
Feeling anxious often, what happens to the brain and body? Remember 5 sentences, how to overcome it Anxiety escalates step by step? The Harm of Anxiety Disorders How to Self-Test How Anxiety Disorders Prevent Anxiety Disorders

author:39 HealthNet
Feeling anxious often, what happens to the brain and body? Remember 5 sentences, how to overcome it Anxiety escalates step by step? The Harm of Anxiety Disorders How to Self-Test How Anxiety Disorders Prevent Anxiety Disorders

The taste of anxiety

I believe everyone has tasted it

But a lot of people don't know how to fix it

So much so that it affects daily life and work

A range of complications may also occur in severe cases

Feeling anxious often, what happens to the brain and body? Remember 5 sentences, how to overcome it Anxiety escalates step by step? The Harm of Anxiety Disorders How to Self-Test How Anxiety Disorders Prevent Anxiety Disorders
Feeling anxious often, what happens to the brain and body? Remember 5 sentences, how to overcome it Anxiety escalates step by step? The Harm of Anxiety Disorders How to Self-Test How Anxiety Disorders Prevent Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety is an annoyance

When you worry too much about certain things

Amygdala in the brain that manages emotions

There may be an overcurrent reaction

Feeling anxious often, what happens to the brain and body? Remember 5 sentences, how to overcome it Anxiety escalates step by step? The Harm of Anxiety Disorders How to Self-Test How Anxiety Disorders Prevent Anxiety Disorders


Nervousness, sorrow, fear, restlessness, etc

Negative emotions will begin to take advantage of the void

The ghost haunts you

Feeling anxious often, what happens to the brain and body? Remember 5 sentences, how to overcome it Anxiety escalates step by step? The Harm of Anxiety Disorders How to Self-Test How Anxiety Disorders Prevent Anxiety Disorders

Let the body

These reactions are produced

Feeling anxious often, what happens to the brain and body? Remember 5 sentences, how to overcome it Anxiety escalates step by step? The Harm of Anxiety Disorders How to Self-Test How Anxiety Disorders Prevent Anxiety Disorders
Feeling anxious often, what happens to the brain and body? Remember 5 sentences, how to overcome it Anxiety escalates step by step? The Harm of Anxiety Disorders How to Self-Test How Anxiety Disorders Prevent Anxiety Disorders

<h1>How does anxiety escalate step by step? </h1>

When anxiety lingers

It develops into a state of anxiety

And once this state lasts too long

It may escalate into an anxiety disorder

Feeling anxious often, what happens to the brain and body? Remember 5 sentences, how to overcome it Anxiety escalates step by step? The Harm of Anxiety Disorders How to Self-Test How Anxiety Disorders Prevent Anxiety Disorders

This is a nervous system injury

Feeling anxious often, what happens to the brain and body? Remember 5 sentences, how to overcome it Anxiety escalates step by step? The Harm of Anxiety Disorders How to Self-Test How Anxiety Disorders Prevent Anxiety Disorders

Although the pathogenesis is not yet clear

But modern medicine believes

The emergence of anxiety disorders

It may be related to the following factors

Feeling anxious often, what happens to the brain and body? Remember 5 sentences, how to overcome it Anxiety escalates step by step? The Harm of Anxiety Disorders How to Self-Test How Anxiety Disorders Prevent Anxiety Disorders
Feeling anxious often, what happens to the brain and body? Remember 5 sentences, how to overcome it Anxiety escalates step by step? The Harm of Anxiety Disorders How to Self-Test How Anxiety Disorders Prevent Anxiety Disorders

According to data from the 2017 Global Burden of Disease Study

There are 3,721,764 cases of anxiety disorders per 100,000 people

Its prevalence is the highest among mental disorders

Feeling anxious often, what happens to the brain and body? Remember 5 sentences, how to overcome it Anxiety escalates step by step? The Harm of Anxiety Disorders How to Self-Test How Anxiety Disorders Prevent Anxiety Disorders

Source of the picture is the Beijing News

Even more frightening

The harm that anxiety disorders can take

Much bigger than you think

<h1>The dangers of anxiety disorders</h1>

1. It is easy to produce negative emotions and affect life and work

Just think about it

When you are nervous, restless, etc. every moment

Negative anxiety when plagued

Can you still work hard and live well?

Feeling anxious often, what happens to the brain and body? Remember 5 sentences, how to overcome it Anxiety escalates step by step? The Harm of Anxiety Disorders How to Self-Test How Anxiety Disorders Prevent Anxiety Disorders

Not only that, but long-term negative emotions

It is also easy to induce depression

Feeling anxious often, what happens to the brain and body? Remember 5 sentences, how to overcome it Anxiety escalates step by step? The Harm of Anxiety Disorders How to Self-Test How Anxiety Disorders Prevent Anxiety Disorders

2. Not only hurts the brain, but also susceptible to disease

Anxiety disorders can damage a person's nervous system

Light makes it difficult to concentrate

Memory loss occurs

Feeling anxious often, what happens to the brain and body? Remember 5 sentences, how to overcome it Anxiety escalates step by step? The Harm of Anxiety Disorders How to Self-Test How Anxiety Disorders Prevent Anxiety Disorders

Heavy will make sympathetic

Always in a state of excitement

Causes vasoconstriction

Causes increased blood pressure, heart rate, blood sugar, etc

Induces a variety of cardiovascular diseases

Feeling anxious often, what happens to the brain and body? Remember 5 sentences, how to overcome it Anxiety escalates step by step? The Harm of Anxiety Disorders How to Self-Test How Anxiety Disorders Prevent Anxiety Disorders

3. Cause other diseases

It is said that anxiety disorders are an unconscious master

Poor service can lead to other complications

For example

Irritable bowel syndrome

It makes people diarrhea as soon as they are nervous

Feeling anxious often, what happens to the brain and body? Remember 5 sentences, how to overcome it Anxiety escalates step by step? The Harm of Anxiety Disorders How to Self-Test How Anxiety Disorders Prevent Anxiety Disorders

Sleep disorders

Makes people insomnia and dreams at night

Mentally weak during the day

Feeling anxious often, what happens to the brain and body? Remember 5 sentences, how to overcome it Anxiety escalates step by step? The Harm of Anxiety Disorders How to Self-Test How Anxiety Disorders Prevent Anxiety Disorders

Panic and chest tightness

Panic and chest tightness

Even breathing difficulties, causing suffocation

Feeling anxious often, what happens to the brain and body? Remember 5 sentences, how to overcome it Anxiety escalates step by step? The Harm of Anxiety Disorders How to Self-Test How Anxiety Disorders Prevent Anxiety Disorders
Feeling anxious often, what happens to the brain and body? Remember 5 sentences, how to overcome it Anxiety escalates step by step? The Harm of Anxiety Disorders How to Self-Test How Anxiety Disorders Prevent Anxiety Disorders

<h1>How to self-test for anxiety disorders</h1>

In the last 2 weeks

Have you ever been bothered by the following questions?

Feeling anxious often, what happens to the brain and body? Remember 5 sentences, how to overcome it Anxiety escalates step by step? The Harm of Anxiety Disorders How to Self-Test How Anxiety Disorders Prevent Anxiety Disorders
Feeling anxious often, what happens to the brain and body? Remember 5 sentences, how to overcome it Anxiety escalates step by step? The Harm of Anxiety Disorders How to Self-Test How Anxiety Disorders Prevent Anxiety Disorders
Feeling anxious often, what happens to the brain and body? Remember 5 sentences, how to overcome it Anxiety escalates step by step? The Harm of Anxiety Disorders How to Self-Test How Anxiety Disorders Prevent Anxiety Disorders
Feeling anxious often, what happens to the brain and body? Remember 5 sentences, how to overcome it Anxiety escalates step by step? The Harm of Anxiety Disorders How to Self-Test How Anxiety Disorders Prevent Anxiety Disorders
Feeling anxious often, what happens to the brain and body? Remember 5 sentences, how to overcome it Anxiety escalates step by step? The Harm of Anxiety Disorders How to Self-Test How Anxiety Disorders Prevent Anxiety Disorders
Feeling anxious often, what happens to the brain and body? Remember 5 sentences, how to overcome it Anxiety escalates step by step? The Harm of Anxiety Disorders How to Self-Test How Anxiety Disorders Prevent Anxiety Disorders
Feeling anxious often, what happens to the brain and body? Remember 5 sentences, how to overcome it Anxiety escalates step by step? The Harm of Anxiety Disorders How to Self-Test How Anxiety Disorders Prevent Anxiety Disorders
Feeling anxious often, what happens to the brain and body? Remember 5 sentences, how to overcome it Anxiety escalates step by step? The Harm of Anxiety Disorders How to Self-Test How Anxiety Disorders Prevent Anxiety Disorders

<h1>How to prevent anxiety disorders</h1>

In addition to maintaining adequate sleep, exercise, etc

Outside of the clichéd method

Uncle here to introduce a few tricks to everyone

(1) Psychological cues

Every time I feel anxious

Learn to give yourself psychological cues

Be confident and everything will be fine!

It can also be supplemented with 3-5 groups of deep breathing

1 group 3 times, 1 time for about 5 seconds

Feeling anxious often, what happens to the brain and body? Remember 5 sentences, how to overcome it Anxiety escalates step by step? The Harm of Anxiety Disorders How to Self-Test How Anxiety Disorders Prevent Anxiety Disorders

(2) Find your own way to relax

The body is its own

So to find

A way to relax that suits you

Feeling anxious often, what happens to the brain and body? Remember 5 sentences, how to overcome it Anxiety escalates step by step? The Harm of Anxiety Disorders How to Self-Test How Anxiety Disorders Prevent Anxiety Disorders

There's always one that can

Relieve your anxiety

(3) Look for intimate contact

Intimate gestures such as hugs and kisses

It can reduce the release of stress hormones in the human body

Promotes the secretion of pleasure hormones such as dopamine and endorphins

Thus playing a role in relieving anxiety

Feeling anxious often, what happens to the brain and body? Remember 5 sentences, how to overcome it Anxiety escalates step by step? The Harm of Anxiety Disorders How to Self-Test How Anxiety Disorders Prevent Anxiety Disorders

Of course

If the above methods are not effective

Then consider the following 2 ways

(4) Psychotherapy

Go to the psychiatric department of a regular hospital

Or a professional psychological counseling room

Psychological diagnosis and treatment is carried out

Believe in the enlightenment of the psychologist

Can help you cope with anxiety better

Feeling anxious often, what happens to the brain and body? Remember 5 sentences, how to overcome it Anxiety escalates step by step? The Harm of Anxiety Disorders How to Self-Test How Anxiety Disorders Prevent Anxiety Disorders

(5) Medication


Non-benzodiazepine anxiolytics

and some antidepressants

It can relieve anxiety to a certain extent

Feeling anxious often, what happens to the brain and body? Remember 5 sentences, how to overcome it Anxiety escalates step by step? The Harm of Anxiety Disorders How to Self-Test How Anxiety Disorders Prevent Anxiety Disorders

Do not take or increase the amount without permission

Failure to do so may cause more mental illness


People with anxiety disorders or people who are prone to anxiety

Try not to eat or eat less

6 foods that exacerbate anxiety

The American magazine "Prevention" proposed:

Feeling anxious often, what happens to the brain and body? Remember 5 sentences, how to overcome it Anxiety escalates step by step? The Harm of Anxiety Disorders How to Self-Test How Anxiety Disorders Prevent Anxiety Disorders
Feeling anxious often, what happens to the brain and body? Remember 5 sentences, how to overcome it Anxiety escalates step by step? The Harm of Anxiety Disorders How to Self-Test How Anxiety Disorders Prevent Anxiety Disorders

Hope all the people who read Uncle Nine's article

Get rid of anxiety from now on!

#Breeze Plan ##39健康超能团 #


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Lai Xintao,Zheng Yan,Mei Li. Research advances in the association of BPPV with anxiety disorders. Electronic Journal of Cardiovascular Diseases in Integrative Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine. 2020, 8(34):31,34

Feng Mengmeng. Anxiety Disorders and Depression: Is Anxiety the Foundation? Theory and Practice of Psychological Counseling. 2019,1(9):462-480

Zengli Mianzhu Psychiatric Hospital. What issues need to be paid attention to in the dietary care of people with anxiety disorders. "Special Health". 2021,(1):29

Gu Xiaojun. How to use medication in people with anxiety disorders. Special Health.2020,(19):4

Chen Xiaohong, Cheng Yanhong. Observation of the effect of psychological care in the care of patients with anxiety disorders. "Family Medicine and Medical Selection". 2020,(12):239

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