
Spring and warm blossom season to learn weekly rain wear, modern and cool

Spring warm blossom season we can learn Zhou Yutong wear, modern and more cool sense of sight, with dark color or color system design, the design is very strong and more fashionable, we say Zhou Yutong's basic collocation, stacked up is also super good

Spring and warm blossom season to learn weekly rain wear, modern and cool

The single element is the top, which can be worn with a black leather jacket handsome, with the silhouette of the baseball shirt is more stylish, Zhou Yutong's black series is more suitable for versatility, the basic collocation with black, plus oversize tops

Spring and warm blossom season to learn weekly rain wear, modern and cool

After the Spring Festival, the outfit is still quite appropriate, what collocations can be used in the black system, such as short or sports elements as a level, plus after the collocation, it is more single temperament, and the black collocation is good only with the basic model

Spring styling began to use subtraction, because the overall is not complicated and better-looking, a single design should have a sense of line, we add other bright colors for embellishment is also OK, only with the right to wear it is very beautiful, want to wear out of the style has a certain good feeling

Spring and warm blossom season to learn weekly rain wear, modern and cool

Xue Zhou Yutong dress is still quite appropriate, to a warmer time, a single wear is better, other styles with stacked wear more fashion sense, modern and temperament can also learn the basic look of fashion bloggers, like different elements, the formation of different outfits

Spring and warm blossom season to learn weekly rain wear, modern and cool

Then try more styles will match your favorite look, different elements use different outfits, color collisions or techniques can show beauty, after the Spring Festival, which classic looks do you prefer?

Disclaimer: Picture editor Jiang Xiaoyu, text: bj Jun original content editor M Jun review, content without permission please do not reprint, plagiarism will be investigated

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