
Ephemeris 0204: Aquarius launches new project Lion is good at thinking

Ephemeris 0204: Aquarius launches new project Lion is good at thinking


Today's Horoscope:

Today is suitable for interacting with children, and there is also good luck for pregnant women or those who are expecting to get pregnant. Children can make your life more interesting, and some childish and simple ideas can even make you find your childhood innocence. If you are someone who is trying to conceive, conceive, or have a baby, there may be opportunities or outcomes today.

Lucky color: Milk brown

Lucky number: 1

Fit sign: Cancer

Lucky Item: Sapphire

Mood of the day: Rainbow after rain


Today there is luck to receive the prize, especially in large events, the probability of winning the lottery is high. You will get rewards, which may be material or spiritual, such as winning the jackpot at the annual meeting, drawing cards to draw good things, the boss praising you, etc. Today, with a good hand, we need to cherish our luck and do not gamble easily.

Lucky color: rose red

Lucky number: 9

Fit sign: Gemini

Lucky Item: Pink Crystal

Today's mood: blue sky and white clouds


Today, you especially want to do some skin care, and you are suddenly interested in medical aesthetic projects. You may bring yourself a skin spa, or you may run to a professional beauty salon to spend money on skin care, and you are also interested in online medical beauty videos. However, you are not suitable for major skin changes in the near future, you can understand the situation first, and then try later.

Lucky color: Gold

Lucky number: 7

Consort sign: Taurus

Lucky Item: Blue Sandstone

Today's mood: Suddenly like a spring breeze in the night


Today you will have a lot of brilliant ideas, pay more attention to various information channels, and do not miss out on information resources. Media like these that disseminate information through audio and images can also become a source of inspiration. Books or illustrations, etc., will also give you the feeling of some small hints. Reading more and reading more will not only stimulate your imagination, but also stimulate your potential.

Lucky color: Pink

Lucky number: 0

Lucky item: Emerald

Mood of the day: Blowing a pool of spring water


Today you like to think about deep questions, especially in psychology and sociology. You are good at thinking and know how to explore the causes and development laws of events. You are willing to make friends with people from various industries, learn their logic and perspectives, and make it work for yourself. The more people you come into contact with, the more layered your thinking will become, and you will be able to consider problems in different positions.

Lucky color: Black

Lucky number: 4

Fit sign: Virgo

Lucky item: Wada Yu

Today's mood: The wind is light


It's a day to enjoy the music to the fullest. You might go singing with a friend, or suddenly be touched by a singer's music and start a loop of sinful singles. This music can really have a positive impact on you, so listen to your favorite songs and spend the day comfortably.

Lucky color: light green

Lucky number: 2

Fit constellation: Libra

Mood of the day: Rain is pouring down


Today you are well placed to get in touch with nature and see the scenery. You need to be healed by nature, some unspeakable unpleasantness, and you may be able to heal yourself by looking at the scenery. Today is also suitable for planting some small plants, or buy some flowers and plants to decorate your home.

Lucky color: khaki

Lucky number: 8

Fit sign: Leo

Lucky Item: Grape Stone

Mood of the day: Cloudy and cloudy


Today you will show a strong sense of caution, always feel that someone is going to disrespect you. Someone may ask you for help, or there may be business cooperation, the other party may not have a bad eye, but you always feel that something is wrong. It is recommended that you do not reject others too much, and it is also important to reduce sensitivity appropriately and reduce the psychological defense line.

Lucky color: Blue

Lucky number: 5

Fit sign: Pisces

Mood of the day: Stormy


Today you are suitable for sharing work experience with colleagues. It's best to go out for a meal if you can, but even if it's just an online chat, it's no problem. Exchanging work experiences with each other, or telling a little workplace gossip, can reduce your pressure on the workplace and increase your sense of belonging.

Lucky color: Brown

Consort sign: Capricorn

Lucky item: Peridot

Mood of the day: The sunset is beautiful


Today you are suitable as an event organizer, and your event will make most people happy. Because you usually do things responsibly, know how to perceive the mood of others, and there is no shelf in the interaction. So everyone naturally trusts you and is willing to participate in activities where you are.

Lucky color: Beige

Lucky number: 6

Today's mood: clouds open and fog disperse


Today you will find an opportunity to launch a new project, or to meet friends in a new field. You may realize through communication that you also want to start a new project but lack talent, and you will all be the one who sees each other and hates each other. So if you have social activities today, you may wish to pay more attention to the people who will help your career.

Lucky color: Brown

Lucky number: 3

Fit sign: Aquarius

Lucky item: Amber

Mood of the day: The wind roars


The likelihood of working from home today increases, even on a day off, and you're going to be in a work/study state. There will be some temporary tasks that make you work overtime at home, or some knowledge points will suddenly arouse your interest in learning and make you study tirelessly. As long as you can handle unexpected tasks, it is not necessarily a bad thing, and you will also get a corresponding sense of accomplishment.

Lucky color: yellow

Consort sign: Scorpio

Mood of the day: Thunderbolt on a sunny day

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