
Dillon's "I'm from New York" online premiered "Grandson" partner Xiu Kung Fu

author:1905 Movie Network
Dillon's "I'm from New York" online premiered "Grandson" partner Xiu Kung Fu

The 1905 movie Network News, starring Dillon, Xuan Xuan and others, premiered on the mobile cinema online on the evening of May 9, and the lead actor Dillon and the CEO of the mobile cinema, Gao Qunyao, attended the "Cloud Red Carpet" and shared with the audience the mood of participating in and screening the film.

"I'm from New York" helped Dillon win the Best Actor Award at the 7th Macao International Film Festival, and it was finally released after many years, which made him very happy. This work is also Dillon's second leading role after many years off the big screen, compared to previous roles, the action movie god's performance in "I am from New York" is very special.

Dillon himself bluntly said that he "didn't do big brother for many years" when talking about the character of "Master Lin", and this time he reappeared in the movie because of a "granddaughter who has never met": "Because I lived with him, a lot of strange things happened, she would laugh at me and eat phoenix claws, and also take ugly photos of me on the Internet, and 'play kung fu' with her." ”

Dillon's "I'm from New York" online premiered "Grandson" partner Xiu Kung Fu

After a brief "cloud red carpet", the film officially began to be screened. "I am from New York" is a work of main family affection and ethical themes, 11-year-old girl Lin Sijia, who grew up in New York, was forced to return to Guangzhou due to her mother's work and lived with her grandfather, in this experience of bitterness and joy, laughter and tears, re-understood the two different cultures of China and the West, and understood the meaning of home and relatives.

Dillon's "I'm from New York" online premiered "Grandson" partner Xiu Kung Fu

In the 2-hour movie, there are many bridge sections that are impressive. For example, at first, the two grandchildren were completely unable to communicate due to differences in language and thought; and as they got along day and night, the granddaughter gradually began to really care for and love her grandfather, and when she saw her low-key grandfather and showed her fists and feet to protect herself, she understood from the bottom of her heart the reason why her mother taught herself to learn kung fu culture from an early age. At the same time, not only the feelings between grandchildren, at the end of the film, the father and daughter, who have been estranged for more than 10 years, also link the bridge of family affection again through Sijia, naming the theme of the film: "The world is big, but home is always in the heart."

During the screening process, many viewers also made short comments in real time, interactive exchanges, talking about the original intention of inviting "I am from New York" for the online premiere, Gao Qunyao, CEO of mobile cinema, said that he believes that the mobile Internet will definitely empower cinemas, online and offline integration will become the trend of the times, get industry consensus, and continue to increase the Chinese film market.

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