
Why does Tesla look down on India? The data tells everything, and India still has to rely on China

Something happened recently that made India a particularly faceless country. Since the beginning of 2019, India has been inviting Musk, the big boss of Tesla, to India to build a factory for them, and then produce electric vehicles, but Musk's reply to India is the same every year, I must go next year, and then we saw January 16, 2022, India came out again to invite Musk to build a factory in India, and said that he would provide Musk with all the necessary help, but the answer they got was still to go next year.

Why does Tesla look down on India? The data tells everything, and India still has to rely on China

Musk, can he change the reason, this is also too perfunctory, to know that Indians are very strong, you always say that I will go next year, it is better to directly refuse to others, you hurt India's self-esteem, you Tesla in cooperation with China, obviously you took the initiative to find the door, how to India to invite every year not to come, but also answered so perfunctorily.

So when it comes to India's many years of unsuccessful invitations to Tesla to copy and appreciate, I have to say a few more points about this matter. The first point is that India is really too arrogant to weigh his true strength. In India, he always felt that he had a big market and had a tough and arrogant attitude towards others. If you want to sell things in India, you have to get India to build factories first, but the problem is that although india has a lot of people of 1.3 billion, you can only say that you are a potential market, in fact, there is not so much spending power. Let's take the sale of cars as an example, in 2021, the BBA sold a total of 33,000 cars in India, in contrast, you see the BBA sold 2.3 million in China, less than a fraction of ours.

In 2022, India's total sales of vehicles is 2.4 million, how many new energy vehicles, 5,000 ah, and in the 2.4 million vehicles sold, most of them are tens of thousands of cheap cars, compared with China's new energy vehicle sales that are millions, not a level at all.

Why does Tesla look down on India? The data tells everything, and India still has to rely on China

Tesla sales in China a month can catch up with 50,000 vehicles, in addition to the consumer side, there are many problems in the production side of India, India is the lack of some supporting electric vehicle production, there is a special lack of charging piles in India, India this country is originally short of electricity, you not to mention the charging pile, summed up is the consumption capacity and production of supporting problems.

Even if others go with money and technology, you build a factory there to invest in production, you have to think more about whether you have to lose money.

So Musk's attitude is understandable, although Indians always like to show off their country's GDP, in fact, their GDP did reach $2.88 trillion in 2019, ranking fifth in the world.

Why does Tesla look down on India? The data tells everything, and India still has to rely on China

In front of the United States, Japan, Germany, the data looks good, but you have to know that India's per capita GDP is only about 2,000 US dollars, which is far less than the world average, and even his neighbor Bangladesh can not catch up, and India's infrastructure construction is relatively poor, defense spending is too large, every year to spend a lot of money to buy other people's weapons, a lot of them are some of the elimination.

Many countries in the West regard India as a wronged head, all of the above have greatly slowed down India's economic development, India is a big developing country, he has accumulated a lot of wealth in the past 10 years, in fact, but they do not have a high-standard highway in their country, and even say that you can see Indians on TV taking trains, and hanging tickets, so you talk about what consumption power, what do you take to buy cars, and electric vehicles, so the power is just a dream, This is also why Tesla took the initiative to come to Shanghai, China for cooperation, and even did not need us to ask Musk to come by himself.

However, in India, Musk has made them eat behind closed doors.

Why does Tesla look down on India? The data tells everything, and India still has to rely on China

The second point, I want to say is that India he is completely concerned about selling himself, he did not stand in the perspective of the other side of the customer to think about the problem, it could have let Tesla come to the Indian market to test the waters, you first sell to see if our market is good, how the sales are, and then you decide according to the results whether to come to our India to build a factory, and Musk did ask India at the beginning to let go of the market first, but India did not agree, saying that you must first come to my India to build a factory.

For electric vehicles that sell for less than $40,000 from abroad, India will also impose a 60% tariff on it, and a 100% tariff on more than $40,000.

Until October last year, India's minister of transport also came out and threatened not to allow the Indian market to sell Chinese-made electric vehicles, just like I said above that India is too unclear about the situation, you yourself at most just have market potential, it has been stuck on the potential, so far, your consumption capacity and production support are not good, who dares to go to you to build a factory that is not waiting to lose money?

And you have always stressed that others have to build factories before they can sell things, which is the same as buying fruit, others want to taste first and then buy, but India first let you pay money, buy yourself home to taste, this is obviously not confident in yourself, just because the Indian market is not good, the consumption power is not good, you like Ford, General Motors, Harley, etc., mobile cars have now all withdrawn from India, especially Ford, it has lost 20 consecutive years in India, it would rather lose another 2 billion US dollars, rather than stay in India.

Why does Tesla look down on India? The data tells everything, and India still has to rely on China

The third point is that India is too pompous and dreams of being a big country every day, but the reality is that they are dragging their legs. One of the characteristics of India is that it has always wanted to be the center of the world, and it is too strong. Now that the new energy vehicle has not yet come to his place to build a factory, he seems to have imagined that he wants to become the manufacturing center of the world's electric vehicles, and said that India wants to build Ludhiana into the center of the world's electric vehicle and battery industry.

I remember reading a news before, that when Japan went to India to build high-speed rail, just after signing the contract, India could not contain its joy, and then came out and shouted that it would become a high-speed rail center in the world, and it would also export to Europe and the United States, and it would also restrict exports to China.

Now India even land acquisition is difficult, you land acquisition is not solved, your high-speed rail project may have to drag on for more than ten years, and last year India also exploded their domestic aircraft carrier to test the success of this thing, as if it were the case, but then the media found that you are just a big noise, in fact, India he began to build an aircraft carrier from 09, but then it has been intermittent, stoppage and restart, restart and stop work, the result is that last year finally there is a saying.

Why does Tesla look down on India? The data tells everything, and India still has to rely on China

However, as far as some media say, in fact, their aircraft carrier is only tested by some power system propulsion systems and auxiliary equipment, it is not really said to complete the test sea on the success, because there are many important systems in it that have not had time to install, as a result, they came out early to shout success, many things are actually so, I have to say that India's pompous atmosphere is really too big, how to be so anxious, competitive too strong, can't wait to succeed, This has also made India a country that is particularly good at painting cakes.

The fourth thing I want to say is that after the Indian market, it may only stay at the level of potential, and everyone has not found that when foreign capital wants to build a factory in India, India follows you like a licking dog and chases you to run to build a factory there. Well, when you are built and put into production, at this time India may change its face, and it will levy various taxes and fees when it comes out, and even say that some fines will be imposed. If he can't find any reasonable reason to fine, he will probably just ask you for money. Of course, its reason is also very simple, just say that you have made so much money in my Indian market, how can you not follow some of us?

This routine is actually not strange to us at all, let's say that recently India has conducted a thorough investigation of Chinese enterprises, tax evasion behavior, in fact, to a large extent also want to take the opportunity to fish for some oil and water, India this country is actually quite interesting, you see he always thinks of comparing with China, always thinking of surpassing China, but the reality is that it is in the manufacturing industry by China to throw 10.8 million and eighteen thousand miles, although there are many Indians, but it can only be said that it has a great potential, until so far he has not been able to play the potential, And it is likely that it will remain at the level of potential in the future. Why? Because the door to international industrialization is slowly closing, so many people in India cannot immediately acquire spending power if they are all converted into productivity.

Why does Tesla look down on India? The data tells everything, and India still has to rely on China

Then the large population will no longer become an advantage for it, but will become its heavy burden, even a disaster. Especially under the influence of the Indian caste system, and the gap between rich and poor is particularly large, there are many slums in India, and in the past two years, there are also the catalysts of the new crown epidemic, which will cause some unstable factors in India, and even affect the economic development.

India is like a child who wants to take the college entrance examination, has been praised by the teacher as very smart, he himself always says that he is very smart, but this test score is always failed, and then may be the college entrance examination tomorrow, but you how to emphasize their own intelligence, but there is no practical result and what is the use, and China seems to have been someone else's child, the results have been very excellent, but India it has been unconvinced, but its score is not able to test people, another problem is that China's rise model has made Europe and the United States feel worried, They are also very scared.

It is said that if a country like India learns from China's economic development route, develops manufacturing at the beginning, and then completes a certain amount of wealth accumulation, thus becoming a modern industrialized India. Then then there may be one more country in the world and Western developed countries to share the cake and share the benefits, this is the Western countries certainly do not want to see, so the Western countries led by the United States are now advocating new energy, nothing more than want to open up a new competitive track, and then I charge you developing countries carbon tax, I let you all talk about carbon emission reduction double carbon targets, because we know that if we want to develop industry and manufacturing, we will definitely use a lot of energy, if the United States talks about new energy, To a large extent, it will restrict the development of manufacturing in some countries that are not ready for new energy.

Why does Tesla look down on India? The data tells everything, and India still has to rely on China

Let's say that although India always drops the chain on some economic issues, it has not looked forward to comparing with China, and it has said that it wants to resist Chinese manufacturing, to be self-reliant, and to develop its own manufacturing industry, but they are physical and honest, and they have not bought less Chinese things in the past. India has seen a significant increase in both total trade and imports and exports to China in 2021, especially in trade, which is a sharp increase, and can even be said to have reached a milestone.

The bilateral trade volume between China and India has exceeded $100 billion, and India's central bank has also focused its attention on the renminbi, the central bank of India has set the ratio of their currency to the renminbi at 11.5:1, if there is a deviation, then India's central bank will intervene, and finally I want to say that India is really eager to make quick gains, eager to become a big country tomorrow, and he has always wanted to enter the five permanents, but some things are not just shouted slogans, pragmatic. I think what India needs most now is to calm down-to-earth, and no big country is shouting it out with its mouth.

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