
Chaplin cold knowledge 11, this ending smile I see once crying

author:Han Zhou reads


Chaplin cold knowledge 11, this ending smile I see once crying


Obviously, you can rely on your appearance,

But it depends on talent,

Chaplin is talking.

You think he looks like this:

Chaplin cold knowledge 11, this ending smile I see once crying

In fact, he looks like this (handsome photo)

Chaplin cold knowledge 11, this ending smile I see once crying


Celebrities love to be friends with Chaplin,

Mei Lanfang is a close friend,

Einstein attended the premiere of Chaplin's films,

Not because he's famous,

Instead, he made films to speak for the poor masses.

Chaplin cold knowledge 11, this ending smile I see once crying


Chaplin loved to satirize the capitalists,

As a result, he was permanently expelled by the United States,

But 20 years later, the United States punched itself in the face,

Ask him to come back and receive the Oscars.

Chaplin cold knowledge 11, this ending smile I see once crying


Chaplin doesn't need talent to play a tramp,

1-year-old parents divorced,

Entered an orphanage at the age of 7,

13-year-old mother is insane,

Chaplin can only wander,

Until I entered the troupe to work.

Chaplin cold knowledge 11, this ending smile I see once crying


Chaplin only has one suit for the show,

Once stinked caused the actress to protest,

But I like Chinese clothes very much,

I used to buy 60 dozen silk shirts in Shanghai.

Chaplin cold knowledge 11, this ending smile I see once crying


Chaplin made the film too hard,

The 20-minute short film is 1.5 times the length of Mount Everest,

Remake 700 times on the rope,

The adoption rate of complete copies is less than 1%.

Chaplin cold knowledge 11, this ending smile I see once crying


Electric drill eating corn is not an internet celebrity original,

First from Chaplin's modern era,

But influencers are for traffic,

And Chaplin is a satire of sweatshops.

Chaplin cold knowledge 11, this ending smile I see once crying


Chaplin hated war the most,

"From the Army" satirizes the First World War,

"The Great Dictator" satirizes World War II,

Because it is always the common people who suffer from war.

Chaplin cold knowledge 11, this ending smile I see once crying


Hitler was a chaplin fan,

Both keep the same "sanitary beard".

Chaplin Shan never looked down on Hitler,

Also said in public:

"It was Hitler who copied me."


Chaplin was not Jewish,

But it was on Hitler's death list.

Chaplin cold knowledge 11, this ending smile I see once crying


Chaplin's childhood was tragic,

After becoming famous, he was ostracized by the capitalists,

But he never regretted it,

At the age of 70, I realized,

When I really started to love myself,

just to know, alive,

It's not to go against your heart.


Chaplin cold knowledge 11, this ending smile I see once crying

This ending smile I watched cry once at a time.

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