
【Countdown to 1 day】China's ice and snow welcome Beijing Winter Olympics (freestyle skiing)

【Countdown to 1 day】China's ice and snow welcome Beijing Winter Olympics (freestyle skiing)
【Countdown to 1 day】China's ice and snow welcome Beijing Winter Olympics (freestyle skiing)

Freestyle skiing was first developed in the United States in the middle of the last century, and in the 1990s it was successively included in the Winter Olympics. Including aerial skills, snow skills, U-shaped field skills, slope obstacle skills, obstacle chases and big jumps and other small items, different sub-items have their own characteristics. At the Beijing Winter Olympics, freestyle skiing events will be held in Beijing and Zhangjiakou.

Tomorrow, the world-renowned Beijing Winter Olympics will open at the Bird's Nest. Let us look forward to the successful hosting of the Beijing Winter Olympics! Chinese ice and snow athletes have reported success frequently!

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