
Ten "springs" and ten "blessings" | Inspirational overseas Chinese batch physical exhibition Quanzhou wanderers work hard

author:News Wide-Angle Spring Media

Jointly sponsored by Quanzhou Municipal Archives, Quanzhou Municipal Education Bureau and Quanzhou Cultural Tourism Group, the "Overseas Chinese Approval Helps Me Go to Tsinghua" Inspirational Overseas Chinese Approval Physical Exhibition is being carried out in Quanzhou Overseas Chinese Approval Museum.

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The "Overseas Chinese Batch Helps Me Go to Tsinghua" Inspirational Overseas Chinese Batch Physical Exhibition exhibits some overseas Chinese batch treasured by Zheng Jinchun, an 80-year-old Tsinghua alumnus of Quanzhou Overseas Chinese, telling the real details of how his adoptive father, birth mother and aunt supported and inspired him from junior high school and high school to graduation from Tsinghua University. At the exhibition site, looking at the overseas Chinese batch of this seal, the Tsinghua students who returned to the spring during the winter vacation had a sense of familiarity.

Ten "springs" and ten "blessings" | Inspirational overseas Chinese batch physical exhibition Quanzhou wanderers work hard

Zhou Xin, a student at Tsinghua University

The school motto of our school is self-improvement and virtue, and in the process of my visit to these exhibitions, I found that whether it is the students of Tsinghua University themselves or his family who uphold this school motto, they are very hard and simple in life, self-improvement, which also makes me have a very big inspiration in my future study and life, and inspires me to continue to struggle like this.

Overseas Chinese as the carrier Tsinghua students' cross-era "dialogue"

Ten "springs" and ten "blessings" | Inspirational overseas Chinese batch physical exhibition Quanzhou wanderers work hard

Overseas Chinese not only reveal the feelings of homesickness and homesickness of overseas Chinese, but also show that even if they are engaged in crude work, they still attach great importance to the "reading" problem of their relatives and children in their hometown. The exhibition starts from the three themes of caring for the body and mind, persuading students to advance, and teaching by example, and a letter from overseas Chinese shows a story.

Ten "springs" and ten "blessings" | Inspirational overseas Chinese batch physical exhibition Quanzhou wanderers work hard

Yang Yuxiang, a student at Tsinghua University

What impressed me the most was actually a family and country feeling in their family, because we know that the overseas Chinese batch is a letter sent to the family by overseas Chinese relatives, in fact, the contents of this letter, including the money and goods in it, also inspired him to contribute to the construction of our motherland. Therefore, I think that this kind of blood-soluble feeling of overseas Chinese is very precious.

Ten "springs" and ten "blessings" | Inspirational overseas Chinese batch physical exhibition Quanzhou wanderers work hard

In 2013, the archives were inscribed on UNESCO's Memory of the World Register, becoming a "Memory of the World Heritage". Quanzhou is a famous hometown of overseas Chinese in the country, and also the main concentration of overseas Chinese in Fujian, and the exhibition aims to give play to the cultural and educational functions of the "Archives of Overseas Chinese" as a heritage of world memory, and to encourage students to be self-reliant and self-reliant, diligent and enterprising.

Ten "springs" and ten "blessings" | Inspirational overseas Chinese batch physical exhibition Quanzhou wanderers work hard

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