
Zhu Yuanzhang wanted to kill his nephew, Empress Ma came wearing patched clothes, and Zhu Yuanzhang shed tears: there was a person who risked death to speak, but he was almost killed by Zhu Yuanzhang, and this person was Zhu Yuanzhang's nephew

author:Read the ancient and modern

Zhu Yuanzhang wanted to kill his nephew, Empress Ma came wearing patched clothes, and Zhu Yuanzhang shed tears: Don't kill

There was a person who risked death to speak, but was almost killed by Zhu Yuanzhang, and this person was Zhu Yuanzhang's nephew, Li Wenzhong. He is not only the nephew of Zhu Yuanzhang, but also the founder of Daming, a person who has personally watched the establishment of the Ming Dynasty, what kind of legend is Li Wenzhong?

Li Wenzhong was born to Zhu Yuanzhang's second sister, Zhu Fonu, who lived with his parents in his hometown since childhood and lived an ordinary life, however, a drought in 1350 completely changed the trajectory of his life.

In 1350, when Li Wenzhong was only twelve years old, a great drought befell his parents, and countless people starved to death due to famine, and the corpses were buried nowhere to bury, causing the plague to run rampant.

His mother, Zhu Fonu, also died of the plague, and with the continuous war at that time, Li Wenzhong was forced to leave his hometown and flee with his father Li Zhen.

In 1352, Li Zhen, who was on the run, heard that his brother-in-law Zhu Yuanzhang (the fourth among his brothers) had become a general in Chuzhou, so he decided to take Li Wenzhong with him to Zhu Yuanzhang.

Along the way are all rebels, the two people eat and sleep, through twists and turns, and even almost died on the road, fortunately, the two lives should not be desperate, rushed more than a month to see Zhu Yuanzhang alive.

When Li Wenzhong saw his uncle Zhu Yuanzhang, he immediately threw himself into his arms and cried, the pain of losing his mother, and the hardships of wandering all the way, allowing him to be released at the moment he saw his relatives.

Zhu Yuanzhang, who heard of the death of his second sister, was also very sad, he was deeply cared for by his second sister and brother-in-law since he was a child, and regarded Li Wenzhong as his own, and wanted him to follow his surname Zhu and follow him.

Li Zhen did not object and handed over his son to him, Zhu Yuanzhang handed Li Wenzhong over to Empress Ma to take care of, and asked his teacher to teach him to read and read, literate, and martial arts techniques, which was particularly important to him.

Li Wenzhong was extremely intelligent, capable of writing and martial arts, and soon became Zhu Yuanzhang's right and left arm.

In 1357, Li Wenzhong, who was only 19 years old at the time, volunteered to go to the battlefield, and he led 5,000 soldiers to attack Chizhou directly, defeating Zhao Pusheng in one fell swoop and successfully recovering Chizhou.

He also helped Zhu Yuanzhang to take the cities of Qingyang, Shidai, jiande and other cities, and even more with a city to suppress Zhang Shicheng's 160,000 troops, in the face of the Mongolian iron horse, he also did not have the intention of retreating, he attacked Mongolia at night, broke into Zhaozong's home, and captured nearly 40,000 soldiers.

In 1365, he also destroyed the 200,000-strong army led by Zhang Shicheng's general Li Bosheng to hold Zhuji, helping Zhu Yuanzhang to suppress Zhang Shicheng in 1366.

In the third year of Hongwu, in 1370, Li Wenzhong was still fighting for the stability of Daming, and he led his troops to sweep away the remnants of the Yuan Dynasty and made great achievements.

Because of his great contribution to Daming, Li Wenzhong was given the title of Duke of Cao and his title was hereditary.

In the twelfth year of Hongwu, Li Wenzhong was already an important military general and minister of literature in the DPRK, mainly responsible for supervising the office of the capital, and he also encountered the biggest crisis of his life in this year.

Just as the so-called "rabbit dead dog cooking", seeing that the situation in Daming has been decided, Zhu Yuanzhang, who was born from a grass people, also began to emulate Liu Bang's approach and killed the former founding heroes.

In 1380, the thirteenth year of Hongwu, a "Hu Weiyong Case" characterized by Zhu Yuanzhang as "treason" was staged in Daming, and the prime minister Hu Weiyong was accused of killing the Nine Tribes, and even involved a number of courtiers, all of whom were executed.

In the face of the expected storm that was coming, Li Wenzhong, who was honest and upright, could not protect himself, could not turn a blind eye, and in the face of Daming, who had worked hard with one hand, he could not watch Zhu Yuanzhang disregard the fundamentals of the country and act arbitrarily, and he could not watch the heroes who had established Daming die one by one.

After he settled his wife and children, he risked his life to write a letter and bluntly said that he was advised, however, the two letters folded on the book were like mud cattle into the sea, and did not get a response from Zhu Yuanzhang, he was not willing, and he connected the third letter, the words were cursed, and directly poked Zhu Yuanzhang's sore spot. How can a king of a country tolerate the arrogance of his courtiers!

Zhu Yuanzhang was about to draw his sword and stab Li Wenzhong to death in the court, completely disregarding the feelings of his uncle and nephew.

At the moment of crisis, Empress Ma, who had taken care of Li Wenzhong since childhood, immediately heard the news and rushed to the main hall wearing a tattered patched dress, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Why would a noble queen dress like a beggar? Looking at Empress Ma's appearance, Zhu Yuanzhang, who was already angry, became more and more angry, but before he could open his mouth to accuse, Empress Ma opened her mouth.

She said: "This is the only old dress I have left before I married you, and whenever I see it, I can think of many past events, the hardships of that year, have you forgotten?" ”

In the face of Empress Ma's questioning and looking at the tattered old clothes, Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help but think of the past, and for a while his red eyes were full of mixed feelings, as the king of a country, he had to do something to resist the old courtiers.

However, Li Wenzhong was his only remaining relative, and the only bloodline of his second sister who was kind to him, he could not bear to move, zhu Yuanzhang finally said with tears: "Don't kill." ”

Although he exempted Li Wenzhong from the death penalty, he was stripped of his title and demoted to his official position.

In 1383, after being degraded, the depressed Li Wenzhong was seriously ill and bedridden, and after Zhu Yuanzhang heard the news, he rushed to see Li Wenzhong, and the uncles and nephews finally temporarily got rid of the relationship between the monarch and the courtier, and had a long all-night conversation as ordinary relatives.

However, even with the treatment of a divine doctor, Li Wenzhong still did not get rid of the disease, but became more and more seriously ill, and finally could not stand it, and died of illness in 1384 the following year, only 46 years old.

Li Wenzhong, who has been brave all his life, still has not escaped the tragedy of "accompanying the king like a companion tiger", and his life has been restarted by Zhu Yuanzhang, and he has also fallen because of Zhu Yuanzhang.

After Li Wenzhong's death, Zhu Yuanzhang remembered his contribution to Daming and his status as his nephew, so he rewarded Li Wenzhong as the King of Qiyang.

However, no amount of praise could make this hero return to the world, although Li Wenzhong died a miserable death, but he was still fortunate to have a horse empress who loved him, used an old dress to arouse Zhu Yuanzhang's weak ribs, escaped a disaster, and avoided the courtiers like Hu Weiyong who walked in resignation and wrongdoing.

Li Wenzhong came to the world innocently, and also left innocently with his merits.

Zhu Yuanzhang wanted to kill his nephew, Empress Ma came wearing patched clothes, and Zhu Yuanzhang shed tears: there was a person who risked death to speak, but he was almost killed by Zhu Yuanzhang, and this person was Zhu Yuanzhang's nephew
Zhu Yuanzhang wanted to kill his nephew, Empress Ma came wearing patched clothes, and Zhu Yuanzhang shed tears: there was a person who risked death to speak, but he was almost killed by Zhu Yuanzhang, and this person was Zhu Yuanzhang's nephew

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