
Eat too much dried fruit snacks or cause acute pancreatitis, pay attention to a reasonable diet during the Spring Festival

According to CCTV, every Spring Festival, there are too many delicious foods, and some people have not stopped talking for a day. But always overeating, not only brings the distress of "three pounds of fat every festive season", but also makes the body eat, acute pancreatitis is a high incidence of diseases during the Spring Festival. Experts remind: binge eating is not necessarily eating, eating more than the usual amount is even if it is overeating. During the Spring Festival, pay attention to reasonable diet, regular work and rest, meat and vegetarian combinations, and avoid alcohol consumption.

Acute pancreatitis is an acute inflammation caused by pancreatic enzymes digesting the pancreas and its surrounding tissues, which is mainly manifested by pancreatic edema, bleeding, and necrosis. Causes are common in biliary system disorders, alcoholism and overeating, surgery and injury, infection, hyperlipidemia, and hypercalcemia.

Eat too much dried fruit snacks or cause acute pancreatitis, pay attention to a reasonable diet during the Spring Festival

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