
About 250 million people in China have hair loss, don't believe the rumors! Correct methods to prevent hair loss and introduction of medications

A lot of hair loss at a young age, before the age of 50 to give up, this is a lot of friends for hair loss distress, but please believe, for this kind of thing, you are not alone, according to statistics, the number of people in the mainland who are plagued by hair loss problems reached about 250 million! Not only the middle-aged and elderly, but even many post-90s and post-00s young people have also joined the army of hair loss, in the face of more and more hair loss, how can we save our hairline, prevent and treat hair loss problems? In today's popular science article, let's talk to you about hair loss.

About 250 million people in China have hair loss, don't believe the rumors! Correct methods to prevent hair loss and introduction of medications

5 common causes of hair loss

Whether it is a man or a woman, will be plagued by hair loss, with the increase of age, hair gradually less is a normal phenomenon, but some physiological health problems may also affect the health of hair, affect hair health, the main causes of hair loss, mainly the following points.

First of all, the influence of genes, there are two most common types of hair loss, called male type alopecia and female type hair loss, the main reason for male type hair loss is the excessive influence of male hormones in the body, while female type hair loss often occurs in the postpartum and menopausal stages of the body estrogen levels decline caused, women postpartum body estrogen levels recovery, hair loss problems will also be improved.

About 250 million people in China have hair loss, don't believe the rumors! Correct methods to prevent hair loss and introduction of medications

The symptoms of this hair loss also vary between men and women, women usually have overall hair loss, thinning is the case, while men may cause the hairline to recede or the middle part of the scalp hair loss is serious (baldness).

Stress is another common and important cause of hair loss. Long-term stress is an important cause of hair thinning, huge pressure may also cause a problem known as "telogen alopecia", which is a hair follicle growth cycle change, so that the growth period of hair rapidly to the telogen period of excessive hair loss problem, if the pressure is regulated and controlled, the hair may also recover, in addition to psychological pressure, some physiological pressure may also bring hair loss problems, such as surgery, fever or illness and so on.

About 250 million people in China have hair loss, don't believe the rumors! Correct methods to prevent hair loss and introduction of medications

Thyroid abnormalities can affect the thyroid gland's role in regulating metabolism, growth, and many body functions. If your thyroid function is abnormal, it can also cause hair loss, in addition to thyroid abnormalities, some other endocrine abnormalities can also cause hair loss problems.

If we can't get the relevant nutrients, it will also affect the healthy growth of hair, resulting in hair loss problems, which mainly include protein, iron, vitamin D and so on.

Post-pull hairstyles can also affect the health of the hair, if the comb is too tight ponytail or other hairstyles, so that the hair is subjected to increased tension, it will also be the hair in the tightest area of thinning, there is a 2018 article published by the American Academy of Dermatology pointed out that by relaxing the hairstyle for 2 to 3 months, it can help prevent hair damage and hair loss.

About 250 million people in China have hair loss, don't believe the rumors! Correct methods to prevent hair loss and introduction of medications

Many methods of preventing and treating hair loss are unreliable

For hair loss problems, early prevention and active treatment of the combination of conditions are very necessary, but in the face of a huge group of hair loss, many businesses in order to make profits, but also launched a lot of unreliable improvement methods, and the folk also circulated a variety of folk remedies and anti-shedding tips, but in fact, these methods, there are many methods are not reliable, if unreasonable application, may also cause further damage to hair, hair follicles, it is really not worth the loss.

Eat more than a certain food (such as black sesame, walnuts, etc.) to prevent and treat hair loss, most of them are unreliable, such as folk rumors that eating more black sesame seeds can improve hair loss, black sesame seeds are indeed rich in nutrients, many friends think that they can complement the shape, but in fact, a balanced diet can help prevent hair loss, but relying on eating more black sesame seeds alone usually does not improve the purpose of hair loss.

About 250 million people in China have hair loss, don't believe the rumors! Correct methods to prevent hair loss and introduction of medications

Rubbing your hair with ginger, washing your hair with beer, adding an aspirin to your hair, and using "topical" methods such as anti-shedding shampoo are also unreliable, and there is no evidence that these methods can really help improve hair follicle health and promote hair growth.

Exfoliating care is a kind of sales gimmick for many hairdressers, the price is not cheap, and it is also under the banner of preventing the improvement of hair loss, but in fact, exfoliation can not help to improve the hair loss problem, under normal circumstances, often washing hair can achieve the role of exfoliation, without deliberately doing special "care".

Prevention improves hair loss in lifestyle conditioning

What is the right way to improve the treatment of hair loss? Let's first talk about the precautions of life conditioning.

Learn to relieve stress. This can help prevent and improve the problems of telogen hair loss, alopecia areata, and some experts pointed out that any type of hair loss patients can actively strengthen exercise, maintain adequate sleep, self-care through meditation, yoga and other activities, and minimize the impact of stress on hair loss from all aspects.

Do a good job of scalp health care. Developing the habit of massaging the scalp every day and promoting blood circulation in the skin of the head is a good way to nourish hair follicles, while in daily life, washing hair regularly (no less than 3 times a week), avoiding excessive pulling effects, trying to use less heat styling tools, etc., is also an important way to reduce hair damage, protect hair health, and prevent hair loss.

About 250 million people in China have hair loss, don't believe the rumors! Correct methods to prevent hair loss and introduction of medications

With a good diet, reasonable supplementation of nutrition. Although some dietary remedies, relying on eating more than one kind of food can not effectively improve hair loss, but a reasonable and balanced combination of nutrition for hair growth to provide adequate nutrition, is also very important, high-quality protein, vitamin D, iron, zinc and other nutrients, are closely related to hair health, if it is really impossible to supplement the relevant nutritionally adequate friends through diet, you can also consider a reasonable choice of dietary supplements to supplement.

Medications for the treatment of hair loss

For the treatment of hair loss drugs, we must not trust the false propaganda of some health care products, eat health care products to treat hair loss, from the current related drugs, in the treatment of hair loss, the most common drugs are only two, one is called minoxidil, one is called finasteride, many so-called health care products for the treatment of hair loss, there may be illegal addition of these two drugs, the quality is not guaranteed, often the price is particularly high, it is really not as good as choosing a regular medical institution, prescribing drugs to treat hair loss is more reliable.

About 250 million people in China have hair loss, don't believe the rumors! Correct methods to prevent hair loss and introduction of medications

Minoxidil is a kind of topical medicine, mainly by dilating local blood vessels, improving hair follicle blood flow, so as to achieve the effect of prolonging the long term of head generation, and then stimulating hair growth, this drug by prolonging the growth period of hair, stimulating hair loss during the rest period, stimulating new hair growth and playing a role, therefore, in the initial stage of use, there may be more cases of hair loss, but after long-term use, it will play a certain role in improving hair loss.

Finasteride is an anti-androgen drug for the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia in men, mainly used for the improvement of male pattern hair loss problems, this drug can prevent testosterone from converting to dihydrotestosterone, which in turn reduces its level, prevents the damage caused by the combination of this hormone with hair follicles, thereby improving male alopecia and protecting existing hair, usually in women of childbearing age who are banned from the drug.

All in all, if you want to improve the hair loss problem through treatment, you should still go to a professional and formal medical institution, and after the doctor combines the situation, prescribe a prescription for treatment, and should not take indiscriminate drugs, so as not to bring unnecessary health and safety problems.

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