
"Long Parting": We have been separated for sixteen years, have you ever thought about me?

author:Ah Zhi said

I once heard a story about an old lady whose old house was about to be demolished, and the old lady refused to leave, saying that she was waiting for her husband to return, and thirty years ago, his husband went out with others to do business and never came back.

Someone said that her husband had a new wife and children outside, she did not believe it, she said, if he has a home outside, come back and tell her that it is, she is not unreasonable. Later, no one advised her anymore, and this wait was thirty years.

I think that women are not all love when they wait for a man to return, sometimes it is an obsession.

According to the literal meaning of attachment, attachment is the unshakable thought that arises because of attachment, which is an irrational emotion that is almost extreme.

Perhaps in the dictionary of infatuation, obsession is a kind of perseverance, another form of love, like Henry. Bryant's film "The Long Parting.".

"Long Parting": We have been separated for sixteen years, have you ever thought about me?

Adapted from margaret Duras, The Long Parting tells the story of a coffee shopwoman waiting for her husband.

The hostess, Delise, is charming, but extraordinarily lonely. She had been waiting for his husband for sixteen years. However, in the past sixteen years, no one has brought any news of her husband, only the sound of the whistling wind coming from afar.

On National Day, a homeless man hummed a little song at the door of a café, and Delise suddenly felt that this homeless man was her husband. So she did everything she could to awaken the homeless man's memory.

As a result, everything was in vain.

Sixteen years of waiting has not been exchanged for surprises, and a fortuitous melody is not the love that once was. Delise was just looking for the courage and reason to wait, and hoped that the wait would not be so lonely.

After watching the movie, I can't seem to find a better word to describe emotions than sadness and silence.

When Delise shouted her husband's name at the back of the departing tramp, the tramp suddenly turned around heavily and slowly raised his hands, as if acknowledging something, as if expressing helplessness at Delice's fiery and resolute waiting.

Duras is a writer who is very good at writing "parting", and parting is a mournful love song in her pen.

"Long Parting": We have been separated for sixteen years, have you ever thought about me?

The Mekong River in "Lover" witnessed an unrealistic exotic love affair, making the French girl Jane lonely for half a lifetime. In "Love in Hiroshima", the French actress constantly recalls the love she once had with the German occupation forces in her joy with the Japanese architect. Delise, who waited for sixteen years in The Long Parting.

For Duras, parting is her hidden pain, she and her husband have been separated for many years, this memory is Duras's lingering memory, accompanied by World War II, Nazis, concentration camps and other words.

In 1944, Duras' husband was arrested and imprisoned in the Dachau concentration camp in Germany, where he endured years of inhuman treatment before being rescued and returned home.

For Duras's husband, the experience meant a loss of dignity and affection, while for Duras the human hurt and emotional alienation of war.

Therefore, to read her works, we must use war as a big background, in which all sadness and inequality are justified.

"Long Parting": We have been separated for sixteen years, have you ever thought about me?

In the movie, Delise says, I will use other ways, stronger to endure, more ruthlessly... These few lines always gave me the illusion that these were the words that Duras said to himself after her husband's arrest. There is nothing in the world more unbearable than the separation of people in love.

We can endure hunger, we can endure poverty, we can endure war, but we cannot tolerate the departure of our loved ones. Man, what a lonely being. As the Greek myth says, everyone is an incomplete individual who is split in half, searching for the other half all his life, but may not be able to find it, because there are too many incomplete people.

Love is the pursuit of human beings for their own complete state, eager to become one with their other half, so they begin to embark on a journey to find their other half, which is love.

In "The Long Parting", Delise waits to find her other half, which unfortunately disappears into the story and memories.

"Long Parting" adopts a non-linear narrative, shuttling back and forth between the past and the present, while expressing the characters' hearts, but also through the recollection of the past, to build a female love world. That is: the first sight is parting.

Putting aside all romantic fantasies about encounters, encounters are only reasons for parting, it is not poetic and beautiful, it is the paranoia of people in love that give meaning to "parting".

"Long Parting": We have been separated for sixteen years, have you ever thought about me?

Director Henry Kirby made this film, and preserved the literary characteristics of the film to the greatest extent. Whether it is the switching scheduling of the picture or the perspective and lens, it pays great attention to the literary nature of the film, which also makes "Long Parting" retain Duras's personal style as much as possible.

The title of the movie "Long Parting" has already expressed the theme, the relationship between people and people is itself a relationship of encounter and parting, and there will naturally be a parting when there is an encounter. If there is only encounter, no parting, there will be a lot less love stories in this world.

In the movie "Long Parting", we can see not only a woman's waiting, but also the most sacred appearance of love. It is precisely because such love is sacred and unspeakable that it is doomed to delice's loneliness.

When love stories are scattered in the long river of time, each of us can find a story similar to our own breath of life. These stories seem to have become a form of fate, and sooner or later it will come, without warning.

In this sense, the theme of "Long Parting" has gone beyond the boundaries of love movies, but through encounters and partings, it gives life more room for prudence.

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