
Let the world feel the Chinese temperature of the "double Olympic youth"

author:Bright Net

Editorial Comrades:

I am a youth volunteer for the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. On January 4, General Secretary Xi Jinping inspected the preparations for the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games, and pointed out when communicating with the operation management, service support personnel and volunteers: "Being able to participate in the volunteer service work of the Beijing Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games is a rare opportunity in life, I hope that everyone will lift their spirits, muster up all their energy, unite and cooperate, and work together to ensure the smoothness of various service guarantees during the Winter Olympics, so that participants from all over the world can fully feel the hospitality and civilized courtesy of the Chinese people. Feel the warmth of spring. "The general secretary's earnest entrustment has greatly encouraged and inspired the majority of volunteers, and we will live up to our trust and mission, do a good job in volunteer service with the most enthusiasm, the most serious attitude and the most professional quality, and show the world the spiritual outlook of Chinese youth in the new era."

Volunteer service is an important guarantee for the success of the Olympic Games, and volunteers are the beautiful business cards of the host cities of the Olympic Games. In 2008, the fireworks over the "Bird's Nest" lit up the century-old Olympic dream of the Chinese, after 14 years, the 2022 Winter Olympic Games will be held in Beijing, Beijing will soon become the only "double Olympic city" in the world that has hosted the summer and winter Olympic Games, and we will also have the honor to represent China's "post-90s", "post-95s" and "post-00s" to become the world's first batch of "double Olympic youth". From "Beijing welcomes you" to "together to the future", the Olympic Games have witnessed China's higher quality development and the more confident growth of "double Olympic youth". As an important symbol of the progress of social civilization, today's Chinese youth are not only participants in volunteer service, but also practitioners of volunteerism. We will adhere to the volunteer service positions in each competition area and provide high-quality guarantee services for athletes and coaches from all over the world.

The successful hosting of the Beijing Winter Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games will not only enhance our confidence in realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, but also help to display the good image of our country and nation as sunshine, prosperity, strength, and openness, and enhance the understanding and understanding of the people of all countries about China. The Beijing Winter Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games are facing new challenges such as the new crown pneumonia epidemic, which put forward higher requirements for volunteer service. In order to improve the ability of volunteer service, we have worked hard to hone our skills in all-round, whole-process and all-scenario professional training, and focused on strengthening the training of epidemic prevention and control, support for the disabled and other aspects with the attitude of "excellence and foolproof". At present, the preparations for the event are ready, and doing a good job in the service guarantee of the Beijing Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games is the "highlight moment" for our generation of Chinese youth to struggle in a magnificent new era. To be able to become the representative of Chinese youth, to tell the world about an ancient and modern Beijing and a China with a long history and vitality in the front line of the Winter Olympic Games is a supreme and glorious mission, and it is also an unshirkable responsibility.

"Burning snowflakes, brave departure..." The song of the volunteers of the Beijing Winter Olympics, "Burning Snowflakes", inspires us to become pieces of burning little snowflakes, interpret the Olympic spirit and volunteer service spirit with smiles and dedication, compose the struggle song of "double Olympic youth" with practical actions, contribute the youth power of "together to the future" for the "simple, safe and wonderful" Olympic event, and make new contributions to the noble cause of human peace and development.

Chinese Min University Yang Ziqiang

Source: Qiushi

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