
Extraordinary space photos are out! Enjoy it while it's hot

Extraordinary space photos are out! Enjoy it while it's hot

The photos were taken by the Chandra X-ray Observatory in the United States!

Space photos show the galaxies R Aquarii, Cassiopeia A, guitar nebula, Abell 2597, and NGC 4490.

Extraordinary space photos are out! Enjoy it while it's hot

R Aquarii is a binary system about 710 light-years from the constellation of Aquarius, consisting of a white dwarf and a red giant, which sucks up material from the red giant.

Extraordinary space photos are out! Enjoy it while it's hot

Cassiopeia A is a remnant of a supernova located in the direction of Cassiopeia, about 11,000 light-years away.

Extraordinary space photos are out! Enjoy it while it's hot

The Guitar Nebula is home to a fast-moving pulsar, PSR B2224+65, about 6,500 light-years away, a spinning neutron star.

Extraordinary space photos are out! Enjoy it while it's hot

Abell 2597 is a galaxy cluster whose core contains a supermassive black hole that is driving gas outward from the cluster.

Extraordinary space photos are out! Enjoy it while it's hot

The NGC 4490 galaxy is a large spiral galaxy that is colliding close to a smaller galaxy in the upper right corner, but the collision is over now.

Extraordinary space photos are out! Enjoy it while it's hot

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