
NBA version of Iron Man vs Spider-Man! Reeves reveals the content of The King's Guide: Explain tactical execution

The Lakers suffered a 2-game losing streak against the Hornets on the road, but Reeves was interviewed after the game, and he had previously been instructed by James on the court to become popular, and even praised by the US media as the NBA version of "Iron Man guiding Spider-Man". In this regard, Reeves revealed what James was instructing him at the time, which turned out to be about Vogel's tactical arrangement after a timeout, and James gave him a tactical execution explanation.

NBA version of Iron Man vs Spider-Man! Reeves reveals the content of The King's Guide: Explain tactical execution

In the final quarter of the Lakers' victory over the Nets, Vogel called a timeout to lay out the tactics, and Reeves was still a little confused, and James explained it to him. When James told Reeves what the specific tactical arrangement should be, a rather confused expression appeared on the face of the loser, and the emoji quickly turned into an emoji.

NBA version of Iron Man vs Spider-Man! Reeves reveals the content of The King's Guide: Explain tactical execution
NBA version of Iron Man vs Spider-Man! Reeves reveals the content of The King's Guide: Explain tactical execution

Reeves showed james the specifics that he taught, "The coach laid out a tactic, I asked James a question, and when I asked, I actually knew the answer a little bit, but just to get validation. Then, it was just a big misunderstanding that I thought I should be on the other side of them, on the other side of James, Thick Brow and Westbrook, I should be on the weak side. James thinks I'm involved and I don't think I'm involved, so when he tells me, I'm confused. ”

NBA version of Iron Man vs Spider-Man! Reeves reveals the content of The King's Guide: Explain tactical execution

In short, Reeves initially thought he wasn't involved in the tactic... It was just that James told him he needed to be involved, so after that confused look, he just listened to James.

"I just did what he said he had to, he told me to run down the side and pass the ball to the thick-browed guy, so that's what I did. James told me he was going to dribble and pass to me, I was going to pass the ball to The Thick Brow, and then we got a good shot in a tactical arrangement.

NBA version of Iron Man vs Spider-Man! Reeves reveals the content of The King's Guide: Explain tactical execution
NBA version of Iron Man vs Spider-Man! Reeves reveals the content of The King's Guide: Explain tactical execution

The scene of Reeves and James on the court became popular, and it is also known as the NBA version of "Iron Man guiding Spider-Man", and James is naturally the Lakers' on-court coach, and the teaching he gives to young players is also clear at a glance through such details.

(Text/Drunken Floating Life)

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