
How to treat anxiety disorders correctly?

author:Psychiatrist Zhu Yu

If anxiety reaches a more severe level, it becomes an anxiety disorder, also known as an anxiety neurosis. Anxiety disorder is a neurosis with anxiety as the central symptom, an acute onset or chronic state of persistence, and accompanied by autonomic dysfunction.

Anxiety disorders can be divided into two categories: acute anxiety disorders and chronic anxiety disorders:

How to treat anxiety disorders correctly?

Acute anxiety is primarily manifested as an acute panic attack. Patients often experience sudden feelings of anxiety, nervousness, panic, irritability, or discomfort, leading to implicated concepts, delusions, and hallucinations, and sometimes mild confusion. Acute anxiety attacks usually last for a few minutes or several hours. The course of the disease is generally not long, and it will gradually resolve after a period of time.

In chronic anxiety disorders, anxiety lasts a long time and the level of anxiety fluctuates from time to time. Chronic anxiety disorder in the elderly is generally manifested as being more sensitive and irritable, upset about the most subtle unsatisfactory things in life, difficult to concentrate, and sometimes sulking and tantrums.

How to treat anxiety disorders correctly?

The difference between anxiety disorders and neurasthenia is that both anxiety disorders and neurasthenia belong to the category of neuroses, the incidence of which is related to mental factors, and both can have anxiety symptoms, so they are sometimes easily confused. But there are also different differentiating points: the anxiety symptoms of anxiety disorders are prominent, onset, neuroticism, anxiety, irritability, excitement without obvious causes, failure is not obvious; neurasthenia is mainly due to increased nerve excitability and lack of patience, easy fatigue, although there is often tension and anxiety, but not obvious, non-epileptic seizures, easy to excite, easy fatigue is more prominent. The autonomic nerve dysfunction of anxiety disorders is obvious, such as palpitations, shortness of breath, chest tightness, throat obstruction, dry mouth, sweating, flushing or pale face or frequent urination, urgency, etc., and often have exercise tension, such as muscle tension, trembling, hand and foot friction, irritability, etc., while neurasthenia is not prominent.

How to treat anxiety disorders correctly?

(1) Have a good attitude. First, we must be happy and content. The ancients said: "Things can be satisfied, and the heart is always comfortable." "In later years, you must have a sense of satisfaction with the path of life and a sense of adaptation to life after retirement." Don't always regret the past and blame yourself for this and that shouldn't. Sensible old people do not pay attention to the footprints left by the past, but pay attention to opening up the road of reality. The second is to maintain psychological stability and not to be moody and sad. "Laughing and laughing for ten years, sad and sad", "Gentlemen are frank, villains are often tired", open-minded, consider everything, and constantly adapt subjective thinking to the reality of objective development. Don't try to bring objective things into your subjective thinking orbit. Not only is it impossible, but it is easy to induce negative emotions such as anxiety, depression, resentment, sadness, and anger. Third, we must pay attention to "controlling anger" and not losing our temper easily.

How to treat anxiety disorders correctly?

(2) Self-grooming. Eliminating mild anxiety is primarily an individual. When anxiety occurs, first realize that you are anxious, face it squarely, and don't cover it up with other reasons you think are reasonable. exist. Second, it is necessary to establish confidence in eliminating anxiety, fully mobilize subjective initiative, and use the principle of attention transfer to eliminate anxiety in a timely manner. When your attention shifts to something new, new psychological experiences may drive away and replace anxiety. This is a commonly used method.

How to treat anxiety disorders correctly?

(3) Self-relaxation. If you feel anxious, you can adjust through self-awareness and relaxation methods, especially consciously being happy, relaxed, and confident in your behavior. For example, you can sit still, close your eyes, and start giving yourself instructions: "Relax your head, relax your neck" until your limbs, fingers, and toes are relaxed. Use the power of consciousness to relax the whole body and maintain a state of relaxation and tranquility. When your body relaxes, your anxiety slowly calms down.

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