
Huang Jianxiang: Explaining with Wang Meng that I only need to pronounce the name correctly, because she is right in everything she says

Huang Jianxiang: Explaining with Wang Meng that I only need to pronounce the name correctly, because she is right in everything she says

Live Bar February 6 news In the commentary of the Olympic Short Track Speed Skating Mixed Team 2000m Relay Race, Wang Mengjin, who witnessed the Chinese short track speed skating team winning the championship, frequently came out and won the praise of public opinion, so Huang Jianxiang, who explained with her, joked that he only needed to read the name and results.

The moment Wu Dajing rushed to the line, Wang Meng, who was the narrator, was very excited, knocking on the table while shouting, "My eyes are rulers!" I tell you! Definitely won! And Wang Meng's passionate commentary also quickly appeared on Weibo's hot search after the competition, and won everyone's praise.

Huang Jianxiang, who explained with Wang Meng, joked on Weibo: "When I explain the short track speed skating competition with Wang Mao, I really don't need to say anything except read the name and results." Because, she's right about everything! Everyone loves to listen to her! Is that right? ”

in Drisson

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