
Man and Nature: Devotional treatment of the world is the creation of life

author:China's well-off network

  China Xiaokang Network Exclusive Article

  Wen | Dai Rongli

  Only by treating all things with a sincere heart can we turn dry things into jade and see hope from difficulties. The pious person can always see the strengths of others, and he can always be vigilant of his own shortcomings.

  In this world, the only constant is change. Man is always faced with many unknowns in the face of nature, and maintaining the same piety as a primary school student means not only respect for nature, but also the recognition of human beings' own abilities. Or rather, rational self-confidence. There is a strange phenomenon in the red academic circle, those who learn to be rich in five cars, their words and deeds are like primary school students, while the fledglings are yelling at the fur problem. The pious have their own reasons for piety, and the superficial have their own superficial capital.

  I like to eat peeled fruit pieces in the field, such as sweet potatoes, potatoes, etc., and I am always uneasy about melons and pears that are easy to absorb drugs. The reason is that some melons, fruits and vegetables, unscrupulous people in order to get a good look, do not hesitate to spray, genetic modeling and even reprocessing, although it looks beautiful, it is not safe to eat. For those farmers who keep pollution-free vegetables that are not medicated, who sell the medicated fruits and vegetables to customers, and who sell hormone-fed chickens and ducks to customers, I really have no other way but to hide. When everyone is only safe for themselves, everyone becomes part of the chain of slaughter. Vegetable farmers who medicate vegetables may not be unable to eat chickens and ducks fed hormones. To be in awe of nature means to have respect for life in the world. Reflection begins with the details, and in this sense the meaning of the pious treatment of all things has always been enormous.

  Piety is the foundation of reverence. A man's attitude toward all things depends on his position, his knowledge, and his knowledge of the world. If a person is only domineering and ignores the existence of all beings in the world, his behavior in the world is debauchery. The pious see the magic in the decaying, and the vitality in the fallen. Instead of treating the world in a destructive way, it is interpreting the history of the world from the perspective of its successor.

  Piety is rational self-confidence. Blind self-confidence, although ambitious, but because they ignore the systematization of the development of things, the interconnection between things, or create their own resistance, or ignore obstacles, or look at everything, they can only eat their own consequences in the end. Only by treating all things with a sincere heart can we turn dry things into jade and see hope from difficulties. The pious can always see the strengths of others, and they can always be vigilant of their own shortcomings.

  Piety is the friend of life. Many people only regard themselves as life, but they do not know that everything in this world can be regarded as life. Whether it is organic or inorganic. If you have reverence for the mountains, you must explore the will of the mountains and follow the mountain trend, and there will be no ugly acts of cutting and mining in large numbers; If you have compassion for animals, you will not disregard the groans of pangolins and mercilessly hunt them to satisfy the pleasures of human desires. Man's piety should fear everything outside of man's body! This is not a nonsense. Only when a person fears others in life can he have a basic sense of responsibility and public morality.

  Piety is the source of happiness. If a person wants to do things happily, most of them must be consistent and harmonious and symbiotic inside and outside. Devotion to the outside world can naturally win the friendly reward of the environment. As a group animal, the happiness obtained by feedback is more likely to make people get psychological and physical satisfaction. And happiness is meaningful happiness. Piety will naturally be exchanged for the respect of others. In this sense, piety in the world is also the creation of life. Ordinary people like to listen to words of praise, if you can listen to the words of the opposite ear, I believe that there is a power beyond self-cultivation; If you learn to love your opponent, love everything around you, and then love everything in this world, your compassion will touch not only everything in this world, but also your pious self!

Man and Nature: Devotional treatment of the world is the creation of life

  writers who are partial to urban architecture,

  An engineer who is passionate about philosophical thinking.

  ("Xiaokang", China Xiaokang Network Exclusive Special Article)

  This article was published in the late September 2021 issue of Xiaokang

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