
When drinking water, half hot water mixed with half cold water, will it have an effect on the body? Early knowledge and early benefit

author:Dr. Zhihua Popularized

Presumably everyone knows that water is the source of all things, the normal cycle of any living body in life is inseparable from the supplement of water, if people do not drink water for more than three days, it is likely to cause more serious dehydration, and even lead to the death of the body, so in daily life must pay attention to the supplement of water.

Nowadays, most young people do not like to drink boiled water every day, feel that boiled water has no taste, most of the young people like to drink carbonated drinks milk tea coffee there are some, but people will add some sugar to the boiled water after the sugar water to drink.

These drinks have added too many additives, so in daily life, regular drinking of these teas will bring certain damage to the body, so it is recommended that everyone drink more boiled water in daily life, although there is no taste, but for the body to replenish water, it can still play a relatively good role.

When drinking water, half hot water mixed with half cold water, will it have an effect on the body? Early knowledge and early benefit


The role and significance of drinking water

For life in nature, water is not only the main component of the body, but also the basis for many physiological functions, and sufficient water in the human body will participate in the redox reaction in the human body, promoting the body's various physiological activities and biochemical reactions to proceed normally.

When the outside temperature is high, the evaporation of water and sweating can help dissipate heat, so in the case of a lot of sweating need to add a lot of water, if because of sweating and lead to the loss of water, but not enough supplementation, it will make the body dehydrated, in addition to the colder weather when the water reserve heat potential is very large, so the people who drink more water will not easily because the external environment is too cold and the body temperature is reduced.

If the human body will feel thirsty when dehydration occurs, and even there will be skin dry cracks, cleft lips, less urine dizziness headache and many other manifestations, if the dehydration is more serious, there will even be fever, mental atrophy and irritability and other emotional states, and insufficient water will also make the blood circulation of the whole body slow down, blood concentration has increased, and even cause back pain and even deformed joint diseases and arthritis and other joint diseases.

The daily water demand of normal adults is about 2500 ml, of which 50% of the water supplemented by drinking water, about 40% of the water contained in food is supplemented, and about 10% of the water produced by body metabolism.

When drinking water, half hot water mixed with half cold water, will it have an effect on the body? Early knowledge and early benefit


When drinking water, half hot water mixed with half cold water, will it have an effect on the body? Early knowledge and early benefit

In daily life, many people usually drink water when they are thirsty, so in order to solve their thirst in time, they will mix half hot water and half cold water together to drink, but there is a saying that this way of drinking water will greatly increase the risk of bacterial invasion to the body, is this statement correct? Is there any basis for that?

This kind of drinking water with half cold water and half hot water is called yin and yang water, and the claim that yin and yang water will cause bacteria to increase is too one-sided, because it needs to be judged accordingly by water quality.

(1) Tap water

Tap water is also known as raw water, and some people believe that mixing boiled water into tap water can effectively remove bacteria from tap water. In fact, this method can not play a role in eliminating bacteria, the way of mixing hot water into tap water will still bring certain hidden dangers to the body, this is because tap water is raw water after all, and it has not been completely eliminated.

Even if it is mixed with 100 ° C boiling water, it still can not play a role in sterilization and disinfection, and even there are some chlorine gas and microorganisms in tap water, but there is no way to eliminate it through high temperature, so it is easy to cause damage to the body after entering the human body, so it is easy to cause abdominal pain and diarrhea after drinking this water.

When drinking water, half hot water mixed with half cold water, will it have an effect on the body? Early knowledge and early benefit

(2) Purified water

Now there are many people and offices will drink bottled water, in fact, as long as the quality of the bottled water is not a problem, hot and cold water flushing is no problem, will not bring a certain impact on the body, this is because as long as it is a qualified quality of bottled water, will go through the corresponding sterilization treatment, so it is not boiled to drink will be safer, but if the quality of the bottled water can not be guaranteed accordingly, the cold and hot exchange will still bring bad effects to the body.

(3) Cool white open

Now there are also many families like to drink cool white open, most of them are first boiled water, and then poured into the pot sealed preservation, want to drink when poured out and then add hot water to drink, in fact, this water for physical health is not too much impact, because this water is the water after the process of boiling, but the water temperature has undergone a certain change, but the nature has not produced any change, so in daily life the use of cool white open flushing hot water is also OK, there is not much negative impact on the human body.

However, it is not recommended that you drink the cool white open in the open container, this is because if it is placed in the open container, it is easy to cause dust and bacteria in the air, and even flying insects to fall into the water, causing a certain pollution situation to the water source, this water will bring certain damage to the body after drinking, so it is recommended that everyone must be placed in the container with a lid when holding the cool white opening.

When drinking water, half hot water mixed with half cold water, will it have an effect on the body? Early knowledge and early benefit


How do I choose bottled water?

Many families have the habit of drinking bottled water, but they do not choose bottled water correctly.

(1) Pay attention to the date of the bottled water

The bottled water sold will indicate the production date and shelf life of the product, in the selection of the same as the food to pay attention to the shelf life of the bottled water, try not to choose the shelf life of the barreled water, although there will be no extremely serious damage, but the water quality at this time has not been ideal, if the long-term bottled water placed on the water dispenser, and finally will lead to water quality is more susceptible to pollution by bacteria in the air, so it will make a large number of bacteria multiply.

(2) Pay attention to the appearance of the barrel

Qualified bottled water will indicate the production date and shelf life at the seal, generally in the case of unopened can be stored for 2 to 3 months, but once opened it, it is best to drink within half a month.

At the same time, the upper left of the outer packaging will be marked with the QS logo, and indicate the shelf life production date and health license, etc., and each barrel of pure water will be marked with a shelf life of 45 days.

When drinking water, half hot water mixed with half cold water, will it have an effect on the body? Early knowledge and early benefit

Conclusion: Do you have the habit of drinking yin and yang water in your daily life? What is your opinion on this? Share your thoughts and opinions in the comments section below. #健康迎新年 #

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