
【The fourth day of the Chinese New Year】 During the New Year, 12 zodiac signs who can meet true love on the blind date

Blind Date Bureau

Speaking of blind dates, don't rush to paddle away! Presumably, most of the young friends who are single have a look of disdain!

Do I need a blind date?

Do I need to find someone through a blind date?

The word "blind date" is easily related to the elderly, but looking around, in China, the object of the blind date is far more than the older friends, and the older age mentioned here is over 30 years old.

Many small partners may have suffered from the pressure of marriage from their parents around the age of 25, and they have been associated with "blind dates" early.

That is to say, if you have just graduated from college and stepped into the society for less than two years, if you are still single, a large part of the pressure comes from the "blind date bureau" arranged by your parents and friends.

This data we can see from python's analysis of 50,000 dating website data graph, between the ages of 20-30 there are also a large number of unmarried blind date targets, so see the blind date do not rush to go away, maybe after this year you are a member of this army.

【The fourth day of the Chinese New Year】 During the New Year, 12 zodiac signs who can meet true love on the blind date

Is blind date a bad thing? From the eyes of divorced people, the main force of the blind date army, blind dates are naturally not, and blind dates are the most effective way to save each other's time, energy and money. It is undeniable that from the physiological and psychological level, the older people pay more attention to efficiency, they believe in "long-term love", believe in "deep love is not longevity", understand that love is not equal to marriage, understand that "after the age of love and dreaming, vigorous is not as calm as it is".

【The fourth day of the Chinese New Year】 During the New Year, 12 zodiac signs who can meet true love on the blind date

According to data, a research team at the University of Sydney analyzed 1.4 million messages from more than 90,000 users of a dating site and calculated the probability that your "interest" would get a positive response. The results found that in the absence of recommendations, the success rate is 17.3%; if the reciprocal recommendation system is adopted, the success rate can be as high as 42.2%, in the case of big data computing, it may be that blind dates are becoming a way of data, for you to match the life of the best person as soon as possible.

Astrolabe pairing also has the effect of data screening, so now let's look at the 12 zodiac signs who can find true love on the blind date in the horoscope during the New Year?

Please refer to the Rising Sun Constellation

【The fourth day of the Chinese New Year】 During the New Year, 12 zodiac signs who can meet true love on the blind date


Virgo is really very popular during the 2022 New Year! Everything is number one! For Virgo, the stars Capricorns fall in the love palace, and the combination of gold and fire brings a very good opportunity for Virgo to enhance her charm, and Virgo is also very good at relaxing themselves during the New Year, bringing joy to others, and it is naturally easy to attract the attention of the opposite sex! Coupled with the fact that the lord of the family palace, Jupiter, fell into the marriage palace, the energy entered the temple, and there was no restraint, and the object introduced by the family was also properly reliable, and you are likely to encounter an object that makes you satisfied and moved! I'm afraid I'm going to eat candy this year! Congratulations Virgos in advance!


During the New Year, although there are no planets passing in the love house of Pisces, the main star of the palace, the moon, stays in the palace of life, forming the energy of the stars and pisces with the wooden sea. Single Pisces friends in the New Year is very important to love, but also care about the quality and dream of love, the main star mercury of the family palace is just in the Pisces social interpersonal communication palace, it seems that during the New Year more than Pisces themselves are busy inside, the family around you will also actively inquire about the news for you, choose the object Oh! The combination of gold and fire in the social palace just brings you a good charm and appeal, do not refuse the blind date arranged by the family! It doesn't matter if you participate in a few more, even if you just go to make a friend, you will still have a good harvest!


I don't know if Cancer's friends have felt a little lonely lately, always want someone to accompany, and even someone looks forward to marriage, wants to have a stable spiritual residence, and the stars Capricorn are stimulating your views on marriage in your marriage palace at this moment. During the New Year, although there are no planets passing through the love palace and the family palace, the main stars of the palace, Venus and Mars, fall into the marriage palace, and the gold and fire are combined. Therefore, during the Chinese New Year, there is a high probability of being arranged by the family for the purpose of marriage! It is also very likely to meet the object that makes you move and is willing to work together for a lifetime, in this time period, it is the family's choice that is more reliable than the friend!

An overview of other constellations' New Year's singles


The possibility of Aries dating during the New Year is still relatively large, the main star of the palace of love, the sun, has entered the interpersonal communication palace, and the party activities are still very rich, but because the Sun and Earth punish the King of Heaven during the New Year, the success rate of the blind date has a touch of mystery, and you don't know what kind of drama will be opened in Pandora's box. For some Aries, it is likely that they will spend more on blind dates during the New Year but have no results.


Taurus is best to arrange the blind date after the 3rd during the New Year, and mercury, the lord of the house of love, resumes its anterograde on the 4th, and naturally the experience in love will also be affected. However, on the 6th and 7th, Mercury Capricorn and moon Aries torture, Taurus may not be very satisfied with the blind date! May have been evoked with bad memories. And the family palace lord star sun conjunction Saturn torture ke tianwang, the family arranged for you to arrange a blind date, will not be in line with your wishes, it is easy to clash and confrontation with the family, rebellious heart is relatively strong.


Gemini is not suitable for participating in blind date activities during the New Year, on the one hand, you may be forced to spend the New Year in situ, and your family is in a different state, and the family can't manage it; on the other hand, the main star venus of the palace in love falls into the 8th house of disease, Venus Capricorn energy is weak, can not bring bright romantic love, when the moon enters the Aries torture Venus, it is easy to make Gemini feel uncomfortable and sensitive in the construction of intimate relationships. For Gemini, there are more parties during the New Year, don't play the "love but can't" drama!


Leo may be a headache during the New Year period of parents Zhang Luo blind date situation, although the family is for your own good, but did not really explore your real needs in your heart, in daily life there are more mixed, everywhere for you to inquire about the right object, making you unbearable. And your own recent view of marriage is not very stable, take the maverick side, the more niche life you appreciate, if love does not come by itself, you do not want to bloom for it.


The stars Capricorns fall in the family house of Libra, and the combination of gold and fire is here, which will make us think that Libra's blind date fortune during the New Year is very strong, and the golden fire is falling here, full of love bubbles! But look back at Libra's love palace, where the sun and earth are together, and they have been tortured by Uranus, and when the moon enters the Libra marriage palace Aries and the golden burn, your alienation from the intimate relationship or the pursuit of personal space makes you feel the responsibility and bondage of love. You will also be a little annoyed that your family's concern for you exceeds the boundaries, and it points to the fact that the results of the blind date during the New Year are not friendly.


Scorpio in the New Year's event gathering is actually quite a lot, in terms of love because of the energy of Jupiter Pisces will also have a good performance, but back to the family palace to see, the Sun-Earth Harmony Aquarius, the atmosphere of the New Year at home is still quite traditional, and the father's authority is larger, and at this time, the Day-Earth Punishment King, your rebellious heart is also very strong, the more traditional the more you want to challenge, the blind date arranged by the family you will not be satisfied, but your own love fortune is actually very good! Attending more parties can talk about sweet love!


Sagittarius blind date during the New Year, you can try it! At this time, the fate of the main star Jupiter in the family palace, and is the temple energy, the family naturally will not pit you, the combination of gold and fire in the palace, it is likely to introduce you to an object whose environmental conditions are in line with the standards of the public, and you yourself may also care about the score required in this regard during the New Year, so it does not hurt to try, as long as it is not a strong stuffy monster, you can still accept it.


Capricorn because of the energy of the stars in the life palace, gold and fire are here, the main star of the love palace Venus in the life palace, it will be easy to feel that it is the time when the charm is greatly increased and the peach blossoms are flooded, and for Capricorn, which is known as the "old cadre" and "workaholic" endorsement, it is easier to have a blind date bureau (of course, this is also a stereotypical label), but looking to the right in Capricorn's love palace, Uranus is guarded and strange, the punishment day earth, Capricorn at this time The love standards are not unified, it seems that the taste is changing all the time, It's good to attend some party events during the New Year, but it's hard to say if you'll be able to meet your current standards.


Aquarius may be more likely to have family problems and headaches during the New Year, such as parents will not actively help you open the object, but just move their mouths, on the one hand, it may be that they are accustomed to moving their mouths and not acting, on the other hand, they may know that they are not sure of your temperament, they can't control you, simply save trouble, just mentally give you pressure. However, because the combination of gold and fire is in the Secret Palace, and the lord star Mercury of the Love Palace is also in the Secret Palace, the love fortune during the Aquarius New Year is not very good, so it is not suitable for blind dates!


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