
Bad words are not innate, And Jiao revealed her childhood experiences, and was mistreated by her uncle in many places

author:Gossip little genius wow

In the eyes of most people, stars are bright and beautiful, their appearance is beautiful and sought after, and the income brought by a casual play or a song is a figure that is difficult for ordinary people to achieve, so it is often ignored that they have been and worked hard for it. As the saying goes, giving and returning are not necessarily proportional, but behind success is sweat and tears.

Bad words are not innate, And Jiao revealed her childhood experiences, and was mistreated by her uncle in many places

Just like Jackie Chan and Jet Li, the reason why they became superstars, it was all about acting, what high-rise buildings were running fast, or all kinds of explosion scenes, in their two movies, it was everywhere, just to present the best picture effect for everyone, which also led to everyone only seeing the wonderful things when watching the play, but ignoring the hardships behind it.

Bad words are not innate, And Jiao revealed her childhood experiences, and was mistreated by her uncle in many places

There are many ways to hide hardships in the entertainment industry, some people choose to smile, some people will bury these in the deepest part of their hearts, if they don't say it themselves, then no one will know, such as the gillian to be said below.

Bad words are not innate, And Jiao revealed her childhood experiences, and was mistreated by her uncle in many places

In the eyes of most people, she is a relatively introverted person, or a star who is not very emotionally smooth, but no one has ever been effective. Recently, Gillian said the secret buried in her heart for many years, it turned out that her childhood was not happy, her father left when she was very young, and the young mother had to work, so Gillian lived a life from a very young age to foster care, which also made her childhood have no friends.

Bad words are not innate, And Jiao revealed her childhood experiences, and was mistreated by her uncle in many places

Because frequent moving places means that she has to constantly transfer schools, but what is more rare than this is that she is fostered in many places, and she is not treated kindly, some people will hit her head, even her uncle is not kind, so Ajiao's childhood can be said to have been spent in mistreatment, which also makes her develop an introverted personality that is not good at words, so that she will not laugh much when she grows up.

Bad words are not innate, And Jiao revealed her childhood experiences, and was mistreated by her uncle in many places

Hearing this, the little genius suddenly thought of Ma Tianyu who was tyrannified by the Internet a few days ago because of his voice for Liu Xuezhou, his childhood was also not perfect, I remember that he said when he participated in "Youth Tour 3", he very much wanted to say these things in an easy way, but we have to know that this is not easy, just like Yang Yang cried red eyes after listening, these things, no matter who it is placed on, will become very difficult.

Bad words are not innate, And Jiao revealed her childhood experiences, and was mistreated by her uncle in many places

Therefore, bad words are not innate, and the disappearance of smiles is not voluntary, but only because of the difference in experience, they have different personalities, and at the same time, it is their own experience that they will not hesitate to stand up for people who have the same experience.

And what we can do is not to know the whole picture, do not comment, just the so-called no suffering of others, do not persuade others to be good, we are not them, can not do empathy, so that can do is not to hurt anymore.

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