
German media: If Neuer plays in Leipzig and wins, it will pinn kahn's record of 309 Bundesliga wins

German media: If Neuer plays in Leipzig and wins, it will pinn kahn's record of 309 Bundesliga wins

Live Bar February 4, German media reported that as long as Joyle plays in the current round of bayern vs Red Bull Leipzig and wins, he will equal Kahn's Record of 309 Bundesliga wins.

It took 557 games for Kahn to reach 309 league wins, and if Neuer can play and beat RB Leipzig, he will be able to reach Kahn's record in just 458 games.

Neuer is also the only goalkeeper to play more than 100 games in the Bundesliga, conceding fewer than one goal per game, conceding only 0.82 goals per game. His contract with Bayern expires in 2023, after the player and Bayern reportedly renewed their contract until 2025.

(CC croquettes)

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