
Three types of people are suitable for buying iPhone13mini, and one of them may have some "Versailles"

The iPhone13mini is a small flagship machine owned by Apple. The machine is equipped with A15 bionic chip, rear 12 million pixel dual camera, support movie effect mode, 2x optical zoom. In addition, this phone uses a 5.4-inch screen, which is quite small compared to the full-screen mobile phones currently on the market.

Three types of people are suitable for buying iPhone13mini, and one of them may have some "Versailles"

However, although the iPhone 13mini's body size is relatively small, it still attracts many users. Even if the market sales of the iPhone 13mini are not as good as the iPhone 13 and iPhone 13Pro models, if you really calculate its sales, it is estimated to be stronger than many well-sold Android phones. This is fact, do not accept rebuttals, interesting to the data.

Three types of people are suitable for buying iPhone13mini, and one of them may have some "Versailles"

So, what kind of person is suitable for considering buying an iPhone 13mini? In fact, this is a topic worth discussing. After all, Apple will not launch a small-sized iPhone for no reason, it must be market researched. Therefore, through my research and observation, I personally think that the following three types of people are suitable for starting the iPhone 13mini.

The first category: people who like small mobile phones themselves, iPhone 13mini must have great attraction.

With such a large number of smartphone users worldwide, there are actually quite a few people who prefer small size phones. Because the small size of the mobile phone is more comfortable to hold in the hand, and it is more convenient to carry.

Three types of people are suitable for buying iPhone13mini, and one of them may have some "Versailles"

Of course, with the configuration of mobile phones getting higher and higher, the performance of small size mobile phones is not bad. Moreover, psychologically speaking, small and beautiful things will basically attract attention from everyone, and the small size of the iPhone is no exception. Therefore, if this kind of person originally likes small size mobile phones, then the iPhone 13mini must be suitable for them.

The second category: for a series of needs, there must be a backup machine user.

Whether you are an Android mobile phone user or an iPhone user, as long as you have the need for a spare machine, in fact, the iPhone 13mini is a worth considering to buy.

Three types of people are suitable for buying iPhone13mini, and one of them may have some "Versailles"

That is to say, the iPhone13mini has almost all the advantages of a spare machine: first, the price is low, and the entry threshold is low. Secondly, the performance can be, and the battery life is also OK. In addition, it is small and convenient, and it does not appear cumbersome as a backup machine.

So, if you're a type of person with spare machine needs, the iPhone13mini is really a good consideration.

The third category: tired of using a large-screen mobile phone, I want a small size mobile phone to change the experience.

Needless to say, there is such a category of people around me, who usually use not iPhone 12Pro Max, iPhone13Pro Max, or folding screen mobile phones. In short, in the past, they especially loved large-screen mobile phones.

However, no matter how big the screen mobile phone, it will be tired after a long time. Therefore, after this type of people saw the small size design of the iPhone 13mini, they had an idea in their minds that they wanted to have. In other words, the large-screen mobile phone is heavy and tired of being used, and it needs to be experienced by a different mobile phone. However, in my opinion, this kind of person is somewhat "Versailles".

Three types of people are suitable for buying iPhone13mini, and one of them may have some "Versailles"

Because many people are trying to save money to buy a larger screen, stronger performance iPhone, they have already used enough of the large screen, high-performance iPhone or Android phone, they want to experience the niche and inexpensive iPhone 13mini. Frankly, this does mean "Versailles". It's just that I can understand the lives of rich people.

In summary, there are three types of people who personally feel suitable for buying an iPhone 13mini. Guys, what kind of people are you?

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