
Self-description: He is also too faceless

author:The stars have clouds made of rain
Self-description: He is also too faceless


Su Yu is 30 years old this year, has been married for three years, has a lovely son, and has a good life.

Before getting married, Su Yu had been living a very hard life, she never knew who her father was, and she remembered that she and her mother were dependent on each other, and occasionally lived in her grandmother's house.

Listening to her grandmother, Su Yu was particularly late when she was a child, and even her parents would not call when she was two and a half years old, and everyone tacitly accepted that she was dumb, which was the main reason why her father did not want her.

When Su Yu was three years old, his father had a junior and was determined to divorce his mother.

In order not to want Su Yu, dad and grandma also cobbled together 3,000 yuan for Su Yu's mother, only begging her to take her dumb daughter to leave quickly.

Su Yu's mother did not want to take her daughter back to her mother's house, first, she did not want to cause trouble to her mother's family, and second, she did not want her daughter to always be pointed out.

In the county town, Su Yu's mother bought a set of second-hand sewing machines to help people sew clothes and shoes, this job can not make too much money, but can take her daughter on the side.

In the unfamiliar environment of the county, no one laughed at Su Yu for not being able to speak, plus her mother hid her age, saying that she was only two years old, but she was tall, and it was not particularly strange that two years old could not speak.

Just when Su Yu's mother was preparing to accept a daughter who could not speak, Su Yu called out "Mother" for the first time.

Su Yu's mother wrote down this day, and her daughter spoke for the first time when she was 3 years old and 3 months old.

Mom used a pair of skillful hands to sew and mend, earned money for Su Yu to study, and remarried twice, and finally got divorced because of Su Yu's reading.

The object of the first remarriage is also divorced, with two sons, in order to provide for his son to study, he wants Su Yu to go out to work, and said that it is good for girls to go to junior high school.

Su Yu's mother disagreed, and after several arguments, she chose to divorce.

The second remarriage, the other party is the death of the wife, he has a son and a daughter who dropped out of school to work early, every time Su Yu came home from school, he always sneered that reading costs so much money, and in the end it is not for work, so why spend those unjust money.

Su Yu did not play well in the first year of the college entrance examination, she wanted to re-read, and her mother also supported, but her stepfather did not agree, and finally reluctantly agreed that it was also conditional, so that Su Yu could give him all the money after he participated in the work.

Su Yu's mother did not agree, and finally chose to divorce. After experiencing three marriages, Su Yu's mother realized a truth, in this era, women can also make money, and what needs money in the family can be done, and no longer need a man as a pillar.

So why get married to make a mess of yourself?

What Su Yu's mother is most afraid of is that she still does not want to add trouble to her daughter.


After Su Yu graduated from college, she found a job in a state-owned enterprise, met a boyfriend who was very good to her, and got married after two years together.

After the birth of her son, Su Yu's mother came to help her with the child, she and her husband went to work, and life was very good.

Unexpectedly, in August last year, an old man suddenly appeared at home, and he was not going to leave, he was Su Yu's biological father.

Ten years ago, his old family's house was expropriated by the political law, and he lost a house and 100,000 yuan. The year before, his son got married and sold the demolished house for a large house of 200 square meters.

Last year, his wife died of breast cancer, and his son and daughter-in-law did not let him live with him.

When he became a loner, he could only live in the old house of his relatives.

By chance, he found out Su Yu's address, and also heard that Su Yu's mother was not married now, and thought of coming over to let his ex-wife take care of him.

In Su Yu's dictionary, the father is an uninvited guest, she insisted on not letting him live in the house, and called the police, but the police can not forcibly take the father away from the daughter's house.

In the end, Su Yu's husband took 20,000 yuan to negotiate with Yu's half-brother, saying that if he dared to ignore the old man, he would go to the court to sue him.

The son of the third child originally deserved to lose money, of course, did not want to make things big and be laughed at, so he came forward to rent a room for the old woman.

For the time being, the wind and waves are calm, but Su Yu and her mother know that it is really only temporary, and it is estimated that when the house expires, the old man will come to the door again.

Su Yu did not understand very much, where did this old man's face come from, he couldn't wait to abandon his daughter, and now that his son didn't raise him, he wanted to lie in his daughter's house and wanted his disgusted ex-wife to be his nanny.

ay! Sure enough, people who don't want to face can do anything.


Remember a news story last year? It was an air blast.

Self-description: He is also too faceless

Let's first sort out the ins and outs of the whole incident:

In 2016, three-year-old Lei Lei suffered from a rare malignant tumor, and soon after, his father Zhang Insisted on divorce and agreed to raise Lei Lei by his mother Huang.

The husband's abandoned wife and son did not overthrow Huang Mou, she gritted her teeth to resist the burden of life, almost all the energy was spent on treating her son, alone with the child chemotherapy, taking care of the child's diet and living, a person's thousands of troops and horses, a person's soldiers and horses, through countless difficult moments.

It's hard and sad, and never empathy.

Perhaps it was the mother's love that touched the heavens, and a miracle occurred, and Lei Lei, under the careful care of his mother, safely survived the most dangerous five years after the illness, and was recognized in medicine as a heal.

The child is healthy, can be as safe and healthy as other children, all the tiredness of the mother is not worth mentioning, what could be happier than this?

Unexpectedly, in March last year, her husband Zhang Mou, who had disappeared for five years, actually sued the court to get back the custody of his son, and the reason he gave was that his ex-wife remarried and gave birth to a boy, and he was much more financially prosperous than his ex-wife, and it would be more appropriate for his son to follow him.

I have to say that this reason for taking back custody can be described in three words: fine, accurate, and fierce.

Jing: Who the child follows after the parents divorce, the economy is the primary factor.

Quasi: In the child's formative years, paternal love is irreplaceable, how can the stepfather be compared to the financially well-off and highly educated biological father?

Hate: The ex-wife remarries and gives birth to a boy, which will have a certain degree of psychological impact on the boss.

I think that when this shameless man filed a lawsuit, he held these three words in his hand, and his heart must have won the victory.

These three words are indeed Zhang Mou's trump card, relying on it when regaining the custody of the child, and when he first abandoned his wife and son, he also played these three words to the fullest.

Jing of that year: After the parents divorced, the young children were more conducive to growing up with their mothers.

At that time, he was determined to give up his children, but his mother would not give up.

The fierceness of the year: it is much easier to use the money for the treatment of the child to marry another woman and have a child.

Ruyi abacus is not an ordinary fine, anyway, what is the discussion of abandoning his wife and abandoning his son, his conditions are so good, and he is worried that he can't find a woman to have children.

I don't know if it's because the cause and effect reincarnation is too fast, or for other reasons, after five years, the probability of a man fighting for custody, whether married or unmarried, should not be low.

However, this time the precision and fierceness do not seem to be so good.

Self-description: He is also too faceless

After the court visited, it was found that although Zhang was highly educated and had good living conditions, the overall support conditions were better than those of his ex-wife.

The possibility of changing child custody is not only based on the economy, especially for children over the age of eight, and the child's true will is also a major factor.

Judging from his family and school visits, Lei Lei is very healthy in his psychology, very satisfied with his current family, the family gets along well, and his stepfather often tutors him with his homework, and he is also very concerned about his body.

Coupled with the fact that when the child is ill, his mother does not abandon him and accompanies his son through the difficult years alone, such a mother has a sense of responsibility and responsibility.

Even if the mother remarries and gives birth to a boy, temporarily the economy is a little worse, it is also the most qualified mother.

Self-description: He is also too faceless

And Zhang Mou? Although high education and high income, but lost the bottom line of human nature, such a person can really be a qualified father?

The court finally rejected Zhang's claim.

Netizens are extremely agreed with the court's judgment.

If you give the custody of the child to Zhang just because of the economy, that is the most worrying thing.

A man who abandons his wife and son will have no conscience at all in his heart except himself, let alone be a father.


Tu Lei, an emotional teacher, once said: "There is an idiom called 'abandoning one's wife and abandoning one's son', and abandoning one's wife is betrayal, while abandoning one's son is inhuman. A person may abandon his wife because he is confused, but he will not abandon his son because of another woman, because abandoning a son is the bottom line of human nature.

Once a person can abandon even his own children, this is not to pursue the bravery of true love, but the evil and vicious nature, such a person I think has no chance to make up for the mistake. ”

This passage is the most appropriate for Zhang Mou.

Ex-wife is not a wife, you can leave her alone, but even if the divorced son is still his own child after all, even God is distressed about the child, gave him the luckiest Easter egg in misfortune, how can the father not cherish this Easter egg?

If he still has a little conscience, he should know that what he has to do at this time is not to fight for custody, but to really feel sorry for the child, and if the maintenance is not given, he should give it first.

Then let the child live as comfortably as possible financially, knowing that the eight-year-old child has experienced unbearable pain for ordinary people, and the average father, even if he picks the stars in the sky, will give the best to the child.

Everyone knows that fighting for custody at this time will only create a shadow on the child's psychology and make the child more distressed by the mother.

Let go of the child who has gone through a lot of hardships! Let him grow up safely and healthily, and take good care of his good mother who never abandons her.

Please also ask Su Yu's father to let Go of Su Yu's mother and daughter! They really don't owe you anything.

What do you have to look for your son?" The son sold your house, and he took it for granted to raise you.

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