
Crossing the 50°C of "A Song of Ice and Fire" - Thai women will compete with the whole family to dream of the Winter Olympics

Crossing the 50°C of "A Song of Ice and Fire" - Thai women will compete with the whole family to dream of the Winter Olympics

Chongli, Hebei, February 3 (Xinhua) -- At the Beijing Winter Olympics, no one seems to have a deeper understanding of the "two heavens of ice and fire" than Thai cross-country skier Karen Shanglong.

Thai cross-country skiers Karen Shang Long (second from left) and Mark Shang Long (third left) pose with their parents while training in Europe (photo taken on January 24). Xinhua News Agency (Photo courtesy of the interviewee)

From Bangkok, the capital of Thailand, to Zhangjiakou, China, the temperature difference between the two places is nearly 50 degrees Celsius. After a morning of adaptive training, Karen smiled and said, "It's a little colder here than I thought." ”

Although she is only 25 years old, this is her second Winter Olympics. Four years ago at the PyeongChang Winter Olympics, Karen and his brother Mark Shang Long made their Winter Olympic debuts. Although the results were not outstanding, the unprecedented experience of participating in the competition made the two receive a lot of attention and encouragement.

Thailand is located in the tropics, the average annual temperature is close to 30 degrees Celsius, and there are theoretically no conditions for snow sports outdoors. To start their Winter Olympic careers, Karen and Mark's parents played an important role.

Karen's father, Brunsan Shang long, is from Thailand, and her mother is Italian. In 1996, Karen was born in Aosta, Italy, in a small mountain village with a strong atmosphere of ice and snow sports. At the age of 3, Karen went to the ski slopes under the guidance of her parents and began practicing cross-country skiing at the age of 10.

"My parents love sports, and in addition to cross-country skiing, I also practiced snowboarding, ice skating, and athletics." "I like to try different outdoor sports and play in nature with my friends," she says. ”

While the siblings continue to compete and gain experience around the world, Karen's parents form a logistics team to support the children in chasing their dreams. At this Year's Beijing Winter Olympics, Karen's family of four came to China. "My dad is the manager of our team and my mom is a physical therapist who takes care of our physical condition." Karen said.

In recent years, Karen has represented Thailand at two World Championships, three U23 World Championships and the 2019 Universiade. "Sports have taught me a lot, including how to face wins and losses and how to get along with others." "It tells me to put in the effort no matter what I face, and it's full of guiding significance for my life," she said. ”

In 2019, Karen came to China twice to compete. This time for the Beijing Winter Olympics, she greatly appreciated the organization and service of the event. "My impression here is very good. Not only are the venues great, but the facilities such as rooms and gyms in the Winter Olympic Village are also convenient and complete. ”

Crossing the 50°C of "A Song of Ice and Fire" - Thai women will compete with the whole family to dream of the Winter Olympics

For her part, Karen is well aware of the gap between her current strength and that of renowned Nordic athletes. Once again on the Winter Olympics, Karen will participate in cross-country skiing women's individual sprint and other events, her goal is very pragmatic - to seek self-breakthrough and progress.

"Of course I want to be in the top 30 overall, but that's hard for me, and the realistic goal is to be in the top 50 or top 40," she said. ”

Since Thailand first sent athletes to the 2002 Salt Lake City Winter Olympics, in recent years, the enthusiasm of Thai teenagers for ice and snow sports has grown. After a new high of four Thai athletes competing at the PyeongChang Winter Olympics four years ago, Thailand has four more at the Beijing Winter Olympics. In addition to Karen and her brother, two athletes competed in alpine skiing.

In the Thai Ski Association, where Karen and Mark belong, more young athletes have overcome various objective constraints and set their sights on the World Series. "Because of the climate, many Thai athletes choose to train across borders in winter and stay in Thailand in the summer to train more similarly," she said. ”

The Cullen family also participated in the establishment of a foundation to support and guide Thai youth in snow sports.

"I hope our story inspires Thai teenagers to go to the ski slopes, and maybe more Thai athletes will participate in the Winter Olympics in the future." Karen said.

Editors: Liu Yang, Huang Xuguo, Zheng Daojin, Zhang Yumeng (Intern)

(Xinhua News Agency)

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