
On the first day of the Chinese New Year, the "tiger" came to 丨AiShen live warm heart spring

On the first day of the Chinese New Year, the "tiger" came to 丨AiShen live warm heart spring

At 1:44 a.m., Mr. and Mrs. Liu's beloved son "Think" was born in the delivery room of Putuo District Maternal and Infant Health Hospital, weighing 3270 grams. As the first "tiger baby" of the general women and babies, "Think" received a spring festival gift carefully prepared by the hospital: a cute tiger head hat and two sets of baby toiletries.

On the first day of the Chinese New Year, the "tiger" came to 丨AiShen live warm heart spring

The first "little tiger" born at 1:44 p.m. in Putuo District Maternal and Infant Health Hospital

"My wife is afraid of pain, but she really made a lot of efforts to make the baby born smoothly." Witnessing the complete delivery process, Mr. Liu, a new father, was both distressed and admired his wife. Mr. Liu and Ms. Liu met when they were students, experienced love runs, and postponed the wedding for 2 years because of the epidemic, and the birth of "Think" is the best gift for their 10th anniversary of love.

On the first day of the Chinese New Year, the "tiger" came to 丨AiShen live warm heart spring

Mr. Liu personally cut the baby's umbilical cord

"My wife wanted to have a little tiger, but she didn't expect her dream to come true, so I asked him to think about it." Looking at the white and tender newborn, Mr. and Mrs. Liu made their first wish to the baby: they hoped to "think" safely and healthily, and they could do what they wanted in the future.

On the first day of the Chinese New Year, the "tiger" came to 丨AiShen live warm heart spring

Mr. Liu's family took a group photo with the midwife

The safe birth of a new life is inseparable from the escort of the medical team in the delivery room. Every year, Chinese New Year's Eve, when everyone is immersed in the joy of the New Year, they stick to the "battlefield" to help women give birth smoothly and safely. "She was in good condition and had a good birth." After the delivery "think", the midwife Kong Liping will soon go to the next mother. Despite nearly 30 years of experience in the delivery room, she still can't help but feel excited every time she delivers a New Year's baby, "The baby is a gift from the sky for the family, and I am very excited to be able to give the gift to them smoothly." ”

It is reported that from Chinese New Year's Eve to 9 o'clock on the first day of the Chinese New Year, the maternity room of pu women and infants ushered in a total of 6 "ox tails" and 1 "tiger boss".

Reporter, short video production: Tao Qinyi

Editor: Wu Xingting

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