
Meritorious service at a critical moment? Rozier: It's in my blood, in my soul, in my body

Meritorious service at a critical moment? Rozier: It's in my blood, in my soul, in my body

Live Bar Jan. 29, 2019 The Game that ended today was over against the Lakers, hornets player Rozier played 37 minutes and had 20 points, 6 rebounds and 3 assists on 7-of-16. On the sidelines, Rozier was interviewed.

Speaking of his repeated achievements at critical moments, Rozier said: "It is in my blood, it is in my soul, it is in my body. ”

Speaking about the team's goals in the playoffs, Rozier said: "Of course everyone is emphasizing the playoffs, but we have to play one game at a time, and everything will come naturally. When the time comes, we'll be ready. ”

Speaking of teammate Bridges, he said: "It's great to see him grow, it's great to be here with him and he's going to continue to grow. ”

He and Bridges then complimented each other as all-stars, and the scene was full of passion.

(Horror Bakus)

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