
Thieves shouted to catch thieves, those secrets of Fort Detrick in the United States that could not be said

author:Phoenix TV

The U.S. route of the new coronavirus to Europe was exposed

The source of the virus is directed at Fort Detrick in the United States

Accidents keep coming

Laboratory illegal operation brewing safety hazards

The evidence is clear

The "first case" in the United States continues to advance

Peel off the cocoon

Thirteen years ago, the United States had synthesized sars-like coronaviruses

The U.S. government declined to be investigated

Constantly concocting hypotheses to throw the pot at China

What are the secrets behind the politicization of viral tracing?

See the world today

The Secret of Durburg

Thieves shouted to catch thieves, those secrets of Fort Detrick in the United States that could not be said

The U.S. route to Europe was exposed

The Fort Detrick laboratory is full of doubts

According to the US World News Network, the US military's "Armed Forces Virus Blood" program is responsible for transporting blood from Washington and Fort Detrick to US air bases in Italy and England every two weeks. After 2018, a certain transport may have a protective loophole, bringing the virus into Italy and other countries.

Thieves shouted to catch thieves, those secrets of Fort Detrick in the United States that could not be said

British and American media reported that two laboratories in Italy and the Netherlands re-tested a small number of blood samples taken before the outbreak of the new crown outbreak and found antibodies that are usually found in people infected with the new crown virus. This result shows that in Italy, the new crown virus "most likely" has spread "within a certain limit" long before the accepted point in time.

Thieves shouted to catch thieves, those secrets of Fort Detrick in the United States that could not be said

The U.S. biological laboratory Fort Detrick, one of the blood collection points for the U.S. Military's Armed Forces Blood Program (ASBP), has been questioned again, primarily to ensure blood supplies to U.S. troops stationed abroad.

The requirement for blood transportation is to complete all the procedures within 3 days and maintain cold chain transportation, so that the infected US military personnel or viruses on cold chain blood packages have successfully arrived in Europe through the ASBP transportation system.

Thieves shouted to catch thieves, those secrets of Fort Detrick in the United States that could not be said
Thieves shouted to catch thieves, those secrets of Fort Detrick in the United States that could not be said

In August 2019, a U.S. military base in The Veneto region of Italy recruited local civilian volunteers to provide psychoeducational services to the servicemen inside. The first case in Italy was recorded in the Veneto region in September 2019, much earlier than wuhan, China, when the virus was detected in December 2019.

Thieves shouted to catch thieves, those secrets of Fort Detrick in the United States that could not be said

In 2019, US personnel participated in the 7th Military Games held in Wuhan, China, and soon after the outbreak of the epidemic in Wuhan

However, blood transportation is only one of Debourg's protection loopholes, and it is astounding that laboratories that should have been protected at a very high level of protection used a medical waste company with multiple records of violations and a history of substandard management to deal with medical waste including "biological weapons" in order to save costs.

Thieves shouted to catch thieves, those secrets of Fort Detrick in the United States that could not be said
Thieves shouted to catch thieves, those secrets of Fort Detrick in the United States that could not be said

The Fort Detrick Biological Laboratory is located next to Washington, D.C

In addition, Debork has a number of operational violation records, such as the laboratory building appearance is not sealed, the ceiling and biosafety cabinets have cracks, personnel in the implementation of biosecurity and control measures have a "systematic failure"; or the base staff without wearing any protective equipment to enter the non-primate laboratory, resulting in the experimenter's respiratory system directly exposed to a specific preparation of aerosols... Therefore, it is difficult to rule out the possibility of U.S. military personnel in Deburg being infected with a cross-species virus. The United States has always refused to disclose more internal details of Deborough on the grounds of "involving secrets".

Thieves shouted to catch thieves, those secrets of Fort Detrick in the United States that could not be said

Is it "e-cigarette pneumonia" or new crown?

The decision to abruptly shut down the Fort Detrick Biology Laboratory in July 2019 did not come out of nowhere.

Around the same time, two nursing homes near De Bourg had outbreaks of unexplained respiratory illness. Of the 263 people living in senior care communities, 63 were infected with respiratory diseases, and 3 of them died. According to the community announcement, the patient's symptoms are "fever, cough, physical pain, asthma, hoarseness and general weakness", which usually improve after 5-7 days of treatment, but may also turn into life-threatening conditions such as pneumonia, which are highly consistent with the new crown.

Thieves shouted to catch thieves, those secrets of Fort Detrick in the United States that could not be said

On 11 July 2019, an outbreak broke out in the Greenspring Senior Care Community, just an hour's drive from De Boulevard

Two months later, the Maryland Center for Disease Control and Prevention released a report showing that "unknown pneumonia" was related to e-cigarettes. Places like Wisconsin and Virginia began to see a large number of "e-cigarette pneumonia cases."

Thieves shouted to catch thieves, those secrets of Fort Detrick in the United States that could not be said

In the fall of 2019, an unnamed coronavirus also began to spread in the United States. By the end of the year, 171 people in Florida had been infected with the new crown virus, of which 103 had no record of traveling abroad. Some of the 24,000 blood samples collected from across the United States in early 2020 were detected with antibodies to the new coronavirus.

Thieves shouted to catch thieves, those secrets of Fort Detrick in the United States that could not be said

Why is the United States so secretive?

Why are "exercises" so realistic?

From January to August 2019, the U.S. Department of Health conducted the "Red Infection" epidemic exercise, which simulated "the spread of respiratory viruses that began in China to spread around the world" and eventually "110 million Americans were infected and 580,000 people died."

Thieves shouted to catch thieves, those secrets of Fort Detrick in the United States that could not be said
Thieves shouted to catch thieves, those secrets of Fort Detrick in the United States that could not be said

In October 2019, multiple U.S. agencies conducted a high-level epidemic exercise called "Event 201" to simulate the global outbreak of the "novel zoonotic coronavirus," which is very similar to SARS but more easily spreadable and cannot be controlled until an effective vaccine is developed.

Thieves shouted to catch thieves, those secrets of Fort Detrick in the United States that could not be said

The U.S. exercise setting is so in tune with reality

Coincidence? Or "with the script in hand" at the beginning?

On the other hand, some experts question that the progress of the US biotechnology company to start human experiments on the new crown vaccine is "amazingly fast", and it should get the virus strain and start the experiment earlier than expected. This has to be questioned whether the timing and manner in which it obtained the strain is reasonable.

Thieves shouted to catch thieves, those secrets of Fort Detrick in the United States that could not be said

Assistant Professor, Christopher Newport University, USA

Sun Taiyi:

The Obama administration actually left the Trump administration with a complete handbook for responding to public health emergencies, a 69-page manual produced by the White House National Security Council in 2016 that includes: What questions should be asked? Who are you looking for to answer these questions? What are some important decisions to make? A series of key messages such as these are designed to quickly help the leadership of the U.S. federal government respond and make decisions when encountering a new disease threat with serious consequences.

Thieves shouted to catch thieves, those secrets of Fort Detrick in the United States that could not be said

Sun Taiyi: Moreover, because the officials of the Obama administration are not confident about Trump administration officials, they also specially helped the new officials to conduct a wargame deduction on the potential outbreak of the pandemic at the time of the handover. It's just that Trump misused people, and at the critical time, not only did no one in the White House remember such a set of wargame deductions that had been done, but even no one knew about such a manual.

Thieves shouted to catch thieves, those secrets of Fort Detrick in the United States that could not be said

Black history continues, accidents occur frequently

Fort Detrick's secrets that can't be told

Deborough's image of the "evil biological laboratory" has long been deeply rooted in the Hearts of the American people. In the 1995 American disaster film "Horror Zone" and the 2009 video game "Killing the Prototype", both mention or allude to Fort Detrick's experience in biological warfare research.

Thieves shouted to catch thieves, those secrets of Fort Detrick in the United States that could not be said
Thieves shouted to catch thieves, those secrets of Fort Detrick in the United States that could not be said

Better known is the 2019 national geographic channel's 2019 drama of the same name, "Blood Plague," through which Fort Detrick's role in the suspected Reston Ebola virus leak was thrust to the forefront.

Thieves shouted to catch thieves, those secrets of Fort Detrick in the United States that could not be said

De Bourg's secret study of bacteria, poisons and plagues has been going on for generations and is one of the laboratories that house the world's deadliest pathogens.

From 1943 to 1969, it was the U.S. Army Biological Warfare Laboratory. On the condition of exempting unit 731 from war criminals of the Japanese army invading China, the United States obtained data on the human experiments and bacteriological experiments conducted by Unit 731 and conducted biological weapons research.

Thieves shouted to catch thieves, those secrets of Fort Detrick in the United States that could not be said
Thieves shouted to catch thieves, those secrets of Fort Detrick in the United States that could not be said

Deborough was very "lively" during the Cold War. Scientists infect mosquitoes with disease-causing bacteria and turn fleas, ticks, ants, lice and rats into weapons; cultivate spores that cause parasitic diseases in crops and livestock; and create aerosol toxins that can be used to kill individuals or entire communities. The CIA is also active here, making lethal potions, powders, sprays, toothpaste, and cigars used to assassinate foreign leaders.

Thieves shouted to catch thieves, those secrets of Fort Detrick in the United States that could not be said

In 1969, then-U.S. President Richard Nixon ordered the development of all biological weapons to be halted except for "research necessary to determine the need for defensive measures." Although Fort Detrick's main business shifted from "biological weapons research" to "biological defense projects" and became the only P4 biological laboratory in the U.S. military, the high-level laboratory with 67 high-risk pathogens, including Ebola virus, anthrax, and plague, has constantly experienced accidents:

Thieves shouted to catch thieves, those secrets of Fort Detrick in the United States that could not be said

These include the bizarre death of civilian employees, the loss of deadly strains, the leakage of viruses and chemicals, and the involvement of researchers in anthrax attacks. Affected by environmental pollution, there are 1,300 documented cancer patients living within a 1-mile radius of Deborough.

Thieves shouted to catch thieves, those secrets of Fort Detrick in the United States that could not be said

Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Li Yutong, researcher of the National Strategic Research Center:

In fact, these biological laboratories in the United States are in the 80s and 90s of the last century after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the United States under the guise of helping these Soviet countries reduce the number of nuclear and biological weapons, taking advantage of russia's lack of financial resources to bear the cost of nuclear and biological weapons decommissioning, the United States and Russia engaged in a so-called "biological coordination program", in this plan framework, the United States in Russia around many republics set up some laboratories, which is actually the same as the data of Deburg taking over Japan's Unit 731.

Thieves shouted to catch thieves, those secrets of Fort Detrick in the United States that could not be said

Li Yutong: After 2002, the United States used the pretext of "India-Pakistan nuclear tests" to expand this so-called "biological coordination plan" to 25 countries around the world, which actually became a "time bomb" placed by the United States in global hotspot areas and near its rival countries, posing a major threat to global biochemical protection and security.

Thieves shouted to catch thieves, those secrets of Fort Detrick in the United States that could not be said
Thieves shouted to catch thieves, those secrets of Fort Detrick in the United States that could not be said

The United States has more than 200 biological laboratories in 25 countries around the world

Let politics be attributed to politics

Give science back to science

As the first country to report on the COVID-19 epidemic, China has actively cooperated with WHO in an open and transparent manner, and China has twice invited WHO experts to China to conduct traceability studies. The China-WHO joint China-WHO study on the traceability of the novel coronavirus, released at the end of March, has clearly concluded that "laboratory leaks are highly unlikely". Based on this report, China has submitted a Chinese plan for the next phase of global traceability to the WHO Secretariat.

Thieves shouted to catch thieves, those secrets of Fort Detrick in the United States that could not be said

It is worth mentioning that WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has previously been highly affirming China's anti-epidemic achievements, and after the German Health Minister visited the WHO headquarters in Geneva and announced a donation of 260 million euros, Tedros overturned the previous remarks: The WHO China expedition team denied that the conclusion of the laboratory leaking the virus was "premature inference".

Thieves shouted to catch thieves, those secrets of Fort Detrick in the United States that could not be said

At the same time, some politicians and media in the United States have recently stirred up "cold rice", repeatedly clamoring for the "laboratory leak theory" of the new crown virus, and trying to kidnap the WHO on the issue of virus traceability. When U.S. Secretary of State Blinken met with Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus in Kuwait on July 28, he once again urged WHO to implement the so-called phase II traceability of the finger to China, including investigating the source of the virus in China.

Thieves shouted to catch thieves, those secrets of Fort Detrick in the United States that could not be said

At present, Republicans in the US Congress have a strong incentive to continue to hype up the issue of China's new crown traceability, which can occupy the valuable window of opportunity for the Biden administration and the Democratic Party to have both the House and the House and the White House, and delay biden's important domestic issues. Second, the Biden administration can be accused of being weak on China and not daring to be tough on China. Because more than 600,000 people have lost their lives in the United States and countless families have been involved in the new crown epidemic, this is a political issue that can trigger people's feelings.

Thieves shouted to catch thieves, those secrets of Fort Detrick in the United States that could not be said

Moderator: Lu Chen

Thieves shouted to catch thieves, those secrets of Fort Detrick in the United States that could not be said

Researching the origin of the new crown virus is not an easy task, and scientists have spent decades studying the source of pathogens such as HIV and Ebola around the world. At the end of the day, tracing the origin of viruses is a serious scientific question. Only by putting science first can traceability really help mankind better prevent major epidemic risks in the future. Hopefully, the United States will bring politics back to politics and return science to science.

Thieves shouted to catch thieves, those secrets of Fort Detrick in the United States that could not be said

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Phoenix TV Chinese "See the World Today"

Thieves shouted to catch thieves, those secrets of Fort Detrick in the United States that could not be said

Editors: Wu Shiyao, Zhang Xiaohuan

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