
Gaining self-confidence in hard work, Beijing Hockey players will pursue their dreams of the Winter Olympics

With a whistle, the athletes swung their clubs and spun around the ice. The sound of clubs colliding with each other, the sound of skates rubbing on the ice, the sound of clubs plucking the ball and the sound of cheers from spectators outside the stadium resounded throughout the arena, which was the final scene of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics "Meet in Beijing" Ice Hockey Test Match.

Gaining self-confidence in hard work, Beijing Hockey players will pursue their dreams of the Winter Olympics

In the end, the Beijing Polar Fox team defeated the Beijing Shougang team 7-4 and won the championship. In the Beijing Polar Foxes, the youngest player has just turned 15 years old, "it is very exciting to participate in the Winter Olympic test match and play side by side with the strong players." Meng Fanke said.

Just after the second day of his 15th birthday, Meng Fanke stood on the field of the "Meet in Beijing" ice hockey domestic test and fought side by side with his idols. Meng Fanke has started his own ice hockey road since the age of five, and at a young age, he already has countless competition experience, and at the end of December last year, he also participated in the "Dream Ice and Snow Meet Winter Olympics" National School Ice Hockey Competition as a member of the ice hockey team of Beijing Eleventh School. In the end, Beijing Eleventh School won the national championship for the third time with a record of total victory, and Meng Fanke also won the Most Valuable Player Award.

Meng Fanke's excellent results today are inseparable from day-to-day training. Mother Zhao Yue sighed: "When I first started training, because my level was relatively weak, many games could only watch my teammates fight on the side of the board wall. "It was the most difficult period of time for Meng Fanke, but he silently threw himself into hard training and laid a solid foundation for improving his skills.

Gaining self-confidence in hard work, Beijing Hockey players will pursue their dreams of the Winter Olympics

Wearing roller skates, holding the hockey club, left and right, and repeatedly playing with the ice hockey. The legs also beat back and forth to the rhythm, and such a boring movement needs to be practiced thousands of times a day. "Because the team has limited time to practice, it will also create conditions for him to train at home." Zhao Yue tried his best to encourage his son to persevere, after all, the repeated training day after day was indeed a huge challenge for Meng Fanke, who was only 6 years old at the time. Under the "coercion and inducement" of his mother Zhao Yue, practicing gliding and paddling every day occupied almost all of Meng Fanke's spare time.

Eight months later, in an ice hockey match, Meng Fanke's outstanding performance broke everyone's impression of him, he went from a humble substitute to the most eye-catching player in the game, and the other players and spectators were amazed by Meng Fanke's rapid progress. "From then on, he will consciously start practicing on his own, without our supervision." Zhao Yue said with a smile.

Until now, Zhao Yue's mobile phone still saves the video of Meng Fanke practicing plucking the ball, after the end of the plucking training, Meng Fanke will have a handsome ending action, use the club to pick up the ball high, and then quickly catch it with his hand, the action is completed in one go, and after receiving the ball, he will smile at the mother who is shooting.

Gaining self-confidence in hard work, Beijing Hockey players will pursue their dreams of the Winter Olympics

"Hockey made me more confident and taught me to work as a team." Speaking of the changes that ice hockey has brought to himself, Meng Fanke blurted out. With the gradual proficiency of ice hockey technology and the accumulation of experience in one game after another, Meng Fanke is no longer a child who cries when he loses on the field, nor is he an impulsive boy who is provoked by his opponent and gets angry. He gradually learned to regulate his emotions and correctly face setbacks and failures, in the words of Meng Fanke, "having the confidence to respond to provocations with ball skills." Now on the ice hockey rink, he is flexibly shuttled on the ice, calmly coping with various situations on the field.

For the upcoming Winter Olympics, Meng Fanke is full of expectations: "The Winter Olympic Test Match has allowed me to see the venue and level of international standards, and I hope that in the future I can also participate in the official competition of the Winter Olympics." ”

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