
Who is the most generous TOP3 in the zodiac signs in 2020

Of the 12 zodiac signs, which sign is the most generous to friends?!

· Scorpio ·

10.24 - 11.22

Scorpio is the top three in the twelve zodiac signs, you don't say that Scorpio for their competitors to make a variety of tricks, in exchange for you, in the face of strong competitors, will you still be calm? It can only be said that Scorpio may be slightly cautious in some places, but I have to admit that Scorpio treats friends with dedication.

Friends have difficulties, Scorpio where there is no reason not to help, even if their current ability can not help too much, but also must be able to help how much, friends sad is the most unseen thing in Scorpio. If you have a Scorpio friend, it's also a good luck.

Who is the most generous TOP3 in the zodiac signs in 2020

· Sagittarius ·

11.23 - 12.21

You don't look at Sagittarius's life is extremely free, in fact, Sagittarius is very compassionate, and he can't see others suffer. If there are friends who are depressed all day long because of financial problems, then Sagittarius will certainly not sit idly by, sagittarius will immediately draw a knife to help and generously donate.

Moreover, Sagittarius, because he is also more arbitrary, does not have much concept of money, they will not think about how to lend money in the next month or two, they will only feel that they have helped others, and they are happy enough. Sagittarius seems to be the kind of person who is unruly on the surface but kind in heart.

Who is the most generous TOP3 in the zodiac signs in 2020

· Leo ·

07.23 - 08.22

Leo, a sign with a good face, once you meet a friend who borrows money from them, the inner self-esteem begins to work, no matter how much money or small money, as long as it is affordable, Leo does not say a word, immediately, immediately borrow. Leo feels that people who refuse to borrow money are faceless, how can they not have face.

However, Leo's generosity can not all be said to be due to face problems, or a large part because of their kindness, Leo people although they have a big temper, but they are knife mouth tofu heart, mouth said reluctant, faster than anyone. So, Leo is the most generous person in the zodiac.

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