
Today's Lichun Suqian citizens pray for spring to return to the earth new today Suqian citizens pray for spring back to the earth

(Quick News Reporter Sun Junxian/Wen Zheng Minggao/Photo) "The law returns to the old age with less frost, and the grass and trees in the spring are known to the world." "February 4 is the fourth day of the first lunar month. At 4:51 on the same day, the Spring Festival was ushered in. This is the first of the twenty-four solar terms, the beginning of a new cycle of the four seasons.

What are the customs and taboos of Suqian Lichun, and what should be paid attention to in terms of health care? The reporter interviewed Suqian folklore lovers and nutrition doctors to see what they said.

Today's Lichun Suqian citizens pray for spring to return to the earth new today Suqian citizens pray for spring back to the earth

Li Chun Customs

Zhang Yonggui said that there are many customs in Lichun, and they are also different from place to place. For example, in the spring of Suqian, there used to be customs such as whipping spring cattle, eating spring rolls, hanging spring flags, and wearing spring victories. "Chunsheng is a kind of jewelry on the head of ancient women, and these customs are closely related to creating a good life and enjoying a good life, and now this custom is difficult to see."

Today's Lichun Suqian citizens pray for spring to return to the earth new today Suqian citizens pray for spring back to the earth

"On this day, people who pay attention to a little bit of family gather together, drink spring wine, and eat spring rolls." Zhang Yonggui introduced that there is also a custom of "biting spring" among the masses. Zhang Yonggui explained that on the day of Lichun, people eat green radish according to the moment of spring in the almanac, commonly known as "biting spring". It is believed that the elderly can play a role in fixing their teeth.

Zhang Yonggui told reporters that in the past, folk artists would make small mud cows called "spring cows" to send to all households, commonly known as "sending spring". In addition, some places will paste a yellow paper with a picture of spring cattle on the wall, with yellow representing the land and spring cattle representing farming.

Li Chun taboo

Speaking of Lichun taboos, Zhang Yonggui said that there are three main taboos in suqian:

If you don't see a doctor on the day of spring, if you see a doctor, it means that you don't have good luck for a year. "This statement is just to please the lottery." Zhang Yonggui analyzed.

On the day of lichun, zhang yonggui explained that the Suqian people originally had the custom of not cutting hair in the first month. "As the saying goes, the hair is the grass and trees of the human body, the spring warms up, the grass and trees are born, to damage the grass and trees that have just been born, which is not in line with the principle of the growth of grass and trees in the world." Moreover, 365 days a year, why do you have to choose this day to get a haircut?"

Today's Lichun Suqian citizens pray for spring to return to the earth new today Suqian citizens pray for spring back to the earth

On the day of spring, you can't lie down, you have to sit or stand up and walk. The reason for this statement, Zhang Yonggui believes, is that it is said that spring warms the earth, this is the beginning of all things, people should also have a good spiritual outlook to meet the recovery of spring. He suggested that everyone go to the field or park to take in the fresh air, feel the vitality and nature, and pray for their New Year's auspiciousness.

Li Chun health

Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital Group Suqian Hospital Nutrition Physician Li Qian reminded everyone that in the spring season, the east wind blows, after all, the material is steep, in order not to get sick, we must "spring cover" for a while, do not suddenly reduce the wear because of the sudden rise in temperature, be careful of the sudden arrival of the cold tide, the cold takes advantage of the void.

Today's Lichun Suqian citizens pray for spring to return to the earth new today Suqian citizens pray for spring back to the earth

"In addition, the spring weather is cold and dry, the diet should be light and sweet, to ensure that there is enough water intake every day, and to eat less hot, spicy or easy to cause allergies." Li Qian said.

Li Qian suggested that everyone exercise more during the Spring Festival, ventilate often, wash frequently, and go to crowded places less.

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