
Traces (6) - A pen to 100,000 troops How does Shao Piaoping do exclusive reports in Beijing?

author:Beijing News

All along, Shao Piaoping's Beijing News Hall has hung the words "iron shoulder hot hand", hot hand is skill, iron shoulder is the responsibility. This generation of newspapermen who stirred up trouble in the city of Beijing always respected the truth and facts, adhered to the expression of independence and freedom, and used the fast pen like a knife to speak out for the oppressed and to crusade against imperialism and reactionary government.

His life was like a broken stem, a newspaper all his life, and a newspaper when he died. He was eventually shot and killed on charges of "colluding with Red Russia and propagating Redization", but he did not reveal his identity as a Communist Party member until his death. For her beloved journalism, Shao Piaoping once left such a message: "The newspaper library can be sealed, and the reporter's pen cannot be sealed." The main writer can be killed, and the power of public opinion cannot be killed! ”

Former site of The Beijing News Pavilion (Former Residence of Shao Piaoping)

The "iron shoulder hot hand" entered the Beijing newspaper to interview the wizards and won many exclusives

Suit leather shoes, drive a Ford car, open a metal box to pick a cigarette to light, and look closely at the cigarette body printed with the words "Shao Piaoping sucking". Shuttling through the warlord-ruled city of Beijing, this delicate and dignified gentleman is always able to make news reports that no one else can match.

In 1916, Shao Piaoping entered Beijing as the first commissioner in the history of Chinese journalism and became a special correspondent of the "Declaration" in Beijing.

"The entry of modern newspapers into China was precisely the moment when the Qing Dynasty was saved and survived, and Western newspapers, as commercial means, evolved into tools of ideological enlightenment and political struggle in China." Wang Runze, president of the China Journalism History Society and vice dean of the School of Journalism at Chinese Min University, said that against this background, Shao Piaoping and a group of other modern newspaper people were full of enthusiasm and hoped to enlighten the people and save the danger, so they founded a newspaper at any cost or even without counting their lives.

Traces (6) - A pen to 100,000 troops How does Shao Piaoping do exclusive reports in Beijing?

Shao Piaoping. Photo courtesy of Beijing Daily

At that time, Shao Piaoping was already a very mature and experienced reporter, paying attention to flexible interview skills, but also firmly adhering to the concept of right and wrong.

He believes that the reporter's appearance should be neat and noble, so that people can look at it as a decent person", and Zhang Shizhao also called him "a gentle and beautiful teenager". In order to get a first-hand clue, he will also wear rags and rags, wear a cloth hat and disguise to secretly visit; the "three religions and nine streams" can sincerely treat and become friends, and deal with the world flexibly. However, in the face of major right and wrong and key insiders, even if it leads to the disaster of killing, he is the first to resolutely report.

Therefore, at that time, many exclusive insiders were from Shao Piaoping's hand, and the report of the "dispute between the government and the court" was very representative.

At the beginning of 1917, the dispute between the government and the court (presidential office, state council) intensified. Prime Minister Duan Qirui fled Tianjin to coerce the presidential palace, with the result that Li Yuanhong compromised and Duan returned to Beijing in triumph. Shao Piaoping learned in the middle of the night that she immediately rushed to Beijing Station, and pounced, so she changed cars and drove straight to Duan's official residence. "When he got to the door, he took out a stack of bills, took out half of them and said to the doorman, as long as you inform me, no matter whether Premier Duan sees me or not, the remaining half is also yours." Wang Runze introduced. Not wanting Duan Qirui to gladly receive him, the two talked until 3 a.m. This interview not only enabled him to understand the whole process of the dispute between the government and the court, but also to understand the possible changes in the political situation in the future.

Duan Qirui has always hated reporters, why is he willing to see Shao Piaoping late at night? Wang Runze believes that in addition to Shao Piaoping's profound interview skills, what is more crucial is that he has a deep grasp of the psychology of the interviewee. At this time, Duan Qirui triumphantly returned to Beijing, full of pride and full of desire to talk, and Shao Piaoping used this psychology to successfully interview.

Zhang Jiluan, a Ming Pao author, once praised Shao Piaoping's keen sense of news and unique interview skills: "Whenever Piaoping encounters major domestic and foreign affairs, she feels the earliest, and the interview must be worked. The great official of Beijing, who had evil views of the news reporters, piaoping alone could make him have to see, see and have to talk, knock on the side, and the number of words had already been grasped. ”

In Shao Piaoping's eyes, newspapers are not only a means for individuals to earn a living and create reputation, but also "social public organs" and "representatives of public opinion", and the key to newspapers is to maintain ideological, economic and organizational independence.

So two years after entering Beijing, in October 1918, Shao Piaoping resigned as a special correspondent for the first major newspaper and raised her own funds to establish the Beijing Daily as its president.

In his inaugural speech, he clearly put forward the purpose of running the newspaper: "We must start with political education." The foundation of the tree is the plan of ten thousand years and the cure for the root cause. It will make the government obey the orders of the legitimate will of the people, that is, what this newspaper has done! At the same time, the four words of "iron shoulders and hot hands" were hung in the editorial department, encouraging colleagues to shoulder social responsibility.

Traces (6) - A pen to 100,000 troops How does Shao Piaoping do exclusive reports in Beijing?

Editorial Department of Kyo PaoKan. Photo courtesy of Beijing Daily

"At that time, the procedures for running a newspaper were not complicated, equivalent to today's 'self-media'." Wang Runze said that many tabloids appear on the market, and often within a few days, they are difficult to sustain and close their doors, let alone have a certain influence.

Relying only on a few able editors and reporters, the Beijing Daily focused on reporting and commenting on the political situation and war, stressed the timeliness and authenticity of the news, promoted the truth, and opposed the feudal rule of warlords. In January, sales rose sharply from more than 300 copies to 4,000 copies, and the highest circulation reached 6,000 copies, making it the largest newspaper in Beiping at that time.

In October 1925, after experiencing the closure and resumption of publication, the ill-fated Jing Bao became increasingly stable in operation and moved into a Japanese-style gray-brick western-style building located at No. 30 Weidian Hutong in Xicheng District. At that time, this was the only self-built museum site in the Beijing press, downstairs was the communication room, sales department, upstairs was the editorial department, manager's room, etc., which was considered to be a grand scale, and also confirmed the rapid development of the "Beijing News".

Traces (6) - A pen to 100,000 troops How does Shao Piaoping do exclusive reports in Beijing?

In 1925, the second floor of the Kyopaokan was completed. Photo courtesy of Beijing Daily

Immediately next to Wei Yan Hutong No. 32, is a two-entry courtyard, the main house is the residence of Shao Piaoping and his wife, and the backyard is the residence of the children. It is directly accessible from the Kyo PaoKan by walking through the small door. "For the convenience of running newspapers, all the newspaper agencies in Beijing of my grandfather are next to their residences." Shao Piaoping's grandson Shao Cheng recalled that the east wing of the front yard was once her grandfather's study, and in the impression of her grandchildren, her grandmother had been using a white curtain to shade the room, which was full of Shao Piaoping's large tome collection of books, and was carefully stored in a bookcase.

Traces (6) - A pen to 100,000 troops How does Shao Piaoping do exclusive reports in Beijing?

A corner of the study room in Shao Piaoping's former residence. Know the video screenshots

After two years of retreat and repair, in June this year, the former site of the Beijing News Pavilion (Shao Piaoping's former residence) was unveiled as a red newspaper museum, and the three-character signboard of "Beijing News Pavilion" handwritten by Shao Piaoping was repainted with bright red.

Traces (6) - A pen to 100,000 troops How does Shao Piaoping do exclusive reports in Beijing?

The former site of the Beijing News Pavilion at No. 30 Weidian Hutong in Xicheng District. Know the video screenshots

Traces (6) - A pen to 100,000 troops How does Shao Piaoping do exclusive reports in Beijing?

Pushing open the gate of the Beijing News Office, on the wall facing it are the four big characters of "Iron Shoulder Hot Hand". Know the video screenshots

Peking University Red House

Contributed to the Launch of the May Fourth Movement of the Peking University Journalism Research Association

1918 was a very turning year in Shao Piaoping's life.

Shortly after the establishment of the Beijing News, Shao Piaoping accepted the first batch of students at the Peking University Journalism Research Association. On October 14, 1918, under the strong impetus of Shao Piaoping, the Journalism Research Association of Peking University was established, and Shao Piaoping was hired as a mentor. This is the first journalism academic research group in China and the first journalism education institution in China.

A well-known newspaperman engaged in journalism practice, he threw himself into higher education and began to study journalism practice, for which he was also known as a "news all-rounder".

At that time, the main activities of the Journalism Research Association were in the Red Building of Peking University, and every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 8:00 to 9:00 p.m., all members gathered in Room 34 (No. 30 West 30, second floor) to listen to lectures, research and deliberations. Shao Piaoping has one or two classes a week, teaching students the basics of journalism, the method of collecting news materials, and the cultivation requirements for journalists.

"Only by taking truth and facts as the standard, we do not know that there are friends or enemies..." Shao Piaoping instructed the students to attach importance to the freedom and independence of the press. He proposed that journalists are "social public people", and the most valuable integrity is the "independence of human dignity" based on truth and facts.

Not only theoretical research, Shao Piaoping also hopes to cultivate a group of capable journalists who can report on the sufferings of working people and strike struggles. In addition to the general basic knowledge of journalism, he pays special attention to reports on politics, economy and labor conditions, and lists 29 details such as the causes of strikes, workers' wages, working hours, and the unity of workers. In addition to the lectures, students are also organized to go out to visit and practice in the newspaper hall, encouraging students to get close to society and speak out for the people.

After the compilation of Shao Piaoping's lectures, he formed China's first journalism and interviewing book, "Practical Applied Journalism", which has been reprinted many times since then.

Traces (6) - A pen to 100,000 troops How does Shao Piaoping do exclusive reports in Beijing?

Group photo of members of the Journalism Research Association of Peking University. Courtesy of beijing New Culture Movement Memorial Hall

The vast majority of the members of the Journalism Research Association were students and staff members of Peking University, and many of them later became members of the Chinese Communist Party in the early days of our country. It was during this period that Mao Zedong, as a member, became acquainted with his teacher Shao Piaoping.

According to the news historian Fang Hanqi, Mao Zedong often visited Shao Piaoping during his stay in Beijing, Shao wrote and published newspapers until late at night, and often made up for sleep in the morning, while Mao Zedong sat and waited for Shao Piaoping to get up and ask for advice and study, and the conversation was a few hours. In an interview with Snow, Mao Zedong once recalled: "Shao Piaoping helped me a lot. He was a lecturer at the Journalism Institute, a liberal, a man of passionate ideals and good qualities. ”

Historic events were brought together at a very high density in that era. In the past few years, the May Fourth Movement has erupted in Beijing.

Xu Deheng, a well-known political activist, wrote in an article entitled "Recalling the May Fourth Movement": "Shao Piaoping of the Beijing Daily came to us every Sunday during the period before May Fourth to tell us about his experience in news interviews, which was very related to the May Fourth Movement. It can be said that Shao Piaoping was one of the initiators of the May Fourth Movement.

On April 30, 1919, the Paris Peace Conference decided to transfer all German interests in Shandong to Japan. When the news of China's diplomatic failure spread back to China, Shao Piaoping appealed her indignation to her pen and successively wrote articles such as "Please Look at the Japanese Government and the Opposition and the Shandong Issue" and "The People's Preparation for Diplomacy Should Not Be Blamed with Empty Words," denouncing the traitorous acts of the corrupt government.

On the eve of the May Fourth Movement, at 7 p.m., student representatives from 13 secondary schools and above in Beijing gathered in the Peking University Law Hall to hold a student assembly. Shao Piaoping was invited to give a speech, bitterly criticizing the Shandong issue, and the wording was painful and passionate: "Now that the national crisis is linked to one outbreak, if we wait in silence, the nation will have no way to save it and will only perish." Peking University is the highest institution of learning, and it should stand up and mobilize the students of all schools to save the lives and survive and rise up to fight. ”

At his call, the students' emotions were even more agitated, and the conference was held until 11 o'clock in the evening, and it was decided to gather at Tiananmen Square on May 4 to hold a demonstration in the academic circles. At this point, the "May Third" party in the academic circles introduced the May Fourth Movement. Shao Piaoping did not sleep that night, returned to the museum late at night and worked hard to write a book, naturally becoming the first reporter to record and report on the May Fourth Movement.

On the afternoon of May 4, more than 3,000 students from Peking University and more than a dozen other schools gathered in front of Tiananmen Square, holding up placards such as "Cancel the Twenty Articles" and "Pledge to Die and Fight to The Death, Return To Qingdao" and shouting slogans, shocking China and foreign countries, the May Fourth Movement broke out, and then quickly swept the country.

In the next two months or so, Shao Piaoping published more than 40 signed articles, and the Beijing Daily cooperated with the national progressive newspapers and periodicals to create momentum for the revolutionary struggle and form a major influence among young people. The authorities ordered the arrest on charges of "disturbing the public order of the Beijing Division" and "insulting the government," and on August 21 of the same year, the Beijing Newspaper Hall was sealed. Shao Piaoping escaped with the help of friends and crossed east to Japan.

Traces (6) - A pen to 100,000 troops How does Shao Piaoping do exclusive reports in Beijing?

The Beijing News of the year. Know the video screenshots

Overpass East Execution Ground

Propagators of red-cladness are at ease

At about 4:00 a.m. on April 26, 1926, the sky was dimly bright, and the guards escorted a "propagandist red" person to the East Execution Ground of Tianqiao. Prisoner Shao Piaoping stood still and arched his hand and said, "You are exempt from sending." Yang Tian laughed and calmly and righteously.

The prosperous civilian market in the early years of the Republic of China also became the end of Shao Piaoping's 40-year life. But no one knew that the victim was already a member of the Chinese Communist Party for more than a year.

Fang Hanqi told reporters that he had seen the image left by Shao when he was in Japan at Mrs. Shao's home. In the photo, most of the books behind Shao Piaoping are Marxist writings. "This also shows that Shao Piaoping had already come into contact with Marxism in large quantities at that time."

In July 1920, the Government of Duan Qirui collapsed, and Shao Piaoping returned to China, and it took two months to resume the publication of the Beijing News. After the founding of the Communist Party of China, the climax of the workers' movement arose, and Shao Piaoping used her identity as a newspaper reporter as a cover to vigorously cooperate with the propaganda work.

In February 1923, the Beijing-Hankou railway workers held a general strike. Shao Piaoping always paid close attention to it, and had constant contacts with Gao Junyu, Deng Zhongxia, Luo Zhanglong and other communists, and sent photographers and text reporters to interview and record things everywhere. In the subsequent "February 7" general strike and the May Thirtieth Movement, the Beijing Daily continued to report, and its reporting time, scale and influence ranked first among the national newspapers.

For the propaganda of Marxism-Leninism, Shao Piaoping also invested a lot of strength. He successively edited and distributed the "Marx Commemorative Special Issue" and "Lenin Special Issue" in the "Beijing Daily" to introduce the life, writings and doctrines of Marxism and Lenin, which made the "Beijing Daily" gradually become an important garden for propagating Marxism-Leninism and the October Revolution.

In the spring of 1925, through the introduction of Li Dazhao and Luo Zhanglong, Shao Piaoping secretly joined the Communist Party of China.

At that time, Shao Piaoping repeatedly published articles exposing and criticizing the government, publicly denouncing Zhang Zuolin and other Beiyang warlords as "enemies of the people" in the "Beijing Daily," and also instigating Zhang Zuolin's confidant Guo Songling to contact Feng Yuxiang and send a telegram to the whole country demanding that Zhang Zuolin step down. In the end, under the joint attack of the Japanese Kwantung Army and Zhang Zuolin, Guo Songling's soldiers were defeated and killed. Shao Piaoping also made the truth of the incident public, which caused the people in the north to oppose Japan and Zhang movements.

Zhang Zuolin hated him to the bone, and when the vanguard troops entered Beijing, he explicitly ordered a reward for the capture and killing of Shao Piaoping.

Shao Piaoping took refuge in Dongjiaomin Lane. Unexpectedly, Zhang Hanju, the director of the Mainland Daily, was bribed by the warlord and deceived Shao Piaoping. The warlord government arrested him on charges of "colluding with Red Russia and propagating RedIzation." As soon as the news of Shao Piaoping's arrest came out, all walks of life in Beijing immediately tried to rescue her, but in the end there was no result.

Traces (6) - A pen to 100,000 troops How does Shao Piaoping do exclusive reports in Beijing?

Shao Piaoping's body. Photo courtesy of Beijing Daily

On April 26, 1926, Shao Piaoping was shot. In the photo of Shao Piaoping's body, the bullet hole under her right eye after being shot is clearly visible. All progressive newspapers and periodicals throughout the country have published bad news one after another, and they all deplore it.

Feng Yuxiang cried bitterly, "Piao Ping's pen has reached 100,000 troops!" ”

■ Expert commentary

Mao Zedong praised him as "a man of warm ideals and good qualities"

In the course of Shao Piaoping's 40-year life, her contributions as an outstanding progressive journalist and her status as a member of the Communist Party will be commemorated in the future.

As a well-known journalist, he accepted progressive ideas, consciously pursued Marxism, and became one of the first people in China to praise the October Revolution in Soviet Russia and spread Marxist doctrine. From 1919 to 1920 in Japan, Shao Piaoping successively published two books, "Comprehensive Study of Social Trends in Various Countries" and "Studies of New Russia", which first introduced scientific socialism to the Chinese people, pointed out that Marx founded the materialist view of history and the theory of surplus value, overcame the fundamental defects of utopian socialism, and pointed out the inevitability of capitalism being replaced by socialism. In this regard, Shao Piaoping gave a high evaluation: "The achievements of Marx's scientific research have given workers the ticket to victory. Shao Piaoping also enthusiastically praised the "October Revolution" in Soviet Russia for opening up "a new era in history." In 1925, he secretly joined the Communist Party of China.

In 1918, Shao Piaoping founded the Beijing Daily, which was a large and influential newspaper during the Republic of China. He opposed Yuan Shikai, opposed the dictatorship of the Beiyang warlords, exposed imperialist conspiracies, and supported the patriotic movement of workers and students. During the Zhifeng War, he secretly contacted Guo Songling and Feng Yuxiang, causing Guo Songling to turn against him, forcing Zhang Zuolin to go down into the wilderness, and even temporarily defeating Japan. Feng Yuxiang praised this: Piaoping's pen was better than 100,000 troops.

His excellent interview skills have left many exclusive major news reports. At that time, although there were many newspapers in China and many people engaged in journalism work, Shao Piaoping was the only journalist who could really obtain major political and diplomatic news with his superb interview experience. The major scoops he covered during his lifetime included the controversy over the house, the Kimfran case, and the severance of sino-German relations.

Shao Piaoping is passionate about journalism education and is a mentor of the Journalism Research Association of Peking University. At that time, most of the members of the Peking University Journalism Research Association were influential figures of the "May Fourth Movement", and many of them became early party members and leading figures of the CCP. It was at this time that Shao Piaoping became acquainted with Mao Zedong as a student and had a close relationship, and he also funded Mao Zedong many times. In 1936, Mao Zedong introduced his life to the American journalist Snow in Yan'an, specifically mentioning that he had been influenced by two teachers, one of whom was Shao Piaoping, and praising him as "a person with warm ideals and good qualities."

In addition, he was also employed by the Department of Newspapers of the Civilian University, The University of Hosei, and the Beijing Wuben Women's University, and directed the publication of Newsweek, the organ of the Journalism Research Association, and the Newspaper and Periodicals of the Department of Newspapers of the University of Minmin, and can be described as a pioneer in China's journalism education. On the basis of her lectures at the Peking University Journalism Research Association and the Civilian University, Shao Piaoping referred to relevant works in Europe, the United States and Japan, and combined her own experience in interviewing and running newspapers, she wrote "Practical Applied Journalism" and "General Discussion of Journalism", which are the earliest batch of journalism monographs in China.

Practical Applied Journalism was first published in 1923 and has since been reprinted several times. Gu Weijun, a well-known diplomat of the Republic of China, commented: "Fu Weijun, who is responsible for Europe and the United States, also has scholars who study journalism, but he has not yet seen a practical work, then Shao Jun's book, its ancestors at the beginning of its founding." ”

In the early morning of April 26, 1926, Shao Piaoping was killed by the warlord Zhang Zuolin for "propagating communism and advocating red-ization."

On April 21, 1949, Comrade Mao Zedong personally approved Shao Piaoping as a revolutionary martyr.

——Wang Runze, President of the Chinese Journalism History Society, Vice Dean and Professor of the School of Journalism, Chinese Min University (Consultant of this issue)

Beijing News reporter Ma Jinqian Zhang Chang

Video reporters Li Xindong Chen Chao Liu Jingyu Yao Yuan

Edited by Liu Mengjie Proofreader Li Lijun


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