze: "What was our childhood? The happiest thing is that if the temperature reaches 38-40 degrees, you don't have to go to school, your mother will make the sheets cool, you can't wait to hold the book on your chest, lie down and read, and then go around playing... A good childhood is so contagious! You give me too much! ”

After graduating from high school, he first participated in the construction of hydropower stations and worked as a concrete worker. I have passed the secondary school several times, and even studied metallurgy. He eventually got his diploma in journalism from the University of Tbilisi.

At the end of the 60s, he went to Moscow to participate in a short screenwriting course, and the film broke into his life like a whirlwind and became the focus of his passion.

His first attempt at a script written by Oxblade was brought to the screen by the famous director Danielia, and it was a great success, which was the 1969 film "Don't Be Sad! 》。 Like the later film Jar, which was also loved by audiences, Gabriardze very cleverly "Georgianized" the plot of the original novel "Uncle Benjamin" by the French writer Claude Tillier, so seamlessly that every viewer decided that the adventure should and could only happen in Georgia.

Danielia once described working with Gabriazze: "I regarded the days with him writing the script as the best time of my life. We seem to be brought into the protagonist's world by some kind of magic. Although that was medieval France. We almost rewrote the original. ”

Gabriardzer also collaborated with another famous director, Shen Graia, on The Extraordinary Exhibition, a sculptor who used his talents to make money on tombstones. These tombstones are like a special exhibition. The character of the Georgian nation is vividly portrayed by them.

A deep understanding of the characteristics of the nation, and then infiltrated with love, plus just the right amount of jokes, has achieved the most outstanding film script. The cooperation with Danielia made Gabriadze not only famous in Georgia, but also became a household name throughout the Soviet Union.

In 1986, Kin Dza Dza Alien Adventures, a film with a bizarre title, full of uninhibited fantasy and a little bit of rage, captured the hearts of many audiences. It tells the story of a site director and a mama po male violinist on the planet Plyuk in the Kin Dza Dza galaxy. Many of the lines quickly became buzzwords of the year.

Gabriard has written a total of 35 film scripts, and his works burst out of the spark of humor, poetry flows gently, and the imagination is more convincing.

Devoted to drama

For the first half of his life, Gabriard was recognized as a master of cinema, but drama firmly occupied his subsequent life journey. His drama is not a pleasure, but nostalgic, delicate, stinging, vivid and full of emotion.

"My film journey has been smooth: I worked with several masters who enriched and enriched my life," he recalls. However, over the years, I have not given up on artistic creation and rely on this craft to support myself. After 12 years of tinkering in the film circle, it has finally ushered in a turning point in fate. 35 years ago, I started the Puppet Theater and had my own studio. Painting and carving became my main business. Over the years, I have shaped a 'puppet' kingdom. ”

As early as the 1980s, he conceived of starting a puppet theater, which could temporarily unload the burden of work and not be disturbed by the actors, let alone waste his artistic talents, let the audience be less, and the creation would be more pure. However, as he puts it: "I wanted to turn this theater into a haven for a little rest, and I didn't want to fall into it." ”

Of course, the word "fall" is definitely positive. He said: "My show is only for adults. I am often asked what the puppets think at night. I wouldn't be so sentimental. For me, puppets are just tools, storytelling vehicles, just like when I was making movies. ”

"Autumn in Our Spring", "Stalingrad", "The Diamond of General Panche"... Gabriazze is both an author, a director, and a costumer, and each play has won stormy applause and caused a sensation. Gabriardze's imagination was always so wild. His puppets, like people, are full of joy and sorrow. His puppet theater attracts tourists from all over the world, and everyone comes and goes home with fun. Words cannot describe his masterpiece, which is a feast of vision.

In the 1990s, he traveled to Switzerland and France, where he directed two theatrical productions.

Gabriard has toured the world on theatre tours and has been a guest of honor at numerous festivals. The master's footprints are in Switzerland, Germany, Italy, Austria, Spain, Norway and Russia.

Philosophical life

Gabriazze's life was not only about film and theater, but sculpture, painting, and book illustration also occupied a place. He has held solo exhibitions in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Paris, Rennes, Dijon and was a guest of honor at the exhibition "From Eisenstein to Tarkovsky" in Munich. His paintings, drawings and sculptures are owned by national museums in the United States, Russia, Germany, Israel, France and Japan, as well as by many private collectors.

He is the recipient of important national awards such as the State Prize of the USSR, the Rustavili Prize of Georgia, the Russian "Nika", "Triumph", "Golden Mask" and other important national awards, and was awarded the Chevalier de l'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres des Arts et des Arts.

He is a man of uncompromising temperament. He once described his first love this way: "In the early 50s, I was still studying at the Moscow Metallurgical Institute and met a Hungarian girl. Let's call her Eva. When I was fascinated, I suddenly found that I didn't have the money to invite her to the movies! ...... I asked her to visit the celebrity cemetery on Red Square, and I had to wait in line. I told her that Stalin was a friend of all those who fell in love and was buried here, and so was Lenin. As we walked into Lenin's Tomb, there was a small episode. She was a little frightened and clinged to me at once. It was only a few hundredths of a second, but to this day, I still remember the feeling of that moment. ”

Gabriardze is not only an art, but also the embodiment of philosophy. Despite his talent and maverickness, he is very humble and low-key. If someone says he's a genius, he'll get angry. His intelligence, understanding of life, and aesthetic level are unparalleled. He opened up life and fairy tales, myth and everyday life, innocence and reality. He is the magician of our time, and his magic will forever be zealed by his native Georgia.

Artist Gabriardze: A magician who opens up life with fairy tales

Gabriadze (Russian Satellite News Agency website)

Artist Gabriardze: A magician who opens up life with fairy tales

Puppet drama "Autumn in Our Spring" directed by Gabriadze (Russian Satellite News Agency website)

【Source: Reference News Network】

Copyright belongs to the original author, a tribute to the original

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