
#Beauty without Boundaries ##VOGUE March #What is the "standard" of beauty? "Beauty" is not exclusive to people who look or sound different, in fact it has always belonged to everyone

author:Vogue Fashion & Beauty

#Beauty without Boundaries # #VOGUE March# What is the "standard" of beauty? "Beauty" is not exclusive to people who look or sound different, in fact it has always belonged to everyone. This issue of "Costume and Beauty VOGUE" invited supermodels Ma Yanli and He Cong, a post-70s, a post-95, they never equated "beauty" with the outside, or as a stereotype, but as a spiritual level of longing, calmness and self-confidence; and Niu Yu, who was injured in the Wenchuan earthquake, regarded "small steel legs" as a medal he obtained after suffering; and Xu Ruoxin, who was in his early twenties, boldly exposed her thinking about "obesity" in her graduation work, thoroughly dissected herself, and stripped away evaluation, injury and pain. Leave behind the power of beauty, warmth, and confidence. Beauty is not single, but pluralistic, the four cover women have different ages, different identities, different bodies, but they are also recognizing themselves and showing their unique beauty. It also inspires each of us to be open in our daily lives and embrace our colorful world.

Photo by Nick Yang

Styling: Audrey Hu

#Beauty without Boundaries ##VOGUE March #What is the "standard" of beauty? "Beauty" is not exclusive to people who look or sound different, in fact it has always belonged to everyone

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