
Picturesque! "It turns out that Brother Zui is also a player in the technical flow!"

If you want to find a player with excellent technical ability in the active duty, it is estimated that you will find a small pile, such as DeRozan, LaVine, Harden, Curry, including Durant Harden, etc. These players eat the technical flow, and they all play with technology. But to say that to find a full range of technical ability and beautiful movements in active service, Gua Ge put aside first, and the mouth brother should be well-deserved! Of course, it is not Yuzu who awkwardly blows Wiggins, but Wiggins's recent game crazy show technology, crazy show his various shooting techniques.

Picturesque! "It turns out that Brother Zui is also a player in the technical flow!"

In the past, we all know that one of his moves is to hold the ball outside the three-point line, catch the ball, and make all kinds of strong shots, but now the mouth brother actually came to a retreat step after a singles three-point jumper! Unlike Curry and Harden's kind of big step backward step jumper, what is the mouth brother? It is a small step move, an easy retreat step directly outside the three-point line, the action is smooth and dashing, giving people a very comfortable feeling. Of course, there are many technical moves of the mouth brother, and the strongest should belong to these moves: back-turn jump shot, small gyro turn, penny middle distance!

Picturesque! "It turns out that Brother Zui is also a player in the technical flow!"

Back-up jump shot is a unique trick of Kobe Bryant, the initial use of the action is not very smooth, turning is not so fast, especially the shot, it does not feel very in place. But after these two years of experience, the mouth brother has gradually developed his own back beat turn jump shot, whether it is the amplitude of the jump or the feeling of the shot, now the pinch is very accurate, the efficiency is also very high, especially in the face of the misalignment of the mouth brother back hit, in addition to the lack of Kobe's kind of shoulder shaking fake action, the rest and Jordan Kobe is very god-like.

Picturesque! "It turns out that Brother Zui is also a player in the technical flow!"

Another is that the mouth brother has been famous for a long time the small gyro turned around, when the high school period ate this trick, after the NBA mouth brother is still this move, especially his pad dunk, the technical fluency is very high. However, since leaving the Timberwolves, there have been few opportunities for the Warriors' forty-five degrees and frontal breakthroughs, and the Minnesota Gyro technique has only been used in some games, and most of the time this trick is not used much. Moreover, now the mouth brother prefers to kill the basket directly, and the small gyro basket rarely appears.

Picturesque! "It turns out that Brother Zui is also a player in the technical flow!"

Another is the mouth brother's penny jumper, which is the signature of the mouth brother, especially with the turn of the mouth brother, a stroke of penny jumper can basically eat the whole field, whether it is misplaced or not, the mouth brother can play. Of course, throughout the career of Brother Zui, technical ability has been improving. So far, there are only two weaknesses that have not been perfected, one is the general foot technique of the mouth brother, especially the ability to create fouls is not good, and it is impossible to rely on footsteps to confuse the opponent like Jordan and Kobe, and the fake action does not do much. Another is that the left-handed finishing ability of the mouth brother is not outstanding, and it has not reached the level of two-handed fighting. But as far as the technical ability of brother Zui is concerned, it is still very amazing, after all, he has a certain physical talent to match the current technology, which is actually very rare.

Picturesque! "It turns out that Brother Zui is also a player in the technical flow!"

(Note: Don't ask Yuzu why she doesn't put on the GIF, against your heart: for everyone's traffic.) Truth be told: it is too troublesome to find a GIF, Yuzu sister is very lazy, everyone make up their own brains! )

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