
State Grid Zhuzhou Power Supply Company: Mange Electric Mange Love New energy vehicles warm home

State Grid Zhuzhou Power Supply Company: Mange Electric Mange Love New energy vehicles warm home

Service team members guide the owner to charge.

Red Network Moment January 29 news (correspondent Hu Liming Chen Kailing) "Hello, you can download this APP, charging point at a glance, can guide you to plan the charging point in advance. On January 27, according to the shift arrangement, Deng Yunfei, a member of the Communist Party member service team of Hunan Electric Power Dongfanghong (customer service electric primary two), was responsible for the Zhuting charging station, and he had been standing in the cold winter wind and cold rain for a morning. Although it was cold and tired, he smiled happily when he heard the motor sound of the owners leaving the station after being fully charged.

In order to let the owner see the screen demonstration, Deng Yunfei put half of his body into the customer's car cab, for a long time, the waist was sore and the back was painful, coupled with the cold weather, the hands and feet were a little numb. Sending off a car owner, he stretched his already sore waist and walked toward the next car.

"Come and warm up with a cup of ginger tea." Seeing the owner of the car standing next to the charging pile rubbing his hands in the heat, Deng Yunfei quickly handed him a cup of steaming ginger tea. "I came from Shenzhen and am ready to go back to my hometown in Changde for the New Year, which is my second charge on the highway, which is very convenient." Before, I did not dare to drive an electric car home, afraid of not being charged, but now it is good, there are many charging points on the highway, and I am not afraid. Mr. Liu from Shenzhen drove a new energy vehicle home for the first time, charging points along the way, not to mention, he enjoyed the warm service of the Dongfang red party member service team at the Zhuting service station, and the team members not only served him hot tea, but also brewed instant noodles for him to fill his hunger.

When Mr. Liu was waiting for charging, the service team members also formulated a return charging plan for him, guided him to reasonably arrange the return route and charging point, and told him the phone of the staff passing through the charging point to facilitate him to solve the problems that occurred in the charging process, so that he felt warm and intimate when he was hungry and cold. "The service of the State Grid is really heartwarming, and returning home feels like a wanderer who has gone abroad and returned to the embrace of the motherland, which is so heartwarming!"

It is reported that the State Grid Hunan Electric Power Company has opened up a green channel for charging and installation, ensuring that the charging station in the high-speed service area is put into operation on schedule. Before the Spring Festival in 2022, the province put into operation a total of 61.5 pairs of 425 charging stations in 121 charging stations in the service area, and the charging piles in the Hunan high-speed service area were basically networked. On the occasion of the traditional Spring Festival, wanderers who are out of the country have returned to their hometowns to reunite with their families. With the concept of "double carbon" gradually entering the hearts of the people, many homecoming wanderers have embarked on the road home with new energy vehicles with green number plates. In order to fully meet the needs of the majority of car owners for convenient charging and beautiful travel, in the case of continuous high-level operation of the charging station, the party members of the electric branch of the party general branch of the customer service center are stationed at each charging station and actively guide the car owners to charge in an orderly manner. Considering that the car owners have been waiting for a long time to charge and the weather is cold, the party members have set up temporary tents at each charging point, boiled ginger tea, prepared convenience foods, and provided warm services for the charging owners.

According to statistics, on January 27, the power utilization rate and time utilization rate of the charging station in the Zhuting service area were the first in the province. Party members of the electric branch set up a resting point at the Zhuting service station and prepared enough items such as ginger tea, convenience food, epidemic prevention materials, cold medicine, roasting stove, and warm baby. From January 26 to February 7, 24-hour personnel were arranged, and party members took turns to fight, so that the returning wanderers drove new energy vehicles full of electricity and full of love to go home.

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