
The strong aroma of books ushered in the New Year, and the bookstores in our city ushered in the book buying fever

The Spring Festival is not only a grand gathering of family affection and a feast of delicacies, but also a good opportunity to swim in the sea of books to release the soul and "recharge and refuel". During the Spring Festival, more and more citizens entered the bookstore after greeting the old and welcoming the new year, enjoying the joy of reading to the fullest, and living a different "cultural New Year".

During the Spring Festival, the major bookstores in the city ushered in a relatively strong popularity and small peak in sales. A few days ago, the reporter saw in a bookstore located on Tingjiang East Road that there was an endless stream of citizens who came to buy books, and more of them were some students.

The strong aroma of books ushered in the New Year, and the bookstores in our city ushered in the book buying fever
The strong aroma of books ushered in the New Year, and the bookstores in our city ushered in the book buying fever

"First of all, I think reading books can relax, and after reading, there will be some new thinking. Because the books read at each stage are different, each stage has new enlightenment. Citizen Gong Jingya told reporters.

In front of the bookshelves next to them, a parent with his elementary school son was flipping through the books with relish, and then bought his favorite literature books.

The strong aroma of books ushered in the New Year, and the bookstores in our city ushered in the book buying fever
The strong aroma of books ushered in the New Year, and the bookstores in our city ushered in the book buying fever

"Although it is the New Year, there is still more time for winter vacation, so I hope to pass the time and improve my strength by reading." Student Wu Yuanyi said.

"During the Spring Festival, we will try our best to meet the needs of readers and try to prepare commonly used books." According to Duan Jifang, a bookstore staff member, Chinese and foreign masterpieces, best-selling novels, online books, inspirational books and teaching aids have been favored by reading enthusiasts. In recent years, more and more citizens have chosen to buy books and read books in bookstores, and spend the Spring Festival in the form of "holiday charging". To this end, the bookstore is also actively preparing, not only to prepare enough supplies, but also to open for business during the Spring Festival.

The strong aroma of books ushered in the New Year, and the bookstores in our city ushered in the book buying fever

Editor: Xiang Qing Reporter: Liu Xinyu

Editor-in-charge: Peng Junsheng, Zhang Xiaoling, Mou Juan, Wang Yan

Producer: Peng Xiaoying

Director system: Jiang Junhong

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