
Be a caring person trusted by the people - Xing Yuyan, secretary of the party branch of Liaoshi Zexin Hope Property Service Co., Ltd

author:China Tongliao Net

She, petite, seems to have infinite power. She is almost harsh on herself, but kind to the masses. She does not talk about conditions and implementation, and the officers always rush to the front. She is Xing Yuyan, the current secretary of the party branch of Tongliao Zexin Hope Property Service Co., Ltd. In 2009, he was rated as an "advanced worker" in the autonomous region-level community, in 2011 he was rated as the first "respect for the elderly and filial piety star" advanced individual by the autonomous region's civil affairs, in 2015 he was named an autonomous region-level labor model, in 2016 he was named the first "alley premier", and in 2020 he was rated as a national labor model.

Be a caring person trusted by the people - Xing Yuyan, secretary of the party branch of Liaoshi Zexin Hope Property Service Co., Ltd

In 1999, Xing Yuyan became a laid-off worker, but she did not lose heart and insisted on studying the national guidelines and policies every day. In the same year, in order to strengthen community construction, the Organization Department of the Horqin District Committee recruited the cadres of the neighborhood committee for the first time for the society, xing Yuyan seized the opportunity, successfully passed the written test and interview, and was assigned to the former Halal Office to appoint the party branch secretary as the acting director of the neighborhood committee.

At that time, the living environment of the Halal First, Second and Tenth Committees was very harsh. Often, just after cleaning, someone tries to dump a pile of garbage. In the face of difficulties, Xing Yuyan went door to door to do ideological work and took the lead in cleaning up the environment. Driven by her, she truly realized the old look and new look.

Be a caring person trusted by the people - Xing Yuyan, secretary of the party branch of Liaoshi Zexin Hope Property Service Co., Ltd

On the west side of the north gate of Peony Garden in Baihua New Town Community, there are two 6-storey buildings with 130 residents. The soot emitted by tulou winter heating not only pollutes the living environment of the residents of the fresh and clean Baihua New Town community, but also affects the overall appearance of Tongliao City, and some residents have the idea of receiving a big heat. In order to allow community residents to use the heat normally, Xing Yuyan contacted the heating company in time to recruit construction enterprises for the public. For more than seven months, she and the community cadres finally completed the project before the winter began. Seeing the happy smiling faces of the residents, Xing Yuyan's heart was particularly warm.

Be a caring person trusted by the people - Xing Yuyan, secretary of the party branch of Liaoshi Zexin Hope Property Service Co., Ltd

In the winter of 2011, a deaf-mute man wandering the streets caught Xing Yuyan's attention. "On such a cold day, you can't ignore him, you can do it if you freeze." The simple words expressed the anxiety in the eyes of the heart. Under her many contacts, she sent him to the Toyota Town Elderly Home, ending his wandering life. Since 2013, on the eve of New Year's Day every year, Xing Yuyan will contact the non-public enterprises in the jurisdiction to carry out the "Dream Realization Micro Wish" activity, leading everyone to visit the homes of the lonely and widowed elderly in the community, buying rice, buying noodles, sending clothes and medicines for them, and solving the practical difficulties of the elderly. ”

Over the years, Xing Yuyan has been commended by the autonomous region, Tongliao City and Horqin District for many times. "Military medals are all in the past, and I will remain the same in the future." In the face of honor, Xing Yuyan smiled indifferently, and his eyes were more yearning and expectations for future work.

In the work of "twin cities co-creation" in our city, Xing Yuyan led the incumbent party members and community cadres in the jurisdiction to mobilize the residents and masses, dismantle the private construction, create a city-creating atmosphere, vigorously carry out health environment governance, take multiple measures to stabilize the environmental order of the jurisdiction, and contribute to the work of creating a city. Among the property abandonment communities under the jurisdiction of the community, the phenomenon of unauthorized construction of buildings in the Eastern Group is the most serious, and the demolition is also the most difficult. At the beginning, whether she could do the mass work or not, she didn't have a bottom in her heart. However, she did it, and in only three and a half days, with the deep feelings she had established with the community for many years, she did not force the demolition, and together with the relevant law enforcement departments, persuaded the 19 residents of the community to agree to the demolition of the illegal construction. "The environment in our community is getting better and better, thanks to Secretary Xing." The thumbs up from the residents was the best compliment to her. In order to work, Xing Yuyan owes the most to her family. But she often said: "I am the secretary of the community party branch, and I want to be worthy of the heavy responsibilities entrusted by the party committee and the government." ”

Be a caring person trusted by the people - Xing Yuyan, secretary of the party branch of Liaoshi Zexin Hope Property Service Co., Ltd

At the beginning of 2020, a surging new coronavirus swept the country. On January 26 (the second day of the Chinese New Year), when people were still immersed in the festive atmosphere and reunited with their families, Xing Yuyan had already participated in the prevention and control of the epidemic in the community. In accordance with the requirements of her superiors, she visited and investigated key personnel, shuttled between each building in the community for several days and nights, entered the house during the day, posted notices, registered information at night, and established a file to ensure full coverage without blind spots. She smiled and said: "In those days, the WeChat campaign of our staff was tens of thousands of steps. ”

Because the temperature point staff only has simple masks, gloves and other protective measures, she began to wonder how to both "strictly guard" and protect herself? Finally, with the technical support of the Municipal Audit Bureau of the Baolian unit, a set of community residents' entry and exit single-machine registration system was independently developed, and the system relied on the collection of complete and complete resident information data, and quickly identified whether they were residents of the community by scanning the ID card information, and at the same time, the entry and exit time and identity information recording system could be stored. The system is simple to operate and practical, which greatly reduces the risk of cross-infection caused by manual registration in the contact between prevention and control personnel and residents through paper and pencil. The system also adds the same day access time and identity information income storage function, which intuitively displays the number and time of daily community residents entering. The alarm display method of key personnel in the epidemic area has effectively alleviated the hard work of the comrades at the temperature measurement point, and also alleviated the risk of residents traveling in line and waiting for the gathering of people.

Be a caring person trusted by the people - Xing Yuyan, secretary of the party branch of Liaoshi Zexin Hope Property Service Co., Ltd

In July of the same year, after Xing Yuyan retired, she went to work in Tongliao Zexin Hope Property Service Co., Ltd., where the community is located, and she gave full play to her advantages in party building work for many years and established the non-public party branch of Zexin Hope Property. Under the guidance of the street party working committee, the work goal of "red property" as the main line was created, and the party building led the promotion of property development, and by identifying the needs of people's livelihood and gathering social conditions and public opinions, the quality level of property service work was effectively improved, and the sense of gain, happiness and security of the majority of residents was further enhanced. She strictly implemented the "three meetings and one lesson" system, and also carried out a party member day activity once a month, which combined the needs of the masses and was well received.

From laid-off female workers to the director of the neighborhood committee, she went to Tongliao Zexin Hope Property Company as the secretary of the party branch and the chairman of the trade union. For more than 30 years, Xing Yuyan has never stopped, giving up her small family for everyone, no earth-shattering feats, no vigorous contributions, she fulfills her mission with a passion for blood, and in the day-to-day work, little by little, she has worked hard to contribute her own strength to the community. "A party member is a banner, and wherever there are difficulties, there must be party members rushing to the front line, even if it is difficult, we must persist." Xing Yuyan said. (Reporter Zhao Yanzhen)

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