
Dedication and self-improvement: a million migrants from the Three Gorges
Dedication and self-improvement: a million migrants from the Three Gorges

The Three Gorges Project has attracted worldwide attention; the construction of the reservoir has attracted millions of migrants, unprecedented in history. Around the construction of the Three Gorges, China has relocated and resettled more than one million migrants, and such a large-scale relocation of migrants is the first of the Three Gorges Project, and there is no precedent to follow. With its extraordinary ability to coordinate and organize, the valuable dedication and self-improvement spirit of millions of immigrants, the Party Central Committee has shown the "Chinese miracle" in front of the world.

Dedication and self-improvement: a million migrants from the Three Gorges

Three Gorges Dam. Hubei Daily all-media reporter Chen Yong photographed

Working together to solve the immigration puzzle

On April 3, 1992, the National People's Congress passed a resolution on the construction of the Three Gorges Project. As a major water conservancy hub project linked to the National Transport Movement, in addition to the construction task, the Most arduous of the Three Gorges Project is the "millions of migrants" in the flooded area. Millions of people bid farewell to their homeland and resettled, tens of millions of square meters of houses were demolished, thousands of industrial and mining enterprises were relocated, and hundreds of thousands of acres of farmland were flooded... Whether or not this unprecedented scale can be completed tests the success or failure of the Three Gorges Project, and even more tests China.

The CPC Central Committee and the State Council attach great importance to the work of resettlement in the Three Gorges. In order to properly solve the problem of relocation and resettlement of migrants, in 2001 the State Council promulgated the "Regulations on Migration for the Construction of the Three Gorges Project of the Yangtze River", formulating the policy of "development-oriented migration", striving to achieve development among immigrants and immigrants in development, so as to ensure that immigrants "move out, live steadily, and gradually become rich".

The "millions of immigrants" also touch the hearts of the people of the whole country. By the time the Three Gorges Dam was completed in 2006, the counterpart support had introduced nearly 24.4 billion yuan of funds to the reservoir area, implemented nearly 2,900 various cooperation projects, and received and resettled more than 160,000 people in 11 provinces and cities across the country.

Dedication and self-improvement: a million migrants from the Three Gorges

Step out of the gate and build a beautiful new home. Image source: Chinese government website

Self-dedication creates water miracles

"Cut off the clouds and rain in Wushan Mountain, and the high gorge comes out of pinghu Lake", the Three Gorges Project is a historical monument, and the Three Gorges immigrants are the cornerstone of this monument.

Accustomed to listening to the trumpet of their hometown and seeing the white sails on the river, the sons and daughters of the Three Gorges have lived by the Yangtze River for generations, and they all say that their homeland is difficult to leave, however, in order to support the Three Gorges Project, millions of Three Gorges sons and daughters "gave up their small homes and made the choice of relocation for the country" and made the choice of relocation. It is the selfless dedication of millions of people that has strongly supported the smooth progress of the Construction of the Three Gorges Project, ensured that the benefits of the project were realized as scheduled, and exchanged for the economic and social phoenix nirvana of the Three Gorges Reservoir Area.

When many immigrants relocate, they always have to take away some of their own agricultural tools, the peppers they are used to, and the cattle they are used to... These ordinary things condense the strong character of the Three Gorges migrants to work hard, and also contain the determination and confidence of the Three Gorges migrants to be diligent and frugal and simple, and to move to a new home and create a new business.

Self-improvement continues to open up new horizons

Immigrants bid farewell to their old homes with tears in their eyes, built new homes with hard work and sweat, and created a new world of life with the spirit of self-improvement.

Dedication and self-improvement: a million migrants from the Three Gorges

Dengjiapo Village, Guojiaba Town, Zigui County, Three Gorges Reservoir Area, Hubei Province, 905 households with 2678 people, every family planted navel oranges, and with the navel orange this fruit to achieve revitalization, the average household income of more than 100,000 yuan, becoming the first navel orange professional village in Hubei Province with an annual income of more than 100 million yuan. Image source: Chongqing Daily

After the completion of the Three Gorges Dam, Zigui has become the only orange-producing area in the country that can produce oranges all year round, and in Dengjiapo Village, Guojiaba Town, Zigui County, in 2017, 80% of the immigrant households have an income of more than 100,000 yuan, and 10% of the immigrant households have an income of more than 400,000 yuan, becoming the first navel orange village in Hubei Province. As the largest immigrant city in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area, Chongqing Wanzhou has vigorously developed ecological industries such as fruits, seedlings, and rural tourism in accordance with the development idea of "ecological industrialization and industrial ecology" in recent years, and has helped local people increase their income and become rich while improving the ecological environment.

The fighting spirit of arduous pioneering that burst out of millions of immigrants in rebuilding their homes is the concentrated embodiment of our nation's spirit of hard work, courage, and unremitting self-improvement in socialist construction, and the dedication and self-improvement spirit of millions of immigrants in the Three Gorges will always remain in people's hearts.

Source: Jingchu Network

Author: Zhao Ning (Associate Researcher, Central Development Institute, Hubei Academy of Social Sciences)

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