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Have you ever wondered what sports baseball players are suitable for when they arrive at the Winter Olympics?

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Recent months have been a tough window for baseball-loving fans, but other important events are also worth keeping an eye on, such as the much-anticipated Beijing Winter Olympics. This is the second time that Beijing has hosted an Olympic-level large-scale event after the 2008 Olympic Games, and friends who like baseball can pay attention to this grand event and enjoy the figure of Chinese athletes competing for gold and silver in the Winter Olympic Games.

So, a brain hole question arises - what kind of sports are baseball players suitable for when they arrive at the Winter Olympics? Let's analyze them one by one by location.

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Baseball position map Image source: Fandom

Pitcher: Curling

When it comes to pitchers, it is natural to think of those powerful gods who are full of arm explosive power and can shoot hundreds of miles of fireballs; but it is a pity that there seems to be no single item in the Winter Olympics that requires arm explosiveness.

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Fortunately, pitchers have another important indicator in addition to arm strength – possession accuracy, which is very useful in curling. Although curling can change the trajectory by the player rubbing the ice, but the real grinding point, precise hand control and delicate touch is quite important, I believe that those pitchers with excellent ball control will definitely be able to play the sport.

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Receiver: Ice hockey

Taking over generally gives the impression of being relatively stable, and they are also the brains on the pitch, but most of the games in the Winter Olympics are mainly light and agile, and there are not many projects suitable for taking over. But the position of goalkeeper on the ice hockey rink is believed to be able to take over. As the last gate of the ice hockey game defense, the goalkeeper needs to resist the completion of various blocking actions on the goal, which is the same as taking over the crouch to block the pitcher's ball; sometimes the pitcher will throw a sweet potato ball or even burst the pitch, which needs to be taken over in time to react, this quality is naturally suitable for being a goalkeeper!

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First baseman: Figure skating

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This answer seems to be very ridiculous, but listen to me, the most important skill of a baseman is to catch the ball steadily, but if you want to catch the ball steadily in all directions, you can't do it without excellent flexibility! Extra-large strides are commonplace, and even players can perform fork kung fu on the court. With such physical flexibility, I am afraid that no player in other positions is more suitable for a figure skating match than a first baseman.

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Second baseman: Speed skating

In addition to being a second baseman, it is also essential to have a high speed, and many teams have fast legs and even pioneers who are second basemen. The project that requires absolute speed in the Winter Olympic Games is speed skating, which only has 2 players competing at the same time in order to balance the distance between the inner and outer lanes, and also sets up a mixed area, which can be said to be the fairest racing stage on the Winter Olympics.

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Guerrilla: Alpine skiing

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Image source: WBSC official website

The shortstops are more flexible in their positions than second basemen, which also requires them to be more agile and have smoother steps. The most silky foot and turning skills in the Winter Olympics are alpine skiing, whether it is downhill, slalom, big slalom or super big slalom, you need to maintain speed while having very good turning skills; such an important and difficult task, naturally to the guerrilla to complete.

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Third baseman: Short track speed skating

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Arm strength is required in many positions in baseball, but as mentioned earlier, many winter events do not require arm strength, but third basemen and short track speed skaters have one thing in common - they require soft left turn skills. Due to the fast speed of short track speed skating and the short track, so frequent left turns do not have a certain amount of power but the load is not loaded; the third baseman has the ability to pass a small arc on the left side after receiving the ball in one hand, and the short track speed skating competition is not a third baseman.

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Right outfielder: Freestyle skiing aerial skills

The outfielder is more tested by the defensive range and receiving skills, and the right outfielder has a "laser shoulder" is even better, but the Winter Olympics seem to need more of their ability to maintain an aerial posture when they contribute to the reception and killing of the american defense. Depending on the position of the garrison, the event chosen for them also has different difficulties; the right outfielder can participate in the medium difficulty freestyle skiing aerial skills, which only need to complete one action in the air. If you are better, you can also go to the big jump!

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Centre-fielders: U-shaped venue skills

The midfielder is the most heavily guarded of the three outfielders, so the projects he needs to complete are also more difficult. The U-shaped venue technique requires 5 consecutive flips in the U-shaped pool, which is the most classic and most attention-paying project in the skill project. Although the slope obstacle skills also need to be completed with some flips, they are still slightly inferior to the U-shaped track skills, so if the chinese and foreign players participate in this competition, it is not enough to contribute only 1 beauty skill! As for whether it is veneer or freestyle, it is up to you.

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Left fielder: Ski jumping

As we all know, the left outfielder is the least stressful of the 3 outfielders, some designated strikes are put in this position when playing in cross-league games, and even teams will let the pitcher make a cameo appearance in this position. Therefore, if you participate in the Winter Olympics and need to complete some air competitions, ski jumping is the easiest one. All you need is for the runner to maintain a posture in the air after rushing out of the slippery slope and rush as far as possible. However, it is not easy to achieve results in this competition, and the victory and defeat are often between millimeters.

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In addition to these sports, the Winter Olympics also have cross-country skiing, biathlon, Nordic biathlon, snowmobiling, sledding and other sports, like sports friends can pay attention to Oh!

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In the comments section, tell me which Winter Olympics you most want to try

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