
Porsche forcibly crashed into a car, the woman horn was threatened, and asked: Are you still right?

The roads in the city are very congested, and seeing the needle seems to have become a must-have skill for every car owner. The premise of lane change and congestion cannot affect driving safety, but many people often ignore this condition when adding congestion. In particular, the owners of some luxury cars always hold their own cars expensive, thinking that others dare not hit themselves and forcibly cut in line, which has caused the dissatisfaction of many car owners.

Porsche forcibly crashed into a car, the woman horn was threatened, and asked: Are you still right?

Ms. Han, a car owner in Beijing, drove to work in the morning, and when she passed an intersection, she encountered a red light, and Ms. Han slowly stopped the car and waited for the red light. After the green light came on, Ms. Han started to prepare to pass, but suddenly a white Porsche coupe suddenly rushed out next to her.

Porsche's speed is very fast, completely unnecessary meaning, Ms. Han was startled by the sudden operation of the other party, and quickly pressed the horn and stepped on the brakes. Maybe the Porsche owner feels that his car is more expensive, other vehicles should give way to themselves, Ms. Han not only did not let herself, but also pointed at her own horn, feeling that the face was a bit unbearable.

Porsche forcibly crashed into a car, the woman horn was threatened, and asked: Are you still right?

After the owner of the Porsche stopped the car, he spat a few words at Ms. Han. Ms. Han also felt very aggrieved, obviously the other party forced the plug to almost cause an accident, how dare to blame herself? So he replied mercilessly.

Unexpectedly, her behavior angered the man sitting in the co-pilot, the Porsche owner drove the car to the front of Ms. Han and braked the car, the co-pilot's man rushed out of the car, walked to ms. Han's vehicle, angrily began to pat the glass and accuse Ms. Han. Ms. Han is not a person who is afraid of things, shouting at the man: You gasse, you still have a face!

Porsche forcibly crashed into a car, the woman horn was threatened, and asked: Are you still right?

The behavior of Porsche owners has caused dissatisfaction among many netizens, and some netizens have said that the expensive car is the reason for the rampage? People are driving normally in the lane, and they also signaled not to stop the congestion, and the Owner of the Porsche ignored the forced congestion, which has violated the traffic rules. After the fact, not only did he have no intention of repentance, but he also got out of the car to beat people, where did he get the confidence?

Porsche forcibly crashed into a car, the woman horn was threatened, and asked: Are you still right?

Some netizens also said that there are many people who are fighting for their own car is expensive, and feel that other car owners can't afford to lose when they hit themselves, and they run amok on the road, which seriously affects the normal traffic order. When encountering such a car, you should not give in, and the behavior of female car owners is commendable.

What is the harm of malicious gasseed?

Most of the time, car owners want to plug because there is a traffic jam on the road. The vehicles in front of and behind are already very close, if there is a car owner who still wants to see the stitches and inserts into other convoys, improper operation is easy to rub with other vehicles, which may lead to accidents such as overturning.

Porsche forcibly crashed into a car, the woman horn was threatened, and asked: Are you still right?

What should I do if I encounter malicious gasseed?

If you encounter a vehicle on the road that has signs of congestion, and you don't want the other party to add congestion, you must follow the vehicle in front of you and at the same time honk the horn to adapt to the other party. If it is a quality car owner, hearing the other party honk the horn to signal, it will not be forced to add.

If the other party ignores his own gestures, he still has to force the plug, do not fight with the other party, and let it go. If you encounter "road rage", not only gag but also maliciously other cars, you can use the dashcam to photograph the behavior of the other party, and report to the local public security department, so that the police can punish the owner of the car.

Porsche forcibly crashed into a car, the woman horn was threatened, and asked: Are you still right?


Nowadays, there are more and more cars on the road, and changing lanes and adding congestion have become daily operations. In the process of driving, if it is not particularly urgent, the owner will generally give way. If you don't want to be polite, you can pass quickly as long as you pass in line. Instead, the practice of plugging in the queue will make the road more and more congested.

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