
Sergeant Flahovic full data analysis + goal highlights

On January 28, 2000, a baby was born in Belgrade, Serbia, and no one would have imagined that on his birthday 22 years later, he would join a big team like Juventus and come to the Bianconeri under the name of Dušan Vlahović.

Debuting in the veteran Eastern European giant Belgrade Partisans, Vlahović grew rapidly in years of killings with his old enemy, the Red Star, with a strong physique and excellent shooting skills.

Vlahović's basic data

Nationality: Serbian

Age: 22 years old

Height: 1.90m

Dominant foot: Left foot

Position: Center forward

Sergeant Flahovic full data analysis + goal highlights

Award-winning cup inventory

Sofa Serie A rating per game: 7.36

Advantages: Superb shooting skills, especially good at grabbing points in the penalty area, quick and calm response in front of goal, outstanding penalty ability, tall man's header ability is also quite good, is a typical center forward.

Disadvantages: Weak possession and passing ability

This season's goalscoring stats: 20 goals and 5 assists in 24 games

Sergeant Flahovic full data analysis + goal highlights

Hexagonal chart - evaluation of individual offensive and defensive abilities

Sergeant Flahovic full data analysis + goal highlights

Average active heat map

Transfer history: In July 2018, he left Partizan to join Serie A Fiorentina. On 29 January 2022, Vlahović officially joined Juventus.

Career record: Serie A first starter after 00

Sergeant Flahovic full data analysis + goal highlights

(CC croquettes)

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